"It warns so many times in the Bible of wolves in sheep's clothing."
-- Ashley Fisher, alleged victim of Sammy Nuckolls
WMC-TV >> Alleged victim of convicted video voyeur speaks out
Side note: For all of you looking for "Eddie Struble" I think this is what you're looking for.
And this: Eddie Struble information
I found Ashley's comments about forgiveness to be so true. When I found out about my husband's abuse of our daughter, I struggled to forgive him. I find that I have to continually make the choice to, as Ashley put it, live in that forgiveness. It's almost like I sometimes try to take back my forgiveness, so I have to constantly keep reaffirming my forgiveness. I agree with them speaking out, too, though. Forgiving this man does not excuse his actions or release him from any consequences for those actions.
But Steve Gaines says to just cover that sin.....
Now I feel safe.
Marie, I am so sorry you have had to endure this suffering. I promise I will keep you in my prayers. This makes me all the more desire to hear the trumpet sound; we will be raptured into glory and behold our LORD, Who will wipe away all tears from our eyes and we will be with Him forever.
Did anyone happened to notice the missing Deputies directing traffic around Bellevue?
Wondered what happened?
If they were missing how did they direct traffic?
In answer to your question, yes, but it's only a rumor at this point, so no comment.
Wow. Could this explain the exponential increase in blog hits looking for this subject that began 3 years ago and has continued to the present? This should be of interest to anyone who attended Bellevue, Idlewild Baptist in Tampa, Second Baptist in Houston, or Humble Area First Baptist (near Houston) at various times in the past 25 years or so. Also, anyone who had children enrolled in HITS Theatre in Houston or Briarcrest Christian School (if this is accurate). The subject is now living near Fort Worth.
If there weren't merit to this story the "Watch Keep" blogger would have been sued by now. (I've seen the unredacted police reports, and to say the least, I'm disgusted!) What I would like to know is what made this all seem to suddenly go away.
Eddie Struble Sings Midnight Cry at Bellevue.
Then there's the other "S" guy who used to be at Bellevue who exhibited "inappropriate" behavior around teenage boys. Sheesh! Is there no end to the pervert parade?
Thank you New BBC Open Forum for bringing attention to this serious concern mentioned above. Predators need secrecy to harm kids and the light of knowledge and truth is our most important tool to protect kids.
It takes great courage for victims to come forward but remaining silent only hurts.
We hope that anyone who has seen, suffered or suspected child sex crimes will call the police right away, get help, start healing and protect others.
Amy Smith
Houston leader
For all those looking for Jamie Parker, he's here now.
Has Jamie moved around a bit since he left Bellevue? I thought he went to Dyersburg then another church in the Mid-South, now Georgia.
It would seem so. He did go to Dyersburg after SG "encouraged" him to seek other employment. He was there a little over a year. Then he went to Ronnie Floyd's Cross Church Springdale, AR campus where he's been for around 17 months. This was his last Sunday leading worship there. Now he's at Bayside Baptist in Harrison, TN, a suburb of Chattanooga (not in Georgia). Tomorrow (June 3rd) is his first Sunday there, and it will be live-streamed here at 10:15 a.m. EDT.
Why exactly would anyone come to a thread about this topic looking for information about Jamie Parker? His name has never been mentioned in connection with any perversion.
Anony 9:00 a.m.,
Of course Jamie's name has never been mentioned in that context, and that was not the intent when I posted that comment here. We're getting a lot of hits looking for Jamie Parker, and I put that information here because this is the latest thread and not everyone arrives through a search engine. Since the most recent thread is where many readers land initially I put that comment here as well as in the comment stream for the old Jamie Parker article. There's nothing more to it than that, and no connection to Sammy Nuckolls, ES, or any sort of perversion was implied.
Have any of these predators ever been incarcerated for their offenses ? Seems they are let go too easily and they are free to roam to do as they please at their next pit stops. Fool us once, same on them. Fool us twice, three times, four times, etc shame on us.
Perhaps they should have the predators pictures on the sides of communion cups or on the back of bulletins and newsletters so to easily recognize them like the pictures of the missing on milk cartons. Have their pictures in the lobby of the churches with description of their offense like the post office have with f.b.i. most wanted. Seems that keeping track of them on blogs isnt that effective.
Does anyone know
James Brandon Pearraw ?
Did he have a connection to
Bellevue Baptist church ?
