Monday, February 05, 2007

Meet Mr. Ace!

Attention NBBCOF Bloggers!

We have now learned the identity of Mr. Ace, the blogger who has made it his personal goal of disrupting this forum for the past several weeks. Ace was foolhardy enough to write Jim Haywood, whom he had viciously attacked in several comments which were quickly deleted from this forum, identifying himself as "Adam Jones" and gave Mr. Haywood his cell phone number requesting that he call him. Mr. Haywood apparently shared that information with several other people, one of whom performed a reverse cell phone number search and learned that "Adam Jones" is in reality Adam Cary Sidhom. Mr. Sidhom, who goes by his middle name, Cary, is a member of Bellevue and a member of the string section of the orchestra. He will turn 20 years old this Friday. (NASS has woolly socks older than that.)

It's interesting that "ace" always said he never lied, yet in his message to Mr. Haywood he stated, "I am not hiding my identity. Hi, my name is Adam, what's yours?" [He didn't know to whom he was writing?] "In fact, give me a call if you want to talk more... 901-XXX-XXXX... The WHOIS records haven't been updated wherever you just searched. Try searching at and you will see the domain registrar has my name + phone number... it's showing up as updated there."

Okay, let's explore that statement. "Ace" told me he helped set up and is a moderator for, a site set up with this stated purpose: "This is a website to show our support for Bellevue Baptist Church. Here you can show your support for Dr. Steve Gaines and our great church and share with others how Bellevue has positively influenced your life and family. Together we can show the world how Bellevue has changed lives and is answering prayers." That's certainly a worthy and positive endeavor, and "ace" even asked me to place a link for the site on this forum which I did. However, later that same evening, Cary, who posts there using his first name, asked me to remove the link as he didn't want it on this site anymore.

But wait... another site just popped up this past Friday called "Save Saving Bellevue," a vindictive "spoof" of the Saving Bellevue site. Note: No link will be provided here for that site, and you go there at your own risk (or more specifically, possibly that of your computer), but here is a screen shot. It's interesting to note that both these sites, at least until yesterday, were registered to fake names ("Adam Jones" and "Adam 123," respectively) at fake Cordova addresses with Memphis zip codes.
Here are screen shots from from February 4th and 5th showing the changes that were made in the registration information for savesavingbellevue as well as the information for Now we see that the registrar is "Cary Sidhom" and at least some of his correct information is now listed.

But these two websites aren't all of Mr. Sidhom's adventures in cyberspace. Here are but a few of the places he's been hanging out:



Ask MrCary!

vBulletin Forums. There were over 4000 posts from MrCary there last night which now seem to have evaporated (or I suspect have just been hidden). However, you can still see some of them from here.

here about the legalities of recording conversations. And this one about recording video.

And the strange world of, parts of which are here, here, here, here, and here. Is Bellevue Baptist Church aware they're "sponsoring" this site?

Cary Sidhom is personally acquainted with the poster who posts here with the screen name "sickofthelies" and for some time now has insulted and mercilessly taunted this lady, who is an admitted victim of childhood sexual abuse herself, but would not reveal his identity to her. It turns out that Cary Sidhom is also personally acquainted with SOTL's family and is a close friend of her son's. In fact, she and another person recently paid the entire cost of Mr. Sidhom's fare for a Caribbean cruise a group of Bellevue string students and their parents plan to take in the spring so that the students can use their violins to share the Gospel in some of the local schools whenever the ship docks. They had offered to do this because Mr. Sidhom told SOTL he couldn't afford the cost of the trip and because he's always, in her words, "seemed like such a good kid." Knowing that she was paying for his trip, he continued his malicious attacks on her, both on the forum and in private correspondence with others.

Cary Sidhom and SOTL's family and other members of the orchestra and string group eat out together regularly, and at no time has Cary ever hinted that there was any problem between him and SOTL. In person he has remained polite and friendly. Yet he mocked her in his comments on the forum following her encounter with David Coombs. He has referred to her in e-mails as "pathetic," "a big, fat crybaby," and "a drama queen." And SOTL has had no idea all this time that she was paying for a Caribbean cruise for none other than "ace"!

In spite of criticism for his name-calling and behavior towards SOTL and others on this blog, "ace" has offered repeated disingenuous apologies, only to repeat his behavior again and again.

