The associated blog is here.
Wade Burleson's motion regarding a study (what's there to study?) about the feasibility of the SBC maintaining a list of sexual predator ministers from within its ranks:
Preventing Child Abuse Is A Calling For Us All
At the San Antonio Convention this Tuesday morning, at 8:40 a.m., I [Wade Burleson] plan to introduce the following motion:
“I move that the Southern Baptist Convention requests the Executive Committee to conduct a feasibility study concerning the development of a database of Southern Baptist ministers who have been credibly accused of, personally confessed to, or legally been convicted of sexual harrassment or abuse, and that such a database be accessible to Southern Baptist churches in order to assist in preventing any future sexual abuse or harrassment.”
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 640 Newer› Newest»Why said'
David's reason was a very good one. Many also knew that "your side" had a planned agenda and a detailed plan of questions. There was a specific list of motions and some motions that might have made things get ugly on either side. Why do most of you act as if "your side" did not have a plan?
1:32 PM, June 15, 2007
Thanks for confirming this. Now we can go back through all the posts/threads since the meeting and confirm for ourselves that many in the administration have been openly lying to the members when they have told us that there was no preconcieved plan to stop the meeting early. Where is Brian Miller? Did he not recently tell someone that there was no plan to end it early?
Thanks again for the confirmation that the plan did exist and was implemented. Now all those folks that have been told otherwise will know the TRUTH.
By the way I did not know the IDC plan existed until told by a deacon the other day.
Piglet. Thanks for the confirmation that there was a plan in place from the IDC folks. Wouldn't it be great to mail a copy of the plan to the membership and ask them vote on it. Secret ballot maybe....mail it in. Then no fuss no muss. No out of control business meeting....
I forgot.....can't get the mailing list..............there goes that idea. Poof.
I can rest easier knowing now that at least 1 Deacon has told me the TRUTH.
I just got back home and wanted to jump into this fray. Put me on the Pro-Life list as well.
When I became pregnant with triplets, odds were against all three making it and being healthy. Many doctors offer the option of "selection reduction." This is done quietly, with minimal fanfare. The premise is that you "reduce the amount of babies to make the pregnancy more viable." Consulting my trusty Thesaurus, I believe this is another way to phrase "abortion." Bottom line, I was never offered the opporunity to decide because my Dr. never asked me. Later, I asked him why. His reply was that he didn't have to ask; he knew my response. If God placed those babies in me, I would not second guess His plan.
Those three babies are now 19 years old.
Pro-life. God has a plan for all His creations.
It amazes me that someone who has been BANNED from this blog continues to waste his/her time posting, knowing full well that their post will be DETROLLED in short order. Choice "D" is the only answer.
Of course those with concerns planned to bring business to the floor. This was in accordance with the stated purpose of the meeting. Of course IDC drafted their motions beforehand. What kind of imbecile would expect motions to be made off the cuff? "Why" acts as though this amounts to some nefarious conspiracy. IDC has released the text of those motions, and I would challenge anyone to state their objects to them.
On the other hand, in direct contradiction to the stated purpose of the meeting (in which the leadership said new business could be introduced), they secretly and disingenuously planned a shutout. Steve Gaines bragged of the accomplishment later that week and David Coombs admitted they had no intention of allowing new business. Criticism (chiefly here) has resulted in several revisions to the rationale for this, none of which rings true. The truth is, the millionaire elders now running the church do not want the congregation to have a voice in church governance, period. It would not be good business practice, which is the only model these executives have for running an organization.
You probably didn't mean to bring up the pro life thing the way you did.....but I am sure you enjoyed the responses :)
With your southern Baptist roots,
You know for the most part we are all pro life.
BUT, I actually missed the theology lesson concerning the dominion myself!
When I read Mary's post...which makes perfect sense,
I picked up the phone to call my deacon friend....(that has left BBC)...and asked about it.
So I didn't get the memo either somehow!
My argument about fur is out the window...NOT that I have fur.
I think it's funny that Mary expressed that Love cakes was a little much...I struggle with it too:)....I usually stick with Cakes!
You know who, knows darn good and well that we have had all 8 motions prepared for the business meeting on the blog... Most of them were shown to DC BEFORE the meeting and a copy of all were not only given to DC afterwards
BUT also emailed out in a letter by the man who wrote them,just to make sure that everything was up front and ABOVE REPROACH.
The ONLY hecklers at that meeting were the Gaines supporters who are so trained to clap and carry on that they couldn't act like restrained adults the day of the meeting.
We have heard RECENT new reasons for shutting the meeting down...
What is the excuse for completely ignoring a certain young man that grew up in BBC but has been the last person leadership or any of the followers have considered....just curious. ???
Cakes...almost 5 PM......
you type quicker than I do....you said it better!!!
all2jesus said...
On the other hand, in direct contradiction to the stated purpose of the meeting (in which the leadership said new business could be introduced), they secretly and disingenuously planned a shutout. Steve Gaines bragged of the accomplishment later that week and David Coombs admitted they had no intention of allowing new business. Criticism (chiefly here) has resulted in several revisions to the rationale for this, none of which rings true. The truth is, the millionaire elders now running the church do not want the congregation to have a voice in church governance, period. It would not be good business practice, which is the only model these executives have for running an organization.
Your post is much more eloquent that my simple "BALONEY".
whyne, the banned troll, wrote:
"John: He is still the same demand. I answered the Wed. night and gave the facts on it a week or so ago. I can again, if needed. You claim I do not bring facts, I am not given a chance"
No, no, no! Don't bother. Believe me, it's NOT NEEDED! You've had plenty of chances before, Mr. Deacon, and you haven't posted a "fact" yet. All you've done for months is spew insults.
YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED. WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND??? You are not welcome here. You are not going to shut this blog down. So please stop posting comments, as they will ALWAYS be deleted as soon as I see them. I don't care if you do nothing but quote Scripture, your comments will be deleted.
To everyone else, if you will PLEASE STOP RESPONDING to "whyne" perhaps he won't feel compelled to answer. It really isn't fair to ban someone then for people to continue to ask him questions. Of course, anyone with a shred of decency or self-respect, once he's been banned, wouldn't continue to post comments, but we've already seen this person is sorely lacking in the honor, decency, and self-respect department. I can only conclude he's a troll. (No one's this thick.) He's thriving on the attention, and we're giving it to him by answering him. If he were really interested in serious dialogue he'd e-mail those of you who've asked, or he'd post an e-mail address in his profile. But of course, he's done neither and won't.
PLEASE, EVERYONE, I IMPLORE YOU TO JUST IGNORE "WHY"NE! Don't answer him, don't ask him anything, just ignore him. I'll take out the trash as soon as I find it, but I have better things to do with my time than police this blog 24/7 so your cooperation in this matter would really be appreciated.
Nass....I have resolved to no longer respond to the trolls. I have also resolved to not be pulled down to the troll level and respond in a mean tone.
I get angry, frustrated & I respond in less than nice ways.
While I have known all my life I can be smart alec with my answers, I have been ashamed of my foolishness.
Trolls bring out what we don't want to admit still is inside of us.
May we all be like Christ in all we do, say, think and react.
Was I mean? I did say "please"!
