Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Here and There

A Tale of Two Cities by Don Boys.

Comments by "a former pastor":

Part 1

Part 2

The Ramifications of the Corporate Mindset in the Church

The Cult of "Do Not Judge"


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upside down said...

lindon wrote: "Friends, don't be taken in. The GCM playbook always refers to asking questions they do not like or approve as 'slander, gossip and being divisive. That is how they get around answering them."

Now lindon that is just silly. I am not part of some planned conspiracy group that is working from a playbook of any kind. I'm just a person asking you a question that obviously you'd prefer not to answer.

Jford said...

Piglet said:

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger"

The author of that statement was Friedrich Nietzsche, the same man who declared "God is dead."

sickofthelies said...


Piglet was not the one that made that statement, it was me.

I will take your word for it as to its' origin, however, I did NOT say that God was dead.

There is much truth in " that which does not kill us makes us stronger."

Do you disagree with the statement?

allofgrace said...

Neitzche was also a big proponent of "free will".

Lin said...

JMO: You are the master of spin. You take lessons from Paul Begalla or Terry McAuliffe?

You have managed to take everthing I have written and spin it to reflect the opposite. And I won't bother to go through it point by point...the readers here are sharp enough to see it. Even without PhD's.

But I have had enough spin. The facts that are important are still glaringly obvious: You have a pastor who ignores scriptural commands. He did at a critical point. He misuses scripture and verses out of context. Your leaders are operating in secrecy (Acts 5) and they have not been forth coming about the alledged 'interview' of the victim with the 'committee'. There is much more but I will stop now.

Bottom line: The leaders have proven they are not to be trusted.

I have just decided not to engage you specifically anymore. It is pointless.

Lin said...

"There is much truth in " that which does not kill us makes us stronger."

Or, how about this?

Luke 12

4"I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. 5But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!

oc said...


Eagerly waiting for the response on 'clarification on the other'(2:47 post,yours). Don't threaten me, I am not a phd, but have other credentials. Some more useful than a phd, in certain situations.

Lynn said...

BTW, on Sunday, March 25, there is only going to be one service at 10am with no Sunday School. After the 10am service, that is when the meeting will take place.

WatchingHISstory said...


You said, "only recently are his (Finney's) heresies finally being exposed. Men saw his numerical successes, and rewrote his theology to make him appear orthodox."
I read about Finney's heresies in 1974. So I'm sure there were earlier opinions. However what is your source for the men who rewrote his theology to make him appear orthodox? It would be easy to assume that many Methodist participated (I'm guessing) but was there SBC participation? It would be interesting to know who these men are?

upside down said...

oc, take it off line. I've sent you an email. I've made no threats to you. But you are acting a little juvenile. If you want to continue let's do off line so not to bore others.

oc said...


you don't like it when others use your tactics, do you?

upside down said...

lin wrote: "You have managed to take everthing I have written and spin it to reflect the opposite."

Sorry but didn't know we had a string going...I've been back and forth with lindon. Please point me back to the last post so I can remind myself of what I've placed a "spin".

upside down said...

koragg wrote: "BTW, on Sunday, March 25, there is only going to be one service at 10am with no Sunday School. After the 10am service, that is when the meeting will take place."

koragg, do you think that some of the comments made on this blog will be made public. I know how easy it can be to make comments from an anonymous position but to do so in the public eye of all the members is different. I believe that some of the men from IDC will definitely have some questions and/or motions from the floor. I just wonder if the gossip comments like the $30,000 will be presented. This is definitely the place for anyone to make a motion from the floor, have it seconded, discussed and voted on by the membership. I think if the meeting gets into the type dialog we see on this blog you will have a motion to end the meeting. It will be seconded and the members will decide if they've heard enough. On one hand I welcome the open meeting. On the other I see where there could be some major complications coming out of the meeting. What are your thoughts?

Lynn said...

I think some of the issues mentioned here might be mentioned. But I doubt some of the comments here will be mentioned. I myself personally probably will not be there, but thats because I have two papers due that night that has to be finished. But I do want to forward someone a question about the proposed budget to be asked.

Lynn said...


Just curious, but would you consider asking for confirmation of something we may have heard be considered gossip or information gathering?

sickofthelies said...


Ask Dr. JMO for his proof that
"the file was not just laying out there" first.

To date, he has not backed up his supposition.

He wants others to back up what they say, otherwise it's lies, slander and/or gossip. But the good Dr. thinks that he can say whatever he wants with impunity.

upside down said...

koragg, I would suggest that your budget questions be made to John Crockett's committee which will be open to members on the 18th in the fellowship hall. I consider anything gossip unless it's from a source which does or is in a position to know. What we have most of the time is someone asks a question and it takes "legs" and becomes stated as fact. One in particular is the question of did Dr. Rogers seek Steve Gaines resignation. I know that some of our lay leadership was close to Dr. Rogers and had dinner with he and his wife on a somewhat regular basis. These same men are supporting Bro. Steve. Logic would tell me that the strong allegiance to Dr. Rogers would not be so easily swayed. Especially considering that these men are successful in their own right and don't have to "ride" the coat tails of the new pastor. But the I know from a good source continues. If it's a fact then state the source and leave no doubt. But to act on unnamed sources is just gossip.

upside down said...

SOTL, I could not ask that question and I explained why. But I did take the opportunity to ask a theoretical question of would anyone's files just be laying around. I was told no it was not possible. Those files are keep in strict confidence. I think the person got my question but due to confidentiality couldn't response to your file in particular. But I think that answers it for me. But you may still doubt and that's your right. I did understand that you placed me in a catch 22 situation. If one was to answer about your specific file then that's a violation of confidentiality. So I had to go the theoretical route.

Lindon said...