Last Tuesday night he warned me in an e-mail that two "immature" acquaintances of his were going to attack the blog. He claimed he was trying to talk them out of it because "we shouldn't stoop that low," but that he didn't know if he could stop them. Apparently he couldn't because the attacks by "thing 1" and "thing 2" began shortly thereafter. Hence, comment moderation has had to be in place almost continuously ever since.

"Ace" was permanently banned from posting here last week but continued to post anyway. When asked by someone why he continued to post after being told he couldn't, his reply was a flippant, "Because I feel like it."

More information will be forthcoming over the next few days. In the meantime, I would ask that you not personally attack this misguided young man. He is in need of our prayers.


"Ace" threatened to reveal the identities of some of the people posting here and thought he was telling everyone my identity.

This was a series of comments from January 22nd through the 29th which to me are evidence that "ace" was working alone or in combination with someone else to give a false impression of his own identity.

"ace" said...


Spill it. I have nothing to hide. Try to intimidate me all you want, I don't care. Post away.

10:10 PM, January 22, 2007

"Knower of all" said...

Ace, I know who you are. Do you want me to say right here or do you want me to tell you in e-mail? Your choice, and if I don't hear back from you in 5 minutes, I'm posting it here.

10:41 PM, January 22, 2007

"Knower of all" said...

You are Stephen Coombs, David Coombs eldest son. Does your dad know that you are posting on this blog?

10:45 PM, January 22, 2007

"ace" said...

Knower of all,

Email me if you want... or post it, I don't care.

-the real ace.

10:47 PM, January 22, 2007

"ace" said...


Steven's back... or is it Stephen? I believe Karen asked you a question Ace.

You can just call me Steve.

10:05 PM, January 27, 2007

"ace" said...

I am not Stephen Coombs.

A lot of people owe Stephen Coombs an apology, as well as the rest of the Coombs' family, including David for these lies and accusations. I'm sure they'll be waiting....

12:01 AM, January 29, 2007

Note that "knower of all" got a little ahead of "ace" when he revealed "ace's true identity" two minutes before "ace" gave him the go ahead. Regardless, from "ace's" comments, he stated he didn't mind someone revealing his identity, so to object when someone did so seems a bit disingenuous. It also seems a bit irresponsible to allow someone to plant the idea that he's someone he's not and to not deny it for a week. He even said, "Call me Steve."

Now we see he's posted a
petition urging people to sign protesting the ordination of David Coombs. A legitimate petition from a concerned BBC member urging the same thing was quickly removed from that site, but this one is allowed to remain.

And this one apparently never got off the ground.

It seems ViolaUnion needs to be "saved" now. What is this obsession with "saving" things? I would suppose Mr. Haywood should be flattered, for as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Obsession, on the other hand, is a little "s'cary" though.


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25+yrs@BBC said...

If Ace's birthday is indeed Friday, then it seems his birthday spanking came early.

socwork said...


Couldn't have said it better myself... :)

Veeeerrrrry interesting.

Thanks so much for the update NBBCOF!

WTL said...

Zephaniah 3:5 The just LORD is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.

Ecclesiastes 12:4 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
36 If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

1st Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

New BBC Open Forum said...

cjesusnme wrote:

"I hope he knows that still there are bound to be consequences to his actions!"

Yes, but not determined by us. Ace and 4545 always ask for facts, and I have provided those. The consequences of his actions are now up to those in authority over him.

WTL said...

(amos breaks silence)

it does irk quite a bit to think how many times he rebuked just about every one on here and waxed pious on just about every topic...but I digress...back to the Word

WTL said...

Proverbs 8:6 Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.
7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.
9 They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.
10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.

oc said...

shall we lay hands on him?

just kidding!

Charlie Fox said...

My prayers go out to the Sidhom family, and ACE in particular.

Charlie Fox said...

WOW, no moderating!!!

Jessica said...

I thought this blog was not about Ace?

allofgrace said...

Proverbs 24:17-18 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Lest the LORD see it and be displeased, And He turn away His anger from him.

JU said...

Now I understand why he never would reveal himself. He went to far and didn't think he could without suffering some consequence. Maybe he'd be different now that he's no longer anonymous and has nothing else to lose.

Psalm 43:3 said...

Does anyone know the BBC policy for using church property (computers) for personal use (blogging) during office hours?

Brady said...

It would be even better if all of you people would share your real names. This place is like sitting around with a bunch of junior high girls

JU said...