Apparently he died
"the result of a drug deal gone bad"
Does anyone know if Steve was hoping to become president of the SBC? Just wondering. It seems that he is always wanting to be in the spotlight, (truly not meaning this to be harsh).
I don't know if Steve had any aspirations in that regard. There was some buzz when he first came to Bellevue that he was on that track, but I think Paul Williams pretty much derailed that train.
There have been other issues as well. Many have left Bellevue as a result.
Sandusky GUILTY on 45 counts!
Too bad he didn't work for a
Southern Baptist Church like
where his sins would have been
"covered" and he would be walking like Paul Williams.
Looks like prosecutors will be looking for others in the coverup,
Fox news:
"Investigators are mulling whether to bring charges against former Penn State president Graham Spanier for possibly helping to cover up child abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky,"
That would be like going after those who knew what had happened at Bellevue, like Jamie Fish, David Coombs, Steve Gaines, and anyone else in the loop?
But then that will never happen because Christians always taught to forgive and not tell authorities thus letting the perpetrator move on.
That would be like going after those who knew what had happened at Bellevue, like Jamie Fish, David Coombs, Steve Gaines, and anyone else in the loop?
Isn't it considered slander to say David Coombs had knowledge beforehand?
Steve preached a sermon on
God Judging America
reminds you of the rev wright sermon
so Steve wants to blame the sinful actions of "god's" people, for the catastrophes of the last 12 years (and 9/11?) on them.
But lo and behold one of the anointed paid staff persons stepped out of a moving golf cart at the picnic/fireworks event and injured his knee (though he was walking on water?)
A prayer request went out over the speaker system for people to pray for their beloved injured person.
Now that must have been the attack of satan.
PS: the injured was the church's director of communications, Jim Barnwell.
As Steve Gaines would say...
When you preach like this anything can happen.
Vigilance is imperative: There's a Jerry Sandusky in every town
Jerry Sandusky guilty: Justice for victims and an end to silence
Bellevue Baptist is now reaping the Arrogance that Steve Gaines has been
sowing the for the last 7 years.
The harvest is coming....
Bellevue Baptist is now reaping the Arrogance that Steve Gaines has been sowing at Bellevue Baptist church the for the last 7 years.
The harvest is coming....
Who needs prayer when you have the best money can buy, a blood sucking pastor,
Oh well, let's give it a try.
(remember when reading this that none of the pastors children do any volunteering, they have been and are being paid for anything they do - thus setting the atmosphere in the church)
"Lord of the Harvest"
Father! You are our Abba, our Papa God, who loves us from everlasting to everlasting. You are sovereign over all things, all-knowing, all-wise concerning everything with which we have to do. There is none like you! You see the end from the beginning; therefore, You are never taken by surprise! All things are under Your control.
As our Creator, You designed each of us according to Your plans and purposes for our lives. You knew we would be serving in our various capacities and a Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider, You are the Source for our every need. You know those of us who are timid and need encouragement, those of us who are fearful and need reassurance. Thank You that You are our Refuge in Whom we can hide, our Fortress for protection from the enemy who seeks to destroy us, our Strong Tower, from Whom we can look down on the destruction of those who seek to destroy our faith, steal our peace, and kill our jou. You, indeed are the Guardian of our souls.
Lord, we need workers (unpaid ones) desperately!
We Stand here surrounded by these little ones whom You love and about whom You said, 'If anyone offended ones who believe in ME (?), it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he (or she) were drowned in the depth of the sea!'
We called for help to the crowds (?), but none seem to hear.
We don't know what to do; but our eyes are upon You (SG more like it). You are our never-failing God of all grace, Giver of every good gift, Who sees our every need and hears our every cry. We come to you as the Lord of the Harvest, for You have commanded us to pray to You concerning our need for workers (unpaid ones) and You will send laborers into Your harvest! (? should be Steve Gaines' harvest)
You know the need, You are the Source, You promised to hear when we call, and we thank You in advance for what You are going to do. Help us to be quiet before You, hear Your Word , obey wholeheartedly, and rejoice over every person You send to our part of Your field. You, O Lord, are totally adequate for every need in every situation!
We bless You, we praise You, we glorify Your glorious Name!
Let me guess. Staff newsletter? Mass mailing to Sunday School workers? Was Ms. Higgy recruited to write that?
We Stand here surrounded by these little ones whom You love and about whom You said, 'If anyone offended ones who believe in ME (?), it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he (or she) were drowned in the depth of the sea!'