I don't want to start an off-topic debate with our beloved Cakes, but I ask all of you: Where is the evidence in your experience for this Global Warming boogieman? Is it unseasonably hot where you are? Are local temperature records falling like dominoes? Not around here. In fact, we won't be able to go blueberry or peach picking this year because a late frost, which you may remember, completely devastated those crops. That's the trouble with Global Warming: it's never around when you need it.
But such inconvenient (and readily observable) truths, are of no consequence to the Global Warming faithful. It's bad somewhere; they said so in National Geographic. If it's actually colder than normal here, why, why... well, that's because of Global Warming* too!
* Capitalization is correct for religious movements. Any resemblance to actual science is purely coincidental.
Well, I just think that you obviously believe in free agency, otherwise why be an evangelical when what is is unchangable by the willful actions of individuals. I also assume you percieve the harm or good from those actions. Collectively, great waves of good are harm is caused in families, communities, nations and the world.
It is not a stretch of logic to percieve the natural conclusion that man does have an impact on his environment, just as he has on his fellow man.
There are many Christian evironmentalists, who do believe that being good steward of the earth is also our responsibility.
Didn't mean to tick anyone off.
Nass, you weren't mean at all. I was really speaking about myself.
Yours was tough love for the betterment of the blog. No meaness there.
Me? I just get cranky and say mean things which I shouldn't do.
And you won't find my screen name so off if you knew me. :)
But honestly, love became the prefix when I was ribbing a troll who use love as a prefix.
Guess it's time to have fun with my screen name again.
Sorry for all the typos, I'm doing too much at once. But drinking's not one of them, gmommy.
I also think the world of y'all, so take it easy on the ole boo-dhist
Cakes: As far as I am concerned, agreeing or disagreeing is fine, as long as the discussion is reasonable, logical, and tactful. I have found you to do that.
I have also found others to do that when discussing issues with you. There seems to be an underlying respect among us. You have stuck with us through a rough time, sticking up for us in other places that shall remain nameless. I for one appreciate your loyalty and support.
While we might disagree on the global warming issue, I am proud that in America many have fought for our right to disagree.
Fortunately, the freedom we have received from America makes discussions like these possible and the guidance we have received from Jesus keeps them kind. And there is common ground too. We build on that common ground.
lovecakes said...
There are many Christian evironmentalists, who do believe that being good steward of the earth is also our responsibility.
I am one of those. And I believe man has had an impact on the environment, some good and some bad. Lake Erie used to be so polluted it actually caught on fire. Thankfully, that's been rectified for the most part. I don't think it'll burn nowadays, anyway.
We do have a God-given responsibility to be good stewards of the earth. Likewise, we have a God-given responsibility to subdue it. God provided the raw materials and He expects us to build with them. We are responsible to discover the natural laws He has established and learn to use them in that process. But for many "environmentalists" the earth is a sacred thing, to be worshipped and left undisturbed. That is idolatry.
Didn't mean to tick anyone off.
Not me, though I do confess to a certain amount of intensity! Really, Cakes, your insights and humor have helped keep it civil and light around here and I appreciate that.
How's dis? TeHe
Where's the love, man?!
Hey, Cakes, did that Panzer officer on your blog take little peek in the Lost Ark?
I think so, he's not aging well.
E cakes...
I didn't think you were drinking!!!!
I was having an inside joke with you....may not be inside now :)
I sure hope you don't think I was fussing!
AND I was around when you did your name change...
it just sounds a little corny.hehe
We are buds!!!
Of course I knew you weren't; I don't like alcohol much unless I'm really depressed or have to deal with middle-schoolers (I'm kidding! But they will drive you crazy).
Hey dig,
Is this a longer word than Arminianism or what?
Tongue-in-cheek, tongue in cheek! Man, I'm obtuse sometimes.
Didn't mean to clear the room. Oi.
ahhh! You didn't clear the room. The other bad boy is here too.
BTW, Praise the Lord. A job I put in for a couple months ago, I finally heard about yesterday. I got the job :).
Yes!!! Congratulations Lynn~!
Hey Cakes....
I'll see your name and raise you mine :p
Crimminy Lynn,
You still got me beat.
Congrats on da jobby-job, sis.
I know, you're all googling for long words, sly foxes you.
ya'll are 2 smart for me. This sorry dude has got only 2 letters in his screen name. Please play a game I can play. Just wanting to be in the same ball field.
oc. :)
Here ya go, oc.
Gee it is so hard to get caught up when you only have time to get on the blog on the week-ends!
All2Jesus I too am a "Christian environmentalist" and think we have a responsibility and a command to be good stewards. That responsiblity has nothing to do with global warming and christians should not use their opinions of global warming to justify being bad stewards. Fyi- the chairman of the international panel on climate change for many years was an evangelical christian scientist that was asked to address the National Religious Broadcasters. That was just a point of information to show that Godly people are on both sides of that issue. I'm just saying that global warming should NOT be the issue but stewardship SHOULD be. Sorry for the long post.
Oh my, oh my . . . .
To get so behind . .
I have just read through days on this blog and my mind is reeling!!The good, the bad and the ugly all in one sitting.
I must take a moment to digest some, reguritate others and pray about the rest.
Fruit-cakes said...
Here ya go, oc.
Thanks for dummying down for me. I understand now. Momma always said, stupid is as stupid does.
Learned that at the movies. Ha!
Disestablishmentarianism-cakes said...
Congrats on da jobby-job, sis.
8:34 PM, June 15, 2007
Duuuuude....I'm a guy :)
Let me guess,
I'm the bad and/or the ugly; well me and doc o.c.
Fruit-cakes said...
Let me guess,
I'm the bad and/or the ugly; well me and doc o.c.
Lily replied:
Oh contraire. Cakes you are what one would refer to as a rubberband.
Lynn: CONGRATULATIONS! I am SO happy for you!!!
The fact that I am concerned about taking care of what God has entrusted to us opens doors for me to explain why I think we should take care of the environment to several friends I have made that are quite liberal. The nature of my work brings me into contact with people across the nation concerned with environmental issues and as I build relationships with these friends I am finding that I have a foundation to lead them into discussion about spiritual matters. When relationships are nurtured and their opinions listened to respectfully, I find that they are then open to listening as well and are asking questions and considering things that I've talked about. BBC has always been my place to lower my anchor and be renewed and recentered as I travel in circles with people from very different backgrounds and persuasions and now that harbor is drying up. I have not yet found a place that fits, but I will keep looking and letting God lead.
Lynn, my blogger bud, as to your news,
Praise the Lord indeed!
He will supply all our needs.
I am now getting off my soap box and going back to lurking.
Stayedonthee....you don't have to lurk...just jump right in....you are doing a great job!
With regard to those global warming comments,
I stand with the scientists that continutally reiterate that "global warming" is a liberal agenda, not based on actual scientific fact, I was not supportive of the SBC's movement in that direction.
Recycling yes; alternative fuel, yes; Al Gore's baloney, no.
BLT, you have it right.
I'm all for not polluting and finding ways to stop importing oil from nations that sponsor terrorism. But some of the things that Al Gore suggests is out in left field.
Did you know if you break a flourescent light bulb, it will cost you thousands of dollars to clean it up because of the Mercury in them?
Ya like my new screen name?
Rats it was so long that it wouldn't fit. The word was PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS. It is the name of a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.
Ya like my new screen name?
Reply: No.
Fox's excuse:
It is the name of a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.
Reply: The only volcanic dust we have in this part of the world is King Willie.