"So I had to go the theoretical route. "

Folks, just wanted to point out that when JMO does this it is because of a catch 22 and is understandable...when you do it, because of a catch 22, it is gossip, slander and divisive.

upside down said...

SOTL wrote: "He wants others to back up what they say, otherwise it's lies, slander and/or gossip. But the good Dr. thinks that he can say whatever he wants with impunity."

SOTL, you've already claimed I have no integrity so impunity wouldn't apply. I mean what can you say more detrimental than I don't have any integrity? I hope that you will join us tomorrow at church. I still love you as a sister in Christ. I just don't like you sometimes.

Psalm 43:3 said...

JMO said:

I know that some of our lay leadership was close to Dr. Rogers and had dinner with he and his wife on a somewhat regular basis.

Make your Ph.D. count by using proper grammar!

New BBC Open Forum said...

psalm 43:3,

Thank you. That one made me cringe, too!

upside down said...

lindon wrote: "Folks, just wanted to point out that when JMO does this it is because of a catch 22 and is understandable...when you do it, because of a catch 22, it is gossip, slander and divisive."

lindon if you don't see the difference then you've not been keeping very well. The confidential situation involved SOTL. You cannot ask the church to keep a matter confidential then have someone like me calling up and getting the particulars on that person. The gossip situation does not have anything to do with a counseling situation. You need to get a grip on facts.

upside down said...

psalms wrote: "Make your Ph.D. count by using proper grammar!"

My degrees are not in English. My strong suit is not in computer programming either. And I don't excel on the blackberry. So what's your point? But if it enriches your life, which apparently it does, then go for it. I'm pretty thick skinned so I can handle the taunts.

sickofthelies said...


I attended the " communication meetings". Just becuase THEY say that " the files are confidential and they would not be laying around"...

PUHLEEZE....they lost all credibility with me when I saw how they answered our questions.

AS far as you not liking me....LOL, I soooo don't care.

Psalm 43:3 said...

No taunts here, but since you made a point of telling readers of this blog that you are educated, you need to act the part. All terminal degree fields require a dissertation, not just English. What was your topic?

Jford said...

Sorry Piglet, I thought you said the Nietzsche quote. My apologies to you.


WatchingHISstory said...

A Pelagian's capacity for free will negates any need for Christ or the Holy Spirit so the result is unitarianism. Semipelagianism with the cooperation of dispensationalism retains a degree of freedom to cooperate with the grace of God so that there is confusion about attonement and a lessor degree of dependence on the Holy Spirit who operates freely in other dispensational transitions. This helps to explain a little how Bellevue could get into such a mess with a pedophile. Appartently relinquishing a degree of the Holy Spirit's help left men (not women) relying on natural processes to handle this situation.

upside down said...

psalm, it was not as boring as it sounds, "Why knowledge management is important to a firm's business strategy". And yes I took advantage of a professional service to produce the final product. Neither my typing, spelling or grammar was going to win any awards. You may not know but there was a time before spell checks.

One of my basic points was that you have two organization charts. One the visible, structured one. The other invisible but fairly well structured. In a quick synopsis, management must be aware of both structures to effective manage maximum productivity.

A good comparison would be that a senior pastor has to be just as aware of the needs of his leadership as he is of his members at large. A successful pastor would be able to have unity and form a common goal within both. Of course a mega church has more segments and challenges than other churches. The more dynamics within an organization the more dynamic an individual it takes to bring them together. And we were spoiled with Dr. Rogers. He could bring all aspects of our church together, old, young, single and married.

WatchingHISstory said...

The pelagian Jehovah Witnesses who do not believe in The person of the Holy Spirit have the faithful servants who provide spiritual meat in due season. These servants are the surviving members of the 144000 who were alive at the 1914 'Christ' event. They provide the spiritual guidance of the governing body in the absence of a "Holy Spirit"
However in time they realized that they had a real need of legal counsel due to litigation problems. So now all the spiritual helps has to go through a host of lawyers lest their resources are taken by law suits.
Is it not a coincidence that SG preached on the work of the Holy Spirit on the very night they annointed (I just can't bring myself to use the word ordain less I insult deserving men)
Coombs to be an administrative pastor? His job will greatly assist SG in avoiding litigation. Does this freudian slip bring insult to the Holy Spirit?

New BBC Open Forum said...

whs wrote:

"Semipelagianism with the cooperation of dispensationalism retains a degree of freedom to cooperate with the grace of God so that there is confusion about attonement and a lessor degree of dependence on the Holy Spirit who operates freely in other dispensational transitions."

Okay... if you say so.

"This helps to explain a little how Bellevue could get into such a mess with a pedophile."

It does? I'm not entirely sure, but I think we agree. I could have summed it up in fewer (and much shorter) words. But, hey, I'm certainly impressed!

Psalm 43:3 said...

JMO- Agreed. Dr. Rogers was a true pastor who loved meeting the spiritual needs of people. It is unfair to expect the businessmen Bellevue has ordained in recent years to understand that the current crisis is more about pastor and people and less about management vs. labor. It is natural to act from previous personal experience.

socwork said...

Don't forget this is time change weekend. Set your clocks forward an hour tonight!

That's all.

Piglet said...

JMO said

And many have shown more acceptance to 'cakes than Mike. Where now are our Bible scholars who posted Scripture against our giving FUMC a check? No there is no fairness and little true righteousness on this blog forum.

Piglet says:

Did anyone here donate money to Trollcates to further his questionable endeavors? Anyone?

It's one thing to show Christian love and another to support abominations with tithe money - but you know that, right? :)

oc said...



oc said...


Right on!!!

Piglet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Today's broadcast will forever apply to us all.

"How to heal broken relationships"

Pray before, during and after you listen.


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