Monday, September 17, 2012

Rich and Rich vs. Brunson - Mac Brunson's Deposition

"I chose by my own volitional will to turn my other cheek to him, and he can slap that, too."

For those who would like to read Mac Brunson's February 2012 deposition in the "FBC Jax Watchdog" case,
here ya go!



  2. Thank you for posting that video clip. I posted three long comments and realized you'd just given me more than enough material for a new post.

  3. Let me repeat what's printed above the comment box:

    Please refrain from using the anonymous identity. It becomes confusing. Either register with Blogger (you can do this anonymously) and log in or select a unique screen name.

    Thank you!

  4. It is a sad day when a man can anonymously say what he wants to about one man, full of disparaging and vitriol, and another man gets sued because he states his personal opinion face to face with a reporter.

    Tom can ridicule Mac anonymously in Public, but Mac cannot reply publicly?
    Woe unto those that call good evil, and evil good, I don't care whose side you're on.

  5. Sadly reasoning and logic are not the forte of pastors in SBC Mega Churches. I sincerely feel sorry for all the people Mac counselled in the past 30 years. The one who needs help for spiritual and emotional issues is Mac. I pray for him to see the light.

  6. "Tom can ridicule Mac anonymously in Public, but Mac cannot reply publicly?"

    So, two wrongs do make a right!

  7. Just read the depo. My favorite part is where Mac claims that he feels threatened, but when he is pressed to give an example he says "the blogger is too shrewd to do that." LOL!

  8. Bill,

    My point is simple. The same people that have praised Tom for speaking out against Mac anonymously, have critized Mac for speaking out against Tom publicly.

    Don't praise one, and criticize the other. If Tom is right to speak against Mac, then Mac is right to give answer to Tom.

  9. ANNMS,

    My point is simple. The same people that have praised Mac for speaking out against Tom publicly, have criticized Tom for speaking out against Mac anonymously.

    Don't praise one, and criticize the other. If Mac is right to speak against Tom, then Tom is right to give answer to Mac.

    In addition, there are inequities that you have chosen to overlook.

    For instance, one was not found guilty in court of violating the other's civil rights.

  10. Sorry - meant to post that comment as Bill.

  11. I do have to say that quite a bunch of Mac's utterings and spurious mental reasonings from the depo were ALSO voiced by various commenters on FBC Jax Watchdog blog. My thinking is he was coached or he coached others.

  12. Reading the depo of Mac, reminded me of Reagan during the Iran-Contra affair ... Mastermind!


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