I'm not a fan of fluorescents either - LED's are the new player in the market.
And guess who owns which house. 19,000 square feet energy hog or a 4000 square foot home with a geothermal heat pump, rainwater collection system, and a greywater reuse system????
19,000 - Al Gore
4,000 - George W. Bush
Just another fyi.
BLT: Point for you....that was Good!!!!
BLT said...
Reply: The only volcanic dust we have in this part of the world is King Willie.
Not to be confused with Willieitus, which is a malady caused by overexposure to Herenton HOT AIR!!!!
Don't hold back. Tell me how you really felt about my short lived new screen name!! LOL
Cakes said,
Let me guess,
I'm the bad and/or the ugly; well me and doc o.c.
oc says:
Bro, I am both bad and ugly. Don't know which you are. Doesn't matter.I make up for whatever you aren't. Now we're a combo. Sorry you are lumped with me. But it's a wild ride bro! Let's rock, let's roll!
Lily says to OC:
Be careful who you ride with.
Commentary on the 2007 SBC:
Remember when Dr. Rogers was the leader?
Remember when the BBC choir was there?
Remember when the arguments were based on scripture?
Fruit-cakes said...
Fruit-cakes?? I thought you said you were straight!
Off topic:
Ready to change my name to water-lily.
I get up at 5:00am or earlier and start watering. I go to work. When I get home, I start watering, and continue to do so until I go to bed.
Please pray for rain.
Yeah, and to think I almost chose cup-cakes. Oi.
BLT: I've given up. My flowers are shriveling.
That's pretty.
BLT said...
I get up at 5:00am or earlier and start watering. I go to work. When I get home, I start watering, and continue to do so until I go to bed.
Thought: stop watering.
Junk said "stop watering"!!!
And let my tomatoes die, my eggplant die, my squash die, my zucchini die, my peppers die, my roses die, and on and on.
As soon as I get to eat some of my fabulous tomatoes, I may then let it all die!
Only a man would say, "Stop watering." We have too much invested...at least, some do......
The moles just tunnel under anything I plant...so depressing.....trails all thru my yard!
I am going to rock half the yard when my son gets home.....too frustrating.
concernedSBCer said...
Only a man would say, "Stop watering." We have too much invested...at least, some do......
And only a woman would place so little value on reason and sound advice. :)
Heyyyyyy, it's a feminine thing!
Anyway...back to important issues....
Dear "hisunseenhand"-
I appreciate you have an opinion about the pastor - but have you considered that you may be wrong? That this exodus is the working of the Holy Spirit to expose the corruptness in the lay leaders and staff and that He may not be finished yet? That God IS doing a mighty work at Bellevue? He is exposing all of the men who so expertly deceived our former pastor. Men who mistake service to a man as service to our Lord. More importantly, He continues to expose Steve Gaines as unfit to pastor
Dear Lady - you have written that you know many people on both sides of the issues. You are not the only one and it is quite surprising that I have not run into you, but when you talk to people who don't believe as you do - do you encourage them to leave as forcefully as you do on this blog? I did notice you recently joined the choir - It is my hope that you do not exhibit this attitude while you are leading in worship.
JUnk...tell me you don't believe the statement you made to Csbc.
gmoommy said.
I am going to rock half the yard when my son gets home.....too frustrating
oc says:
Well, me and cakes sre the rock boys around here. How bout it cakes? We are on our way. Let the rockin' begin. :)
gmommy said...
JUnk...tell me you don't believe the statement you made to Csbc.
How come you didn't ask her to tell you she didn't believe the one she said to me??
OC...you are a nut!:)
Cakes! how are ya!
you mean it's a feminine thing????
gmommy said...
you mean it's a feminine thing????
No, I mean "Only a man would say..."
gmommy said..
OC...you are a nut!:)
Reply: You are the second one who acknowleges that. Doesn't stop me from rockin' though. Just sayin. :) Let's rock that yard!
You are a rocker too! Let's rock mommy's yard.!!!!
What do you say, buddy?!
Hey Junk....Csbcer IS feminine and does mean what she said......
yours sounded like a cut...like a woman can't have sound reasoning...or whatever it was.
As emotional as I can be...for the MOST part... all my family know me for is sound reasoning and advise...
I hate being a man!!!!
BUT...and not to you personally...I don't know many men that have those qualities.
oc said...
You are a rocker too! Let's rock mommy's yard.!!!!
What do you say, buddy?!
I am too sinful to be tossing any stones!
be careful not to volunteer for projects at my house.....
Cakes went into hiding.
:gmommy said.
be careful not to volunteer for projects at my house.....
Cakes went into hiding.
oc says: I'm not scared. Call me.
Holla! :)
Let's go the soft side and just paper gmom's house.
Junk...you don't throw them....you have to level with sand,lay that tarp stuff THEN shovel the rocks on....lots of work!
I got 8 bags or so of dirt for $4 at HD...the broken bags....
I hauled those around with a wheel barrow that doesn't roll. (already tried wd40)
gmommy said...
Hey Junk....Csbcer IS feminine and does mean what she said......
yours sounded like a cut...like a woman can't have sound reasoning...or whatever it was.
Please pardon and pay no mind to my sarcastic humor. I took her to be making a playful put down to men, and I responded in kind. I apologize for any offense. I'd do well to say less and find other uses for my time.
cakes...what do you mean????
I've been thru the years of being rolled!...
or was that another joke I didn't get??!
But if you want me to rock the yard, I'll have to bring the Marshalls.
Your neighbors cool, gmom?
Stop playing that way...I am black and white...never get the undertones....drives me crazy! :)
Yeah, it was a rolling the yard joke. I haven't done that, or set off firecracker on someone's front porch in years.
I have a great concern at the apparent lack of Bible knowledge and a growing "Form of godliness" without the power, that is being displayed in the little I have read and seen of this convention. It is a sign of the times.
WHAT IS THIS? A photo of a man with his hands out spread towards heaven, asking for the LORD to send His Holy Spirit? What's this? The appearance of trying to be spiritual without knowledge?
Do they not know the Holy Spirit came at Penticost? He has already "arrived". Do they not know that every true believer has the indwelling Holy Spirit and IF they do not, they are NONE OF HIS?
Also, I want to know what a "spirit" of repentance is all about. We are told to repent and commanded to repent in many areas of scripture, but what on earth is this "spirit of repentance"? No where are we told about a "spirit" of repentance or to have a spirit of repentence. More spiritual drivel to sound good but doctrinally way off.
Where is God's Word and the upholding of that? Is it not "spiritual" enough any more?
oc said...
Junk said.
oc said,
You are a rocker too! Let's rock mommy's yard.!!!!
What do you say, buddy?!
I am too sinful to be tossing any stones!
11:30 PM, June 15, 2007
oc replies: Rocks bro. Not stones. We are all too sinful to toss the stone that is imbedded with the nature we have because of the actions in the garden. None of us dare to lift it, much less aim and fire.
Msybe we can rock mommy's yard though. I'm all for it. Who will rock with me? Although none rock with me....
The picture bothered me too.
I said the other day BECAUSE the Bible has been dumbed down...no fear and reverence....we look to the world and settle for counterfeit.
oc....thank you for wanting to rock my yard!
Tell me when.