That's a direct quote? Wow. They're not just desperate. If that's for real they've gone off the deep end.
Penn State investigation was done by an outsider, the former FBI Chief.
The telling part of the investigation was an event that happened in 2000:
"The janitor who observed it says it's the worst thing he ever saw," Freeh said, outlining the explosive findings of his 267-page review, which found a complete failure of the university leadership to stop Sandusky.
"He's a Korean War veteran. … He spoke to the other janitors. They were awed and shocked by it. But, what did they do? They said they can't report this because they'd be fired. They were afraid to take on the football program. They said the university would circle around it. It was like going against the president of United States.
If that's the culture on the bottom, God help the culture at the top."
Unlike the Bellevue Baptist Church investigation of the Paul Williams scandal that was handled by an insider David Coombs, better yet, a soon to be the most powerful man or second to SG,(depending on interpretation) on the Bellevue payroll.
David Coombs even said that the interviewing was difficult because many of the people were long-time "friends."
And that they did not interview everyone (because the witnesses wanted others present during their interview, and David Coombs would not allow that), thus David Coombs said that their testimony was not needed.
All this goes to show that Bellevue never had a true "independent investigation." Rather in the spirit of the old Penn State, they played the charade of an investigation in an attempt to diffuse negative publicity.
Remember one of the qualification of a deacon (and thus any paid Staff) at Bellevue Baptist Church:
"He should be able to have and to maintain the reputation of keeping in confidence those things which should not be discussed openly."
And these leaders are still in charge of the declining church.
King Steve is on yet another vacation. He just returned from New Orleans SBC convention (which is almost like a vacation). Now he is gone again; he was not there last Sunday (July 8) and he will not be there July 15. And of course he never preaches on Wedneday night, citing that he has other things to do. Gee, I wish I could tell my boss I can't work on Wednesday because I have something else to do. There is a guest prescher July 15 who will get a large amount. Usually when Steve goes on a trip, he preaches on the way down and on the way up, receiving a tidy sum, so his vacation costs him virtually nothing. In September or October he will go to Cambodia and Vietnam. Seems like he stays away from the pulpit as much as possible.
Vacation? They just put this sweet video up saying:
I look forward seeing you this Sunday?
When he'll really act like this:
Is this Steve Gaines' response to his part of the handling of the Paul Williams affair?
Pastor Steve Gaines new Twitter post:
"When faced with the option of either forgiving and getting better
or holding a grudge and getting bitter, always choose to forgive."
In the Freeh report on the Penn State affair, he concluded that Penn State's
"Culture of Reverence" Led to 'Total Disregard' for Children.
Is someone using biblical speak as a smokescreen to cover up their own disregard for the protection of children from predators?
One's own conscience (if there is one left) is the greatest accuser.
We will never know the extent of the concealment of PW's activities
because Bellevue never had a independent investigation. The "Investigation" charade
was performed by the Bellevue businessman/insider/hatchet-man who knows everything
(David Coombs) and a church lawyer.
No outside attorney was allowed at any meetings to represent the victims or witnesses.
They even convinced the Shelby County District Attorney (Bill Gibbons), not to get involved,
even though Bill touts himself as one cracking down on child abuse.
A Bartlet father is in jail tonight for raping his child,
but Southern Baptist Ministers still walk free due this
"always choose to forgive" which is the "Culture of Reverence" in the halls of Bellevue Baptist Church that protects predators.
Find this Love Worth Finding message "Leadership Crisis In America".
Adrian Rogers said in this sermon, just like a surgeon, no matter how skilled or educated, if he doesn't wash his hands before operating , he will contaminate his patient. So a leader, who lacks character, will contaminate his followers.
If it wasn't for Donna and the Dodd's family, Steve wouldn't even be on the radar
(just like that dwindling free for all 11:00 service headed by Ryan Wingo).
Enjoy you Vacation.
Alexis said...
"There is a guest preacher July 15 who will get a large amount."
That would be Donald S. Whitney from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where Grant Gaines attended and son in law, Gentry Hill is now attending, along with his wife Alli Gaines Hill, who has cushy job as a secretary there.
Donald's web site
with instructions of how to take care of a visiting speaker:
Ten Questions to Ask to Treat a Guest Speaker Well
Those with little experience hosting guest speakers may be unaware of some of the courtesies their guests will appreciate. Because of my frequent travels as a guest speaker, I'm sometimes asked for tips on showing hospitality to other visiting speakers. Answering these questions will help you excel in this sort of hospitality.