Brady how about you comply with your own request.

Lindon said...

"This place is like sitting around with a bunch of junior high girls"

I wish. :o)

WTL said...

1st Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Brady said...

I'll go first and then you can follow suit.

Brady Davis, Memphis, Tennessee

Lindon said...

Too bad we are Baptists because I would have bet he was in early 20's or younger.

But all I can think about is all the dumb ignorant stuff I did at 20. Oy vey.

Tim said...

There have been other priorities that have kept me from posting for the past several days, but this thread really caught my attention.

Although, I believe that Cary tried at times to create a disturbance, there have only a handful of post that could be deemed as purposefully malicious. I would personally like to extend an olive branch to him and assure him that I hold no grudges against him.

Perhaps he may now post in a more congenial manner and others will reply in a similar manner. Of course, that can only be prefaced by the acceptance of a heart felt apology by SickofTheLies.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
JU said...

Brady just click on my tag you'll find more than you'd like to know probably.

ace said...
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JU said...

Ace I believe she's allowing you to respond. Go ahead and answer the accusations. I'm sure if your post is thoughtful NASS will leave it up.

oc said...

oh boy, he's baaaaaack!

Piglet said...

And to think he told me he was older than his twenties and offered to copy his driver's license to prove it!

I feel so........betrayed. :(

Jessica said...

Also, I am sure this will be deleted, but...

way to take the high road...

WTL said...

Proverbs 23:9 ¶ Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Tim said...

Mr. said...
Are you going to allow me to respond to these accusations, NASS? Or are you going to continue to censor me?

Ok, so why is "Mr." asking to respond?

WTL said...

Proverbs 14:33 ¶ Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.

Tim said...

If I am not mistaken I believe that "Mr." posting number "6255" was one of the "thing1" or "thing2" numbers.

JU said...

Ace if that is indeed your full name then just change your screen name. Let your actions speak for themselves. This is a Christian blog ask for forgiveness for whatever has happened and move forward out of the darkness. You don't have to have your screen name as your full name but like me in your profile. It would probably be pretty liberating for you and completely take away a LOT of people's issue with you. Of course a caveat to that is that it provides a much higher degree of accountability on your actions here.

WTL said...

2nd Corinthians 7:10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

Lindon said...

Amos, I am going to get you an ESV for Christmas. :o)

all2jesus said...

Psalm 43:3:

I could be wrong, but I don't believe Cary works at BBC.

But let's say hypothetically he did, wrote malicious posts to the blog during work hours and there existed a solid policy against it. We've already seen the sort of discipline Gaines supporters can expect for their misdeeds: church-paid training. Hey, we wouldn't even be allowed to see the policy.

There are bigger fish to fry, friends.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Charlie Fox said...

tim , they were 9599 & 4733

Piglet said...

Ok, I was clueless at 20.

So I forgive him. :/

WTL said...

Proverbs 6:2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
3 Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.
4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
5 Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

Lindon- ESV?

Tim said...


Good enough. Also, your friend Mr. Fox has vindicated you. You probably have more friends here than you realize.

Piglet said...

Reckon Steve Gaines will give him a lollipop?

Okay, okay, no more jokes....

Psalm 43:3 said...

My mistake. I thought he works for Jim Barnwell, Director of Communications.

Piglet said...

He better hurry up and become a deacon before he exceeds the age limit......

Did I just do it again? :/

Charlie Fox said...

Bad Piglet!!!!

facts_only_please said...

Cary, you deceived many. You should be ashamed of yourself. I want you to think about some people.

Think about the young children that you help teach in the PAC on Wednesday evenings. Were you not even concerned about these precious young kids and the impact you could have made in their lives? A lot of these kids really looked up to you and admired you as a leader.

Think about us parents who trusted you – but we do not trust you any more. Did you have fun? Was it worth it?

Think about the mean-spirited words you used against your friend’s mom. Did you enjoy it? Did you lose any sleep?

You have damaged your testimony in the eyes of many – most importantly – our Lord Jesus Christ. I am praying for you.

allofgrace said...

The ESV is a fairly new word for word translation..they also tried to maintain the original structure as well.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lindon said...

Amos, I am teasing you because I am so pedestrian when it comes to the KJV. When I was a kid, my brother and I would try to outdo each other in KJV conversations at the dinner table on Sunday. Used to drive my dad nuts. Behold, pleaseth passeth thee potatoes.