It is pretty scary to watch the counterfeit spread like a virus throughout the church and be dresses in the "appearance" of being super-dooper spiritual.
gmommy, I fear for this generation and for our children. The Word of God is so powerful and it is alive! Those who love Him love His Word, and we are warned in the book of Hebrews that if we do not get off of the milk and onto the meat of the word, God Himself will cause us to be hard of hearing.
I.m afraid we are not even getting milk. We have everything turned upsidedown and are more concerned about the LOST feeling comfortable in our meeting together as a body, than feeding the sheep! Do they not know the lost will NEVER feel comfortable amongst believers as long as they are lost? Do they not know that the church assembling together is not for unbelievers with their starbucks in hand and the wanna be singing show are going to get saved?
The church is Only for born again believers. We go OUT INTO THE WORLD where the lost are and give them the gospel. Now it is as if the leaders or so called leaders of the chruches don't have a clue what is in the Bible or if they do they think they have a better way.
If church attendance has dropped, perhaps they ought to check to see if they are giving out the Word. If they are, then remember, we are in the last days and God says the church will NOT BE GROWING but be in apostacy. That's right, apostacy. Why be so concerned about numbers and money and not for the things of God?
I am with you!
I'll help you rock Doc Oc; we could go mole hunting too.
Gmom, gots a bar-b-que?
You are really angry and emotional, Hisunseenhand. You are right when you say, our beautiful Bellevue is gone. Why do you think it is gone? Why do you think that all the mature and discerning believers have left, even Mrs. Rogers? Where did all the people go and why?
Just the way you state that they "stepped over a 42" fence" shows you are not being honest with yourself for some reason. For some reason, it will cost you too much to accept the truth and you evidently have something too valuable to lose by doing so.
NO ONE just steps over a 4 foot fence. That's a fact. The purpose of that escapade was intimidation, and that's a fact. In fact, Mr. Sharp was called names by the pastor and intimidated. But not only Mr. Sharp has been intimidated I know personally other people who have been SHOCKED at the strong arm intimidation they too have received. And no matter how you look at it, that is sin. And, it is uncomely for any believer to act that way and forbiden for a past to indulge in the flesh like that. These are facts. There are also facts about the charge cards that you do not want to believe and don't. And it is a fact that PW did confess his sin or let it out of the bag and the previous pastor knew nothing about it. There was a spin to tarnish the last pastors reputation but when it was proven even stated by PW that he knew nothing about it, then sg had to take responsibility for his own actions. Or shoud have but I see there are those who still make up excuses for his behavior.
But to what end are you doing this? Look around and see what you have done to Bellevue by refusing Truth and exchanging it for a lie. Lies are costly and the truth will eventually come out and some of it has.
I don't know how you can sing praises to the Lord with such anger and unforgiveness in your heart. You sound really unhappy
I don't know how you can say sg has any integrity. Even godly men who are ahead of a seminary said sg has used up all his integrity. What do you understand integrity to mean?
gmommy said...
Could you rant while on a skateboard?????????
Great idea! I could get in shape while diffusing liberal envirotwaddle. It only takes half a brain anyway.
rod said...
I.m afraid we are not even getting milk. We have everything turned upsidedown and are more concerned about the LOST feeling comfortable in our meeting together as a body, than feeding the sheep! Do they not know the lost will NEVER feel comfortable amongst believers as long as they are lost? Do they not know that the church assembling together is not for unbelievers with their starbucks in hand and the wanna be singing show are going to get saved?
The church is Only for born again believers. We go OUT INTO THE WORLD where the lost are and give them the gospel. Now it is as if the leaders or so called leaders of the chruches don't have a clue what is in the Bible or if they do they think they have a better way.
Well said.
We started down this road with the dawn of revivalism. Throw up a tent, throw down some sawdust and pack'em in any way you can. Churches took notice of the new salvation mills and started emulating them. People began to think evangelism was the pastor's job; theirs was simply to invite the lost. Sermon content was strictly the milk of the Gospel, while meat was off the menu. The church, once a sheep-shed for ministry to the flock, was now a "hospital for sinners." Church discipline, mandated by scripture, was now at cross purposes with the mission; it might run off the lost. Personal witnessing and evangelism was now too much work. Mass production was the labor-saving way forward.
The PDL and Emerging Church movements are the next step in this evolution. Use every high tech worldly way to get them to come. Install coffee bars and tattoo parlors. Never mind how many sheep leave through the back gate as long as plenty of malleable goats stream in the front.
It's a pity Jesus knew nothing of PDL methods, isn't it? Just think of how He might've been able to change the world!
rod, GREAT posts last night!
Well said.
OC and Cakes: You rock GMommy's yard and I'll bring over the Bar-B-Que! Tell me when.
Rod: Preach on! You said: "The church is Only for born again believers. We go OUT INTO THE WORLD where the lost are and give them the gospel." This is the bottom line. And the next question is ....how many know the gospel well enough to give it? Why not?
Excellent question!
So the answer is?
Relative to the conversation? Taken from sermonaudio.com:
How Can We Witness If We Don't Know What the Gospel Is?
By John MacArthur
How Can We Witness If We Don't Know What the Gospel Is?
Brief Sermon Overview:
A few years ago my friend and mentor John MacArthur preached at our church on Wednesday night. This was his message:
There's a cure for the SIN virus! We are given the responsibility to disseminate the cure. That's the only reason we're here.
If we were saved purely for fellowship--we might as well go to heaven now, because the fellowship here on earth is imperfect.
If we were saved to have triumph over sin—then we might as well go to heaven because the triumph here is severely checkered and we all live somewhere in Romans 7—wanting to do what we don't do, and not wanting to do what we find ourselves doing.
God left you here to share the Gospel with the people around you. Most people have some idea of what the Gospel is, but they don't have a good enough grasp to share the good news.
There's one thing we can do here that we can't do in heaven, and that is the ministry of reconciliation. That term defines the heart and soul of our responsibility as believers in the world.
God will forgive ALL your sins FOREVER—are you interested?
This is what we live for, preach for, this is what we die for—that people will be reconciled to God.
Ima: Thank you. I agree wholeheartedly. The problem that I see is that many churches have veered from teaching us to strive to be more like Jesus to "meeting us where we are".....and ultimately letting us stay there.
Nass: You've got mail. :)
If you haven't read "Spending God's Money", do yourselves a good deed, and read it. I got ours from the library...my husband is reading it now and told me to buy it. :) I will be reading it next. Lindon has read it and recommends it highly.
The problem is that our churches are themselves 'lost'. There within lies the problem. The NAMB, Lifeway, SBC, the mega churches, the country churches...they are all leading people astray...
There are some churches out there that are 'true churches' and you are lucky if you can find one. They are few and far between.
rod a. said...
"I don't know how you can say sg has any integrity. Even godly men who are ahead of a seminary said sg has used up all his integrity. What do you understand integrity to mean?"
I understand that David Coombs was told last week that Steve Gaines had to go and his reply was that he thought SG was a godly man.
My response to that statement is that David Coombs needs to go as well, especially since he obviously has so little discernment that he cannot recognize a charlatan, a wolf and a hireling operating in plain sight.
How can DC be so blinded by this man's charms if he is walking with the Lord and seeking His will?
