Friday, May 04, 2007

Unfinished Business

Here is the two-part motion that was on the floor when the March 25th "business" meeting was abruptly adjourned. What about either part of this motion was so objectionable that the meeting would have to be shut down?

Motion for Quarterly Business Meetings
Mr. Chairman, Bellevue leadership, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the effort you have made to have an open line of communication between yourselves and the Bellevue congregation. There are obviously many positives that will come out of this openness between the leadership and the congregation of Bellevue. With that said I move to begin having quarterly business meetings on any Sunday night of the last month of each quarter.
Motion on the Sexual Integrity of Ministers
I move that Bellevue Baptist Church affirm and adopt as its own, the June 2002 resolution of the Southern Baptist Convention entitled On The Sexual Integrity Of Ministers, as stated below, and the scriptural basis upon which the resolution stands.

Watch the proceedings.
Remember to sign the Petition to Call Bellevue Baptist Church into an Open Business Meeting and forward the link to your fellow Bellevue members.


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New BBC Open Forum said...

Ms. Tapp, you are so delusional I don't even know where to start! Please take it elsewhere! Or shall I share some more of your "personal" correspondence? Hmmm?

Some of you newer readers might want to go to the December archives and check out the topic entitled "A Bellevue Grandma Weighs In."

David Brown said...

SeekingHISwill?/Ms. Tapp: Once again you are wrong about me. You give me too much credit. I am not a prosecutor. I have no powers to arrest or charge anyone. I only report them when I become aware of them. In this particualr matter I was NOT the first one to report it. I should not be given that credit. I still have my letter from DCS confirming that. I do commend that person for doing the proper thing right away. I bet that person wasn't in uncharted waters.

But you mention the minister and his wife by name as if that is supposed to mean something to someone. Have you not heard or read of this victim's wishes in this matter? Yet you chose to ignore him, how hurtful. Shame on you.

Trust me I would love to see every pedophile in jail and the key thrown away. They have a way of treating pedophiles in prison that is not nice. The problem is our laws are out of date and stacked against the victims. In time that is going to change too. We made some effort with the legislature this past year.

As for Brother Steve, you are right, time will tell. And I think rather sooner than some may realize.

I do not desire nor want to start exchanging email with you like the ones I received last year from you. It is not necessary and you are not going to change my opinion so please don't start. I will continue to speak out against this horrible crime. If it offends you that I am taking your pastor to task for his lame excuses, don't listen or better yet as you suggest, go somewhere else.

Please in the future restrain yourself in mentioning this victim or his family by name, PLEASE?

David Brown

sickofthelies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

seekhiswill/Ms. Tapp said....

I will give Karen pleasure for a brief moment regarding the 6 months of haboring a child molestor: Were you in the office with _____________ when Brother Steve was given their take on the past abuse? If Brother Steve broke the law do you not think that he would be facing a judge? If David Brown could have, he would have had charges brought against the man who you and some of your buddies are out to destroy.

Ms. Tapp,

I've shared with you my abuse story and for you to say I take pleasure in recounting a fellow abuse victim's story is an all time low for you. I asked you to get specific about what you perceive to be lies we are spreading about Steve Gaines and you cannot do it. Please keep my name out of your mouth and off your keyboard. I want no further contact with you. You've reached the end with me.

Unknown said...

With regard to Ken Whitten being on GBC's short list - it's true that his church is/was in a building program and the church is in debt?

Hey, do you think BBC would pay off the debt and bring Ken Whitten here? We've got $30,000,000 in the reserves - BBC can afford it! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Hey, a girl can hope, can't she?

Barnabas said...

David Brown said:

"But you mention the minister and his wife by name as if that is supposed to mean something to someone. Have you not heard or read of this victim's wishes in this matter? Yet you chose to ignore him, how hurtful. Shame on you. "

Something I'm genuinely interested in. Have you sent similar rebukes to the people at IDC? In not, why not? If so, what was their response to you?

MOM4 said...

Charlie said...