ESV=English Standard Version. A great new translation that is highly recommened by many we would love it.

Here is a link

WTL said...

Ephesians 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

allofgrace said...

all2jesus made a good point...there are bigger fish to fry.

Charlie Fox said...


Was facts_only_please stuff funny?

WTL said...

AOG, Lindon,
I'm a 1611 man myself...just kidding

ace said...
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InformedatBBC said...

Psalm 43:3 said:

My mistake. I thought he works for Jim Barnwell, Director of Communications.

You were pretty close - Ace's younger brother does work for Jim Barnwell.

allofgrace said...

ooooooooh nooooooooo..not KJonliest

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
concernedSBCer said...

Ace, Please pray about seeing the big picture of this situation. There is Truth and Trust in the balance here.

Psalm 43:3 said...

Ace- Could you clear up the confusion- Do you work for Jim Barnwell?

ace said...
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JU said...


If there is another side please put your it down for us so we can clear it all up.

ace said...
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Charlie Fox said...


It ain't who you support, it's how you show that support.

ace said...
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WTL said...

Proverbs 9: He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Brady said...

I went back and read some of Ace's stuff and he's right on a lot of it. After seeing all the things you people have said to him its no wonder he bites back. He's 20 and has an excuse--what about the rest of you???

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
oc said...



Lindon said...

"One more thing. Think about the mean-spirited words that were used against someone's son/daughter's friend.... this is two-sided here. I am not the bad guy."

Making comparisons is not scriptural. Our only standard is Christ. We all fall short. But you sure were 'tempted' for a long time......

Cary, I mean this in love: I would pull my child out of anything you are in leadership in.

Are you still planning to take that trip that sotl helped to pay for?

25+yrs@BBC said...

Ace said:


I was not thing 1 or thing 2. I have better things to do with my time than spam. "

25+ says:
But what about yours brothers, Ace? Were any of them trashing this site as the "Things"?

JU said...


I understand perhaps send your side of things to NASS and see if she'll give you the opportunity to refute/rebut any of what she's posted.

facts_only_please said...

You may not be a teacher on the PAC payroll. However, you DO help out in some of the group classes. I know this is a fact! I’ve seen you. I’ve sat in the same class with you.

You go right ahead and admire Steve Gaines.

Your conduct on this blog has been a disappointment. The Cary that we knew, mingled with in church, and were impressed with is not the same Cary that we have seen on the blog. I am disappointed in how you have conducted yourself. None of us are perfect – myself included.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
facts_only_please said...

Informed is correct. Cary's younger brother works for Jim Barnwell.

WTL said...

Proverbs 15:10 ¶ Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
11 ¶ Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?
12 ¶ A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.

Charlie Fox said...

ace said,

And I have been ugly at times, yes. So so has 99% of the other people here. I will admit I was wrong, yes. I am asking for forgiveness. Will you guys forgive me and forget about this all?


I unconditionaly forgive you. Will you now debate you postion in a postive mature manner?

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lindon said...

"I am asking for forgiveness. Will you guys forgive me and forget about this all?"

I think everyone can forgive you but that won't help you one bit.
Repentance is in order for you to be helped by the Holy Spirit. (repentance is a 'change of heart' and so far that is not coming through in your posts...which are pointing fingers back at everyone else)

You really have been cruel here. Even posting NASS' name and taking up her valuable time by all the comments she has had to delete.

BTW: God forgets our sin AFTER repentance. However, it is going a bit far to ask people to forget 5 minutes after they find out. Best to wait and see if there really is repentance. Forgiving and forgetting are two different things.

Spoken as a depraved sinner who is worthless.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MOM4 said...

ace said...
"I think many people here need to take a look at themselves instead of me. If you don't trust me, then I'm sorry. Again, why? Because I support Steve Gaines? Or is there another reason?"

You took money from a fellow Christian for a trip and then belittled her, mocked her and victimized her all over again by your actions. You then had the nerve to dine with her and her family, acting like nothing at all was wrong. Your behavior is nothing short of heartless, immature and lacking in Christian love, moral ethics and mental and emotional stability. Son, you need some help, guidance and discipline.

I almost felt sorry for the situation you have put yourself in by your actions until you started posting here again - acting like you were right with the world and the Lord. Do you not know the tears you have caused SOTL to shed? And you show no remorse? I will pray that the Lord will open your heart and convict you of the horrible deeds you have committed against your sister in Christ.