Even if SG does depart BBC, we will still have the likes of DC, Steve Marcum, Phil Weatherwax, Steve Tucker, Harry Smith, Chuck Taylor, Bryan Miller and many others who are millionaire businessmen who will not release their powerhold over the church to the Lord's will regardless of the consequence to the church or the Kingdom of Christ. This is blasphemy.
Been Redemed
I could not agree with you more.Gaines needs to get on the ole cabbage truck swing by pick up jamie parker and his travelin ministral show and then swing by and pick up your cronies list of phony staff and money men and head back north to Dyersburg.Perhaps he ride into dyersburg on a white horse and maybe someone will hire him.....
Fall: I'll contribute to the gas fund for that ole cabbage truck.......
Our savoir explained well enough
"If the blind lead the blind both FALETHNTHEDITCH".....
Church is for believers. Read the Bible. Matt 28: "GO YE THEREFORE AND TEACH ALL NATIONS....."
Not....bring anyone IN you can find. There HAS to be a place to grow and mature Christians...that place is CHURCH.
Gaines camp not about christ but about Big salarys More money,corporate like stranglehold on church...Lies, deception numbers, pride,They have left their first love for the love of the world.Those hundreds of Empty seats?.Even a child can dicern it....We will not follow a false leader....
It amazes me that someone who has been BANNED from this blog continues to waste his/her time posting, knowing full well that their post will be DETROLLED in short order. Choice "D" is the only answer.
DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me thinks I just heard the sweet WHYNE of a DETROLLING motor.
charlie fox wrote:
"It amazes me that someone who has been BANNED from this blog continues to waste his/her time posting, knowing full well that their post will be DETROLLED in short order. Choice 'D' is the only answer."
The choices were:
a. Lack of decency
b. Lack of honor
c. Thickness
d. All of the above
I concur.
Charlie: I REALLY tried not to.
To: "Why" and others who don't seem to get it or who simply want to put some kind of spin on it.
Bellevue will never be the same again.
I believe that almost everyone who posts here knows that by now.
Bellevue has not lost the back row Baptists... it has lost much of the Sunday night/Wednesday night, deeply-committed, working, singing, volunteering, core membership.
You may be quick to say that it needed to change, etc. That is not the issue. Disagreements about music... not the issue, just a symptom. Integrity... exactly the issue.
It is dying a progressively faster death at the hands of leadership that refuse to be accountable to the whole congregation... and at the hands of an under-shepherd that appears to have put his own best interests before those of the flock of the Chief Shepherd.
You write about sin. You seem to be able to spot it on this blog in spite of the enormous log in your own eye.
The refusal to "provide things honestly in the sight of all men" has destroyed the trust of thousands of Bellevue members and former members. Bellevue has become a shell of what it once was.
Restoring the level of trust that once existed--within the congregation, surrounding community, the SBC and beyond--will take real, God-sent revival, new staff and lay leadership, scriptural adherence, transparency, love for all of the flock, direct communication between pastor and membership, careful stewardship, and many, many years of consistency.
AMEN & AMEN!!!!!
More Amens!
Well, I've got to add my "amen" to 25+yrs' post this afternoon.
Thank you!
Rod and 25yrs+,
Amen and Thanks.
Happy Father's Day to you Fathers.
We have our 18 month young grandson this weekend and I can not imagine a better way to celebrate.
Been Redeemed said...
I understand that David Coombs was told last week that Steve Gaines had to go and his reply was that he thought SG was a godly man.
That speaks volumes for David Coombs, doesn't it?
David Coombs was told more than once in the last 2 weeks that SG must go - his response was the same each time.
Rod Almondmartanti, Imaresistor, and 25+yrs:
Thank you all for excellent posts. Well said!
KUDOS to YOU for an excellent job with your trolling motor!
Now, if everyone would only IGNORE the trolls in the first place... awww, but that would be too much like right, I suppose. ;-)
What do you say when you are lost for words?
I can not believe what my eyes are reading on this blog!
Jesus said, "Whosoever is without sin cast the first stone"
Jesus said, "Woman go and sin no more"
This woman had been married numerous times and yet Jesus forgave her.
The people ask Jesus how many times should we forgive and Jesus answered 7x70.
If people can not forgive and release the feelings of wanting to, "get even" there is a major heart problem. Almost every post reveals hearts of people who desperately want to get even with the Pastor for doing what is perceived to be a personal injury to you.
Lack of forgiveness has its consequences; you are injured spiritually. I know because I have been there. When I finally forgave I found freedom to really learn to love the person that I once hated. Today we have both grown up spiritually and we talk from time to time. I learned through experience that my act of forgiveness not only changed me it also changed him. "A win win situation" There is nothing any more discusting than being around an old person who has an unforgiving spirit.
Please people don't end up that way.
Almost every post reveals hearts of people who desperately want to get even with the Pastor for doing what is perceived to be a personal injury to you.
Really? Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I wouldn't be so quick to "judge" someone's motives based on some posts on a blog, but that's just me.
Wanting justice and truth is not the same as wanting revenge.
The Bible tells us to contend for the faith and to be men and women of integrity.
When the leaders of our churches demonstrate such an egregious lack of integrity in their decisions and judgment, are the sheep to keep their mouths shut and follow? Just because this leader is called "pastor?"
greenmachine said...
"If people can not forgive and release the feelings of wanting to, "get even" there is a major heart problem. Almost every post reveals hearts of people who desperately want to get even with the Pastor for doing what is perceived to be a personal injury to you."
Its not about getting even with anyone. Personally, I have nothing against Gaines. That being said, I do have a problem with how he's run Bellevue. Specifically, his arrogance towards those who wished to address issues pertaining to Bellevue with him, harboring a pedophile minister after he learned of the incident, and the, what I perceive to be a coverup by Bellevue leadership when they shut down the business meeting back on March 25.
It is about holding our leaders accountable for their actions, not a personal vendetta.
Been Redeemed said...
I understand that David Coombs was told last week that Steve Gaines had to go and his reply was that he thought SG was a godly man.
Lynn's Response:
Thats like saying Mike Nifong is a man of integrity! Both are not what their friends claim they are.
Lovecakes, Enviro-cakes, Fruit-Cakes and other assorted Cakes???
LOL -- Well, you certainly have a sense of humor. ;-) And no worries, Cakes, you didn’t tick me off – not at all. I enjoy a good discussion, and it can even be a bit sassy as long as it’s not ugly or disagreeable.
And I’ll even go further than that – I’ll allow you the right to be wrong. ;-)
I am not a theologian by any means, but I do try to be a good Berean and search the Scriptures for truth.
Cakes, I agree with you that man DOES have an impact on his environment as well as on his fellow man. It is the natural order of things – and let me clarify what I mean -- I firmly believe that what man refers to as the laws of nature are actually the Divine Laws of God.
There is no such thing, being, or person as Mother Nature. The idea of Mother Nature is nothing more than another of Satan’s lies to get man’s thoughts off of Father God. And sadly, this lie has worked well, as witnessed by so many environmentalists who now worship Mother Nature, and who have relegated Father God to the ash heap of myths, fairy tales and fables.
With that said, are Christians to be good stewards over the earth? Of course we are! We are to be good stewards over EVERYTHING God has given to us. And while being good stewards, we are to be ever mindful of God’s priorities for us on planet earth.
Man was created in God’s image, and as such, man is the highest order of earthly (but not Heavenly) creatures, and must be accorded that priority on our planet. Man’s welfare is to come before animals, trees, land, the seas, and even the precious and valuable rain forests.