I know exactly where you are coming from. However, I ALWAYS respect the OFFICE, but not always the OFFICER. There IS a difference"

I agree there is a difference, and I do apologize for offending you with my statements; however, I have stood in the office of Dr Adrian Rogers and that place is now defiled by a man who neither loves nor cares for God's sheep. It is very difficult for me to have any respect for him, the office he holds or his agenda. I am sorry if this is not to your liking, perhaps the Lord will change my heart and mind.

Bystander said...


Thank you for the invitation. I'm a happy part of another church and have attended your services before. It seemed/seems like a Spirit filled church.

I am also grieved when any member of the Body of Christ suffers. Many have suffered here for a long time. Many who hold different positions suffer too. It is clear that neither side is convincing the other side of anything.

However, we do know God wants His children plugged in to a local church family. I'm not sure it's possible to live out the Christian Faith without living 'in community' with other believers.

From the outside looking in, this situation seems irreconcilable. The same points of criticism (with which I don't disagree) get made over and over and over. Nothing changes unless it's another allegation intended to do what? Surely no one believe Steve Gaines will resign because he misquoted an illustration? But by calling attention to it, the flames of conflict continue to flicker for another few days. Is that really what Christ would want? Is that the way Christ would want us to grieve?

If Steve Gaines turns out to be as bad as so many on this blog think (and he might), he'll eventually misstep badly enough to cause his own downfall. It won't take a minority saying, "I told you so"... and the whole church will rise up.

I realize that all things are possible with God's help but there is no conversation or dialogue on this blog that moves the discussion toward reconciliation. Hence, I'm left with the impression that this becomes a place for annonymous criticism against another part of the Body of Christ.

I'm not trying to take sides-I don't have a side. I'm just trying to suggest that God would have us move toward reconciliation. And when that doesn't happen-when faithful Christians disagree and there is no convincing the other side, that it might be time to think about reconnecting to another part of the Body of Christ where one can be fed and nurtured and equipped for service for the King.

It's very difficult to find a way to make this point without raising a combative spirit among the group which is not at all my intention.

I say these things with no malice intendend. It's just disheartening to see God's children struggle.

David Brown said...

Dear Mortie: Please show me where they have used the name of this victim or his mother. Let me make this clear, I have nothing to do with IDC and I never have.

As for the name of his father being used, it was first used by Dr. Steve Gaines. I was sitting there that December morning in the 9:30 worship service when he did it. That was the very thing the victim had tried to prevent or minimize when he requested those infamous denied meetings.

How dare you to imply that I might have other motives. You certainly don't konw me or you would not suggest such. I stand on my record. I have been very clear.

I am going to give you some of Ms. Tapp's advice, if you don't like what I say, move on because I am not going anywhere and I am going to speak out against this evil crime that is ALL around us.

If that seems like harsh advice, so be it. But be in prayer with me that NOT one more child is going to be hurt. And for those that protect or make excuses for these offenders, shame on you.

David Brown

David Brown said...

Folks: I have had enough today of the kooks. I am taking off a few days.

My middle son, Kevin left for Iraq this afternoon. Last night his son, Dustin, accepted Christ at their Wednesday night service. I will be going back down to Ft. Stewart to stand in for my son at his baptism.

I am going to be spending some quite time in prayer. But for the kooks, don't worry I will be back and soon. I do love you too. I know when it is time to recharge the batteries.


David Brown

Lin said...

"mom4 said,
By the same Word, the Lord will determine if Steve Gaines is turned over for the destruction of the flesh according to scripture, the consequence for an unrepentant heart. "

Mom, You must be referring to this scripture:

Jude 4

3Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

If you exposit this teaching, it is quite shocking. God allows false teachers. They crept in...means they were among us all the time and we did not realize it and their false teaching is not all that obvious so we MUST know scripture.

Don't be fooled by the term 'sensuality' because it can refer to emotions, license as far as behavior goes, etc. But the full meaning of this verse is quite clear with all the false teaching we are seeing in churches these days.

sickofthelies said...


Godspeed to your son. Thank him for me for his bravery and his courage. I will pray for a hedge of protection for him.

Charlie Fox said...

David Brown said...

My middle son, Kevin left for Iraq this afternoon. Last night his son, Dustin, accepted Christ at their Wednesday night service. I will be going back down to Ft. Stewart to stand in for my son at his baptism.