Charlie Fox said...

Ace said... Where's the love, guys? Where?


We have been wondering that about you.

ace said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
all2jesus said...

Mmmkay. I guess tonight the blog is all about Ace. I'm outta here.

KellyS said...

Ace Said: You want to destroy my reputation. Where's the love, guys? Where?

Cary, grow up! You destroyed your own reputation. Quit hiding behind your immaturity, thinking that gives you a free pass. You have brought all this upon you, by yourself.

Kelly S.

facts_only_please said...


Are you not going to answer the other questions??

Think about us parents who trusted you – but we do not trust you any more. Did you have fun? Was it worth it?

Think about the mean-spirited words you used against your friend’s mom. Did you enjoy it? Did you lose any sleep?

25+yrs@BBC said...

Love? But, you have constantly accused this blog of being hate-filled...

I call it love for SOTL to forgive your cruelty. You have been taunting people here old enough to be your grandparents. I am about the age of your father. You have shown no respect for your elders and deserve to find out what the grown up world can be all about...

The only thing that might stop that will be love. jmo

Psalm 43:3 said...

Ace- thanks for the clarification. Has your brother or anyone you know posted to this blog from Bellevue?

Piglet said...


My son was in the sixth grade and likes you, but he can't understand why you like a preacher that has treated so many people we know so badly, has hijacked our church, ignored our bylaws, and broken the law FOUR times.

He has read your posts and would have responded himself if I would have let him.

I look for positive role models for my sons, and, unfortunately, at this time I would be devastated if they grew up to be like their own pastor!

There's still time for you, Cary.
Wise up.

WTL said...

Proverbs 24:4 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him...

it does matter who you support

Lindon said...

"I guess tonight the blog is all about Ace. I'm outta here."

I agree. And Mom4 has it right. He knew who sotl was and went ahead...and then has the nerve to refer to it as a 'mistake'? This is the legacy Gaines is leaving.

I am not so sure I can believe anything he says at this point.

My hope is that NASS will ban this immature young man.


sickofthelies said...

ace said, in his apology to me:

"Like I said, having fun is about who I am."

Cary, did you have fun while mocking me about my experience with David Coombs? Do you have ANY idea how bad his actions hurt me that night, and then you piled on? You kicked me while I was down.

Did you have fun while you were talking behind my back? Telling others that I was a "big fat crybaby and drama queen"

Did you have fun when you would be with us after church, knowing that you had made fun of my abuse on the blog, and yet, were so nice to my face?

Did you have fun when you wrote to me and taunted me with "I know exactly who you are"

Cary, maybe when you grow up, you will understand that these are grown up issues. And they are not "funny." They are not about Cary having fun at the emotional expense of others.

I thought the world of you, Cary, but Ace is a different person. Ace calls it fun. Grown ups call it malicious, hateful, spiteful,and immature.

I forgive you, Cary, but actions have consequences. You have lost respect in the eyes of many.

I hope your "fun" was worth it, Cary. It came at a great cost.

Charlie Fox said...

Ace has left the building and taken all of his posts with him. and we are back to moderation.

MOM4 said...

From: "Wranglerguy8"
Subject: Note

Well, its good to see that you are still printing your
condescending trash. Keep up the good work--I'm sure
you're making Satan real happy.

You people are sick

Mon, 5 Feb 2007 18:06:49 -0800 (PST)
From: "Wranglerguy8"
Subject: Note from Will
To: "Mom38134"

I am hardly in darkness. You people live and dwell in
it. You will be held accountable for your deeds and
vile statements. You should be ashamed of what you
are doing.

These are just a couple of emails I have received today from "Will". If anyone recognized this email address, or if you have received any of his hate mail. Please contact me.


Charlie Fox said...

I am sad to say that I didn't see a repentant ace. Just a milder version more of the same.

oc said...

Aceeeeeey!!!! You got alot of shplaining to do!!!!

MOM4 said...

Mon, 5 Feb 2007 19:59:21 -0800 (PST)
From: "Wranglerguy8" Subject: Note
To: "Mom38134"

"Well, its good to see your Christlike character
exhibiting itself again tonight in your response to
Ace. You are one sick woman."

Here is another one. Will, are you a "Gaines supporter"?

Junkster said...