Now, that most certainly does not give man license to abuse the lesser things, but only to use them as necessary for the good of man. And to illustrate (and since Gmommy mentioned fur coats), if one buys a fur coat for the purpose of showing off or flaunting their wealth, fame or position, I personally believe that’s a sinful use of God’s resources. However, I can find no sin if one buys a fur coat for its wonderful warmth, even in this age when synthetics are almost as good. To be fair, I own both and there’s nothing like the warmth of real fur when it’s bitter cold and my old, arthritic bones and screaming painfully at me. But, I do have one faux fur that is extremely close to being as warm as the real one.
Man can fool other men (or women) and claim whatever reason they wish for their actions, but God sees the heart. And the old excuse of, “I deserve it” is nothing more than the sin of pride.
This earth IS on a collision course with disaster, but as AR used to say, “There is no panic in Heaven, only plans.”
Sorry for the length of this – I can so easily get wordy and I could go on and on, but I’ll quit for now and give someone else a chance to jump in. ;-)
of course GREENMACHINE just appeared and reads from the same script...
deflect away from the ones who have openly disobeyed God's word, lied without shame, HAVE NO REPENTANCE....
turn things around and whip us with the only scripture your pastor gives you permission to know because he twists it to suit his agenda......
heard it all before.
DO you REALLY think we are SO weak that your shallow little post will change what is very clear to us.
greenmachine, I think your post reveals your heart. Some call it projecting.
If you really have something to say that could possibly contribute to your emotional and "feelings" are everything, post, then bring it on!
We all want to hear FACTS. If you read these posts that is what is discussed, FACTS. Now when I read your post there are not facts and scripture is misused and abused. There is absolutely not issue issue concerning forgiveness, as you put it.
What you are asking us to do is to "forgive chronic lack of integrity." You are asking that people "forgive someone for not qualifying for what God requires of pastors in His Word: 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.
What is it, by the way that you are accusing people of NOT forgiving sg of doing? What did he do, in your opinion, that we are not forgiving him for? I truely want to know.
Does anyone know who asked sg to resign? Was it anyone with authority in such matters?
unforgiveness is a false argument and a smoke screen to keep the light off the real problem. Its a diversion tactic.
You have totally missed the mark. It isn't about hate or dislike.
Since when, greenmachine, are we no longer to hold anyone accountable for their actions and words? Has that also become a "useless" and unnecessary part of scripture we are to use only on some and not others? We are all to be held accountable to each other and to God.
We are to "deak" one another daily. We are responsible to speak the truth one to another. If we see our brother in sin we are to go to him and tell him his sin. This by the way applies to everyone. There are no exceptions that I know of.
Do you understand the difference between unforgiveness and accountability? Or unforgiveness and not being qualified for an office? I don't think you do. Perhaps you are a young believer and still on milk. These things we should ALL be exercised in and understand them.
Has anyone seen the ad on tv for Bellevue's Starlight Spectacular? I noticed they left one person out of the add that I thought would be important since it is a church afterall....that person is GOD! I saw the ad and I thought I was watching an ad for the Mid South Fair!
Maybe I'm just being picky here, but I would think there would be more of a focus on God in the ad, but God was never mentioned at all.
Luke 17:1And he said to his disciples, "Temptations to sin[a] are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! 2It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.[b] 3Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, AND IF HE REPENTS, forgive him, 4and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."
Our churches have been teaching "repentless" forgiveness for so long we have come to just think that we will be forgiven and that we should forgive without any repentance....
green said
There is nothing any more discusting than being around an old person who has an unforgiving spirit.
Please people don't end up that way.
Piglet says:
I can honestly say that if Gaines were truly repentant - and stepped down as pastor to allow BBC to heal, I could sit beside him in the pew - no problem. We've all messed up.
25+ and sheepless :
Good to hear from y'all!!!!
I deleted my response to hisunseenhand last night because I posted in the wrong spirit. I may have not said anything that wasn't true but I was feeling convicted - for any of you who read it before I deleted it. :(
"Lovecakes, Enviro-cakes, Fruit-Cakes and other assorted Cakes???"
"There is no such thing, being, or person as Mother Nature. The idea of Mother Nature is nothing more than another of Satan’s lies to get man’s thoughts off of Father God. And sadly, this lie has worked well, as witnessed by so many environmentalists who now worship Mother Nature, and who have relegated Father God to the ash heap of myths, fairy tales and fables."
Have mercy, Mary, it is a common expression--like all of English, passed from prior generations as a continuity, and transmogrified over time into the common words and expressions we use today. You may cast a suspicious eye at the Celt and feminine cultural attributes of our forefathers, but you won't bathe all of English of its vestige; otherwise you'd better start now with a highlighter and a dictionary, because it is eat up with gods, goddesses, and cultural artifacts the world over.
Also, you might wish to rename the planets, days of the week, and figure out the true dates for Christmas and Easter (but no Chrismas tree or bunnies) instead of observing them at the traditional Pagan solstices.
Or, you my see life, language, religion, and earth itself as a continuity, ever changing but bearing traces of its heritage (even the parts you don't like). The devil didn't invent "mother nature," people just like you and me did.
I don't want to walk on eggshells, waiting for the the next etymological tripwire. If I want semantic goosechases I can go over to Brattons. Those two plucked words are not the substance of my remark, so the sermon caught me off guard.
In my experience, some church-folks feel the need to assert their spiritual certitude in such a manner that accentuates the differences and condescends the very notion that a thoughtful and ethical person might follow a different path.
I don't feel such a wide chasm between us, and place my palms together for you, dear sister. Blessings.
"Man was created in God’s image, and as such, man is the highest order of earthly (but not Heavenly) creatures, and must be accorded that priority on our planet. Man’s welfare is to come before animals, trees, land, the seas, and even the precious and valuable rain forests."
Well, man's welfare is interdependent with the welfare of those other things you list. That's an ecosystem. Do you know how many generations of men it take God to build a rain forest; why does your generation's corporations get to consume it--why not your great-grandchildrens? Seems like some real materialistic theology goin on, but then you added:
"Man can fool other men (or women) and claim whatever reason they wish for their actions, but God sees the heart. And the old excuse of, “I deserve it” is nothing more than the sin of pride."
Right on.
"This earth IS on a collision course with disaster..."
Well, heck then, who care anyway? Trash the place.
The simple answer to the hate-mongering argument is:
Given the ethical lapses of the Padre, and its impact on the entire congregation (pro or con), it is perfectly reasonable to question his fitness for the postion of leadership; futher, if ethical lapses are compounded in the effort to skirt the first, including eliminating dissent, then those parties effected cannot be blamed for communicating and building consensus.
I am amazed that Billy Tapp CONTINUES to state that SG did not harbor a pedophile.
Let's examine that:
PW ADMITED to molesting his son. His son will not allow his children around their grandfather. The report stated that PW molested his son.
Yet, Billy Tapp continues to defend PW, as though he has done nothing wrong.
I have this SICK SICK feeling that Billy Tapp seems to think that whatever it was that PW did to his son was not REALLY sexual abuse. What really makes me physically ill is that she has somehow convinced herself that " there is more to the story" as though a child could bear some of the responsibility of what happened to him.
While she is continually stating that she abhors child sexual abuse, she continues to rant that SG did not harbor a pedophile.
How can that be?
Could it be that Billy Tapp is EXTREMELY tolerant of child sexual abuse?
Could it be that Billy Tapp seems to think that only certain acts could be considered " sex " ?
Remember Bill Clinton?
When Billy Tapp comes on here and rants, please ask yourself this question:
Had you known that PW was running loose in the halls, and you had a preteen son in SS, would you have allowed him to go to the bathroom by himself?
Would you have told him to be SURE and take someone with him?
Would you have taken the opportunity to discuss safety issues with your child EVERY sunday before allowing him to go off to his class, where you would not be there to protect him?
You MUST admit that your own behavior would have been different had SG given you the opportunity, as a parent, to protect your child.
Instead, he determined that your child did not need your protection.
He determined, contrary to millions and millions and millions of pages of documentation and research, that the child predator would not strike again, and was perfectly safe to be around YOUR child.
Wonder if SG told his own kids to stay away from him, ignoring your kids.
And yet, those of you continue to defend him as SG is somehow the victim.
I pray that your child is never molested. But with the attitude that you posses towards SG, you do not recognize danger when it is screaming at you in the face. Instead, you embrace it, and subject your children to more.
Have you ever listened to a highly gifted, talented, and mature actor give a dramatic reading out of a phone book? I have and have attempted same. Your writings give all the evidence of a highly gifted, talented and maturing writer who is doing much the same with a book I’ll call Life. To the phone book reader the names and numbers have no relationship to the dramatic intonation and the meanings implied, yet can be used to tell a marvelous story simply by intonation and delivery. I thoroughly enjoy much of your writings in a similar way. Yet, without knowing God personally through Jesus the Christ who is the creator and sustainer of your very existence your writings are, at the most, beautifully written dramatic renderings of your observations of life without the context of the very one who is your life giver. I can only imagine what God would do with you and your abilities in context…. And yet, what God could do, would most likely be above all that you could ask or think.
When folks on here say they love you…. They do. The God of all creation is the author of our love for you. We are not perfect today, but our God is, and His love which is shed abroad in our hearts is His perfect love for you. May your ears ring with the truth that God loves you and has demonstrated His love for you in time and space and set some of us in your path to proclaim that it is Jesus who is Lord and not your rational thinking.
For the love of Jesus,
Padroc and Fruitcakes should write a book together.
They are both eloquent writers.
SOTL: You are right. They both are.
I accept your love with openness and your beautifully intoned phone analogy as sort-of complimentary, yet I seek substance in the matters I discuss--the words I use have meaning and the locution is not for style or ornament, but I have published for years, so I don't use my vocabulary to impress. It's just what is in my pocket at this point.
Reason and logic is the bedrock of scientific discovery and its roots are in rhetoric and mathematics; the theory of Relativity would be no more monumental had Einstein been a Christian; nor would the bits and pieces of your computer, made in China--probably by anamistic practitioners--any less amazing and useful.
This is not to say reason and logic are the only paths to truth, yet I am reluctant to accept anyones truth which would contradict what I may observe with my own faculties or some ideology that I may find unbeneficial to my spiritual walk.
I am comfortable with my beliefs, I patiently seek to live by them and they have brought me here; I have been with you for a while now and we share as survivors more than you will ever know or that I state mildly. The intimation that I am providing beautiful wallpaper sort of hurts my feelings.
I don't seek to flaunt differences, I only want to be a friend and supporter. And my general MO is established I hope. I just felt comfortable enough that if a subject comes up, it ripe for participation--even if I'm a little odd around here.
I think it's really cool that you're concerned for my salvation, and I thank you for your compassionate spirit.
Not odd. I appreciate your support and encouragement ...and your sweet friendship!!!
Comfortable with my beliefs.
Convicted with the Truth.
There is a difference.
Confused I am and therefore ask, is "Lovecakes" and "Enviro-cakes" and "Fruit-Cakes" one and the same?
If so, I personally like "e-cakes" as that is more akin to the current century.
Good night all.
As Lily is apparently the only one still online, she will go to bed.
5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Truthseekers: You've got Mail!
Good night Lily!
John 6:39"This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.
40"For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
as if this group ever goes to bed this early....especially cakes.
gmommy said...
as if this group ever goes to bed this early....especially cakes.
11:14 PM, June 16, 2007
The other night I wound up in bed at 9:15...and I am usually up till 11:30 on a daily basis! Actually I was asleep at 8:45. I fell asleep in my chair with my Pomeranian sleeping on my shoulder lol.
Hey guys....got a question.....
Have any of you seen the new billboard on I-40 going East in front of BBC...it has a verse....
"Live in harmony with one another." Romans 12:16
A fellow blogger brought it to my attention and wondered the reasoning behind it as it seems very ironic.....
You show all the hallmarks of someone who's been brainwashed. You sing a one note tune with one verse played on a one string guitar. You toe the same party line that all your cohorts who've come here before you...that is unless you're just the same one under a different name. How you expect anyone to seriously listen to you I can't imagine. One thing is certain though...your "reasoning" is beyond reason...and your self-righteous tack is nauseating. If you seriously believe that asking "pretty please" to the BBC administration makes any difference, then you are absolutely deluded. This isn't rocket science, it's as plain as the nose on your face. Get some help.
You know this blog stuff is pretty diabolical by nature. It could just be that the folks on this blog have conspired together to carry on so hatefully and despicably just to bait you so as to see how much of your God given time they can divert so that you miss God's blessings doing something productive.
See, I know these folks and they are just getting you to spin your wheels in the mud. Sort of like a sting thing.
Oh well, maybe you could assign the blog task to your alter ego freeing up your time to more blessable events.
MMMMM? You know as well as I know that Jesus died once for all, which didn't make either of us perfect.... but, in case you haven’t noticed the horse your riding is dead.
You are loved. You are even cared about. You may even be prayed for. And I understand why you are banned and why you don’t pay any attention to the ban. But the horse is still dead.
See you in church.
Oooh, the banned troll's furious! Good thing I turned on comment moderation. You should see what he's saying now! This guy is almost as humorous as BT!
Good advice, but I'm sure it's falling on deaf ears (you know, the ones attached to that deacon riding that dead horse). Please, as I requested earlier, let's just ignore Mr. Deacon.
Rod Almondmartanti said...
Does anyone know who asked sg to resign? Was it anyone with authority in such matters?
Say what?
Concerned said, "A fellow blogger brought it to my attention and wondered the reasoning behind it as it seems very ironic.....Ideas? "
In Rick Warren's email out to all of 'his pastors' right before his Rupert Murdoch Christmas special on Fox News (remember?), he announced the '40 Days of Vision' which is to kick off this fall. I posted the email on this blog...if anybody remembers it. In this email, he talked about this vision and how everything this year is geared towards that goal. It includes unity with a focus on community. I have noticed all this year in his postings, etc. that this has followed course. So, I am not surprised to learn of this. I have noticed other churches following the same que. Including some in my area. :) For whatever it is worth.
If I didn't understand all this, I would be frightened out of my gourd. :(
Please pray for David Brown's son.
The Lord keeps prompting me to pray for him.
If you will recall, he is in Iraq.
Please hold him up in prayer.
SOTL: Consider it done.
SOTL and Concerned: Thank you so very much. I last heard from him on Wednesday/Thursday morn. They are 9 hours ahead of us.