GOD bless you, Kevin and our new brother Dustin. I pray that God will watch over Kevin and all of his fellow brave men and women!!!!!!!

sickofthelies said...

Just got back from the tanning bed....dont' want to sunburn while i am drinking my red ( non alcoholic) drink with the umbrella in it, as I wave bye bye to the pouty faces on shore.

sickofthelies said...

seeker/ms. tapp tapp tapp

Are you suggesting to us that it was not a big deal that PW sodomized his son?

Are you suggesting that it did not happen?

If it didn't happen, what was the report about on Jan. 29?

Perhaps they should have had YOU to give the report instead of David Coombs, since you seem to feel that:

1) it didn't happen

2) or if it did, so what

Unknown said...

In response to a couple of emails I've received today, I'm deleting my list about Jamie Parker. Not that I don't believe what I wrote, but I believe by leaving it up, it would sow a seed of bitterness against me and it just ain't worth it.


Barnabas said...


Why in the world did you call me a kook for asking a simple question?

You are quick to jump on some who publish the name of "the minister" as you referred to him. But it seems when others use it (as IDC has done for months) they (apparently) get a free pass.

everyneedschrist said...

Karen I would love to see a way to get Ken Whitten back to Bellevue but of course that would mean that Steve Gaines would need to do the right thing and resign and I don't think he is going to do that! If Ken does become the new pastor at GBC I expect hundreds and maybe even thousands to leave Bellevue for GBC! Wish we would have picked him instead of Steve because I doubt we would be having these problems. I think he is going to GBC though.

David Brown said...

Mortie: I have not been fussing when people us the name of the minister involved. IT IS WHEN THEY INVOKE THE NAME OF THE VICTIM OR OTHERS IN HIS FAMILY. I have always been consistent with that argument. Please go back and check your facts.

How dare you to drag me and my work into your argument with IDC.
Maybe someone from IDC will address that.

As for the kooks statement, if it smells like a chicken and tastes like a chicken then it must be a chicken. I stand by it.

Mortie please you lose this argument, just go away. There is nothing to discuss here. It is a non-issue. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I am sorry you are in the minority on this one. Today is not the time to pick on me.

I am out of here for a few days. Most of you know where I go to get my batteries recharged.

David Brown

New BBC Open Forum said...

charlie fox wrote:

"I don't want to say that Ken Whitten won't be going to GBC, but based on the following, it would be a tough decision.

"The 9,000-member Idlewild Baptist Church is building a $73 million, 400,000-square-foot building on a 143-acre lot. The church, which has a staff of 66 people including 22 pastors, is planning to move from Tampa to its new location in Lutz, at the northern edge of the Tampa area, in September."

I seem to recall Gardendale FBC was in the middle of a similar expansion in July of 2005.

Charlie Fox said...

New BBC Open Forum said...
I seem to recall Gardendale FBC was in the middle of a similar expansion in July of 2005.

REPLY: GFBC to BBC was upsizing. IBC to GBC would be downsizing.

Piglet said...


ALF reruns are on? What channel?

12:11 AM, May 10, 2007

Piglet says:

Just now catching up. We have seasons 1 thru 4 on DVD. Sorry, guess those are not technically "reruns". We were big fans before the kids came along and now they like him, too. You can borrow them from us - they're a hoot!

New BBC Open Forum said...

charlie fox wrote:

"GFBC to BBC was upsizing. IBC to GBC would be downsizing."

I'm afraid IBC to BBC would be downsizing now, too. I thought your point was that a pastor wouldn't want to leave his flock while they were in the middle of an expansion program. Guess that would depend upon one's ummm... calling.

why said...
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Piglet said...


I'm not listening...I'm not listening...

(Piglet with ears covered)

everyneedschrist said...

Why the question, I would assume if there is nothing wrong as you say then can you explain why Jim Whitmire would have moved his membership to Kirby Woods Baptist Church shortly after finishing at Bellevue?? Also I guess Joyce Rogers and her daughter would not be attending another local church if anything was wrong would they?? Also many quality staff member are just leaving for the heck of it! I love how you guys like to paint such rosy pictures!

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