At 6:42 PM, February 05, 2007
Piglet said...
Perhaps Steve Gaines can be of some benefit to someone in his "spring" or "summer" but I'm not sure BBC will have survived by then.

junk99mail replies:
Hi, piglet! I hear what you're saying, and I understand your concerns. All I can say is that I trust (as I'm sure you do) that God can and will work good out of bad, even very bad, circumstances (including our own unrighteousness and that of others).

At 9:02 PM, February 05, 2007
Lindon said...
I wish. :o)

junk99mail replies:
Hi, Lindon. I think maybe it would be a good idea for you to clarify that. Your posts indicate an desire to display righteousness, so I'm sure you didn't mean what first came to my depraved mind...but I'd hate for anyone to misunderstand.

concernedSBCer said...

AOG: The it a modern translation?

Brady said...


I don't know if its worse that you let your son read this filth or that he to listen to you bad-mouthing his pastor. You are doing more damage to him than you can imagine.

achristianbeliever said...

Ace may not work for BBC, but he has asked for a job at the seminary across the street and was offered a janitor position recently.:) and sorry about your Bears losing in the Super Bowl.:( And btw, shouldn't you be studying, practicing, going out with friends and just trying to grow up??? (FaceBook can be very revealing.)

Seriously, Cary, perhaps the mission trips you appear to enjoy and participate with all your heart is where you should concentrate. God does have a unique plan for your life....

Prov. 3:5,6

You owe sotl an apology, and a big one.

socwork said...

You want to destroy my reputation. Where's the love, guys? Where?

No, Ace, you seem to be doing this all on your own. If you wouldn't give people so much material, they wouldn't have anything to work with.

JU said...

I had this nice post about forgiveness and how this thread had gone to far then I read SOTL's response and realized that Cary's "side" of this story isn't even close to being complete. It's obvious that he hasn't made a real broken attempt at asking for forgiveness from her based on her response. Until that happens these are the consequences of weeks of questionable posts by him.

25+yrs@BBC said...


Friday you will no longer be a teenager. It's time to grow up.

I was a member of Bellevue quite a while before you were even born as were others who have been posting here. I have been offended by your constant taunting, but I cannot imagine how SOTL must feel. I hear your request for forgiveness and readily extend it if your request is genuine. But you need to handle SOTL differently.

You don't need to ask her forgiveness in a letter, an email, or a post here. You need to do that in person. And I would recommend that you pay her back for the cruise. It might take a while. But it will take a while for her to get over your behavior too.

"Fruits of repentance" are biblical to ask for and much more tangible than words. It is time for words to match actions.


MOM4 said...

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 20:12:40 -0800 (PST)
From: "Wranglerguy8" Subject: Re: Note
To: "Mom38134"

"You're not going to find anyone else I've written by
putting it on the blog. I only write the sickest of
all--and you are it.

I pity your husband (if you still have one.)

No, I am on either side."

WELL, I guess I am on this guys hit list???

How should I respond? Should I report him? Or treat him as SPAM? Ignore him?

I know, I will commit him to the Lord and let HIM deal with him.

Charlie Fox said...

mos said....

it does matter who you support

I think this is in reply to my post. You misunderstood my point, because I didn't word it very well. My apologies. I should have said, "It ain't who you are supporting, it's how you show that support. We DO have the freedom to support who or what we wish, whether we are right or wrong. That's not to say that there are no consequences for supporting the wrong person or thing.

facts_only_please said...


As a brother in Christ, I unconditionally forgive you. It’s done.

You need to understand that life is full of choices. You chose to behave in a very malicious, vindictive, and immature manner. For the life of me, I don’t think it is funny at all to kick SOTL like you did. With her forgiving you my friend, that is showing the love.

You go right ahead and admire Steve Gaines. He kept a pedophile on staff for 6 months. He trash-talked our own flock at another church. He trespassed on another brother’s property. He is forgiven, too. Life is full of choices. Sometimes we just have to exercise a little common sense….

Lindon said...

Lindon said...
I wish. :o)

junk99mail replies:
Hi, Lindon. I think maybe it would be a good idea for you to clarify that. Your posts indicate an desire to display righteousness, so I'm sure you didn't mean what first came to my depraved mind...but I'd hate for anyone to misunderstand. "

Uh...I meant that I would like to be that young a junior high gal. I was jokingly lamenting my age...all