Whatever they are about to do, it started yesterday. He told me that he would not be able to call me for at least 60 days. He will be able to get mail. I do have his address if anyone wants it, he would appreciate hearing from you. He is in the same area where the bridge was blown up last Sunday. He patrolled it just 12 hours earlier. It is in the "triangle of death" which is were most of the bad guys are.
Kevin was saved at the old church and was baptized down there. He was able to meet with Dr. Rogers and they discussed his salvation. That is so dear to him now. He too has some very fond memories of Bellevue. That was 22 years ago and he still loves the Lord very much. He was youth minister at the small Baptist church in Georgia before he deployed. Some day it is his prayer to be in the ministry full time.
Once again thanks for the prayers.
David Brown
SNAP director-Memphis/West Tennessee
Rob Mullins is currently speaking at First Baptist Memphis -- watch on Channel 3!
Rob Mullins preached an excellent sermon today - the importance of obeying Him in the little things - and the prayer for salvation before the invitation was about sin and the cross and salvation and repentance. What a blessing.
And, if you continued watching after the sermon, they had business to take care of . .
The voted by ballot to elect a pastor search committee and gave a report of the tally. Then, Wednesday nite will be devoted to meeting in small groups regarding the type of pastor they want for their church.
I was called by one of our blog friends to turn the TV to 3...so glad I did!
I think Rob was humble and scripturally sound ....I think he has grown so much thru all the BBC nightmare!!
His sermon blessed my heart!!
After having a conversation with him a few weeks ago, I want to say I respect and love him. His sermon today was from his heart...and thankfully from God's Word....
not the twisted version! :)
You diagnosis...excellent!
25+ said, (concerning BBC)
“It is dying a progressively faster death at the hands of leadership that refuse to be accountable to the whole congregation... and at the hands of an under-shepherd that appears to have put his own best interests before those of the flock of the Chief Shepherd.”
churchmouse comments: The leadership of a warm vibrant church, a sanctuary to thousands, erroniously diagnosed their church as ‘dying.’ The leadership prescribed a ‘purpose’ for the church – to give her new life. Months later, thousands have fled the church, and she is indeed in critical condition – as a result of the prescribed changes from the leadership.
The purpose prescribed for the church was administered to bring in the unchurched. The result of the prescription was the CREATION of hundreds of unchurched former members.
Don’t miss the irony. Now, I ask you, “Who would devise such a scheme?”
1:10 PM, June 17, 2007
Gmommy, thanks. Sorry to mess up the order of things. I needed to correct a typo.
Churchmouse: The scheme was devised by the one who seeks to separate us from God's will and work. Unfortunately, it has harmed many sheep. I had a friend email me from Missouri with the question, "What do you do when EVERY church in your town (it's a small town) is PDL?"
I'm so thankful I know the end of the story, but yes, Ima, without that knowledge, I too would be "frightened out of my gourd."
Anyone else listening to the sheep beating going on in BBC's pulpit right now? Sounds like those millions in reserve must be dwindling fast.
New BBC Open Forum said...
Anyone else listening to the sheep beating going on in BBC's pulpit right now? Sounds like those millions in reserve must be dwindling fast.
Reply: I was listening to the sheep beating too. I also figured the cash is being spent faster than the sheep can earn it.
I thought it was strange that Steve was talking about tithing in June because when he came here, he said he only talks about tithe/money once a year...in January.
I thought it was odd that some of the terminology he used regarding holding back the tithe because someone didn't like how the church was spending it, was the exact same way a couple of people phrased it on here.
I thought the part when he said that people who criticize the church/leadership are backslidden or lost was very arrogant. He thinks WE MUST HAVE UNITY AND YOU DON"T ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING THE LEADERSHIP DOES OR YOU ARE LOST AND CAUSING DISUNITY!
He made a strong effort to explain that the deacons are to handle the money. Got to keep the gravy train arollin'.
Would have been a good sermon if he could be trusted.
I thought the part when he said that people who criticize the church/leadership are backslidden or lost was very arrogant.
*deep sigh*
Part of me is saying "are you serious?"
Another part of me says not to even ask that question because I'm pretty sure I know the answer.
There has to be a master script that Gaines and his yes men hand out!
They all say the same thing!
The person that got radical with me at a place of business used the phase...
IF you aren't HAPPY........
another opening line....if you are talking against anyone in the church,you are SINFUL.
Oh my goodness....what if it is WORSE than the kool beverage?????
Something akin to the....
brain snatchers!!! OH MY!
socwork wrote:
"Another part of me says not to even ask that question because I'm pretty sure I know the answer."
Well, ordinarily I would say go to the BBC website archives and listen to it in a day or so, but they haven't put the audio of an evening service on there since the first week of February. Wonder why not? His Sunday night sermons have typically been the ones where he's done the serious sheep beating, but they've not even put all the Sunday morning services up lately. Could it be -- budget constraints???
But to answer your question, sadly, "johntheb" was serious.
You know the ironic thing? About the only sheep left to beat on a Sunday night are his hardcore supporters. Truly pathetic.
I would agree with Steve that it is wrong to withhold your tithe just because you don't like how it is spent or because of leadership issues.
I send my check to the little church in Munford that I was interim Pastor at. They have a nice young preacher that goes to mid-america who preaches the Word. No PDL, Emerging ect. here. Just a nice growing, God fearing, God worshipping, God serving congregation that still loves and blesses me and my family.
They need the money and I am being faithful to God.
I am sure that will bring a new sermon from SG in the next couple of weeks but so be it.
all2Jesus: But that keeps them riled up to beat the sheep they cross in everyday life.
John: Personally, I wonder what is wrong with that? You are bringing the tithes into the storehouse, aren't you? At the end of the day, aren't churches that preach the gospel all God's storehouse?
Sounds like ole stevie boy needs to get some dough in the coiffers ( sp?).
Oh, I'm sorry, was calling him Stevie Boy disrespectful?
Good, I hope so. He has done NOTHING to earn my respect, but PLENTY to earn my disrespect.
I am jumping in here a bit cold turkey - although I get all the updates of this group from a certain amazing woman but I just wanted to say something about the earth stuff
first of all - kudos to you cakes- you have some good "gut" thoughts (as my fam says)
to others - ummmmmm Satan most certainly does not have dominion on this earth. All the Genesis talk aside - What the heck was Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead all about - getting us a ticket to heaven? NOOOO - breaking the power of Satan and initiating the recreation of the whole earth (with us too). Sin's choke hold is broken and the bruises are beginning to heal.
Yes, it won't be completely finished until Jesus returns but Christ is the firstborn of the new creation. Think of honey. Jesus' resurrection was like a big dollup being dropped onto earth and slowly through time oozes to every part.
With that in mind, we believers are doing real kingdom work here - and that includes putting to rights what sin twists - cake made a good point about ecosystems. We allow giant corporations to do selfish, greedy business with the earth in the name of what is good for us (which trumps other forms of life) but what that narrow opinion forgets is that we are so intertwined with the dust from which we were created. Stripping/damaging one area will affect us - does affect us - in so many ways. We have to have our eye to the whole picture. It is a part of applying wisdom to all of life and taking every though captive. . . .
and this whole notion of the world going to hell in a handbasket anyway so we might as well do what we want -- is such a gnostic perversion of Christianity it makes me want to throw something!
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