1. If your guest is flying, have you asked whether he'd prefer for you to book the tickets or to make his own flight reservations?
We prefer to make Don’s reservations on this end. When it’s time to make the reservations, we will check for the best-priced flights that will allow Don to fulfill his seminary responsibilities for that day (if any) as well as arrive in time for the event. Following your approval of the flight information we provide, we will then book the tickets. After supplying you with confirmation of the cost and itinerary, we appreciate immediate reimbursement.
2. Have you reimbursed your speaker for all travel expenses, including incidental ones?
3. If you intend to give your guest an honorarium, have you arranged to do so before he leaves?
Those who host guest speakers like Don should consider an honorarium that reflects (1) the speaker’s preparation, (2) the number of times you have asked him to speak, (3) the rigors and stresses of the travel required to reach you, and (4) the total number of hours (frequently fifty to sixty) required away from his family, home, and other responsibilities in order to be at your disposal.
When these things are taken into consideration, churches have averaged $150 to $300 for preaching once on Sunday morning (more if a class or additional service is involved), $500 to $1000 for a one-day event, $750 to $1500 for a two-day event, and $1000 and above for a Friday night through Sunday morning event.
Again, these are only guidelines.
4. Are you prepared to offer several restaurant options?
5. If meals will be served in homes, have you asked about preferences, food allergies, etc.?
6. Have you asked about when he'd prefer to eat?
Generally Don is a “meat and potatoes” guy. He does not care for fish, seafood, Chinese, or Asian food. He likes beef, chicken, pizza, Tex-Mex, and salad bars. He likes some Italian food, but less than most. He would not mind if pickles and mushrooms became extinct. For breakfast he usually has just toast, oatmeal, cereal, or eggs when at home. But he will eat all the traditional American breakfast foods—cereal, eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, pancakes, bagels, muffins, fruit, etc. While a wide variety of these is by no means needful, Don does request some protein (such as eggs or meat) at breakfast when he is speaking. He really enjoys going out for specialty coffees at places like Starbucks, but at home he drinks coffee just with cream. Decaf is preferred in the evenings.
part 2
7. Have you given your guest the option of staying in a hotel instead of a home?
Unless it presents a logistical burden, Don would prefer to stay in a non-smoking room in a hotel.
8. Have you asked if he'd like to have a car made available while with you?
Don almost never needs a rental car..... he usually prefers the fellowship made possible by having someone pick him up. Often a rental car is offered out of courtesy so that he may go where he pleases during his free time. Again, he rarely needs this. When he does have free time to visit used bookstores or go to Barnes & Noble, for example, most often he prefers riding with someone who knows the area, etc.
9. Have you asked what he'd like to do during the times when he's not speaking?
His favorite activity is to spend what time is available that afternoon (usually after a nap) looking for fountain pens or going to bookstores that have coffee.
Usually only larger metro areas have pen shops. However, sometimes an old, family-owned stationers/office supply store will still have a stock of “new” fountain pens they’ve had for many years. Beyond this, flea markets and antique malls are often good sources for vintage pens. Don’s hobby is restoring and using old fountain pens.
Don always finds a trip to Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, and quality used bookstores enjoyable, and the cafes in most of them provide a pleasant place for fellowship.
10. Have you remembered those left behind?
Don loves to bring his wife Caffy and daughter Laurelen (born December, 1993), but it is not always possible.
Don is always grateful when his girls are remembered in any way. Having said all this, however, do not feel the need to address this subject in your communication with us (unless you expressly want to invite them). As said earlier, they rarely accompany Don and unless you mention it, we will assume that your invitation is for Don alone.
Don expects to have recordings available of some of the material he presents most often. These would be made obtainable on the book table in addition to or instead of (at least while Don is there) recordings made at the event.
Sure pray he will be able to see ok, I'd hate to see all that monies spent to go to waste.
Donald S. Whitney
"After putting eyedrops in, discovered that Walgreens gave me the wrong med. Never had that happen before."
Was to plead guilty but his lawyer says that the events he was charged with happened prior to the 2 year statue of limitations.
His lawyer also said
“As much as Christians are advised to forgive and not to be judgmental, the greatest criticisms come from there and I’m not saying it’s not justified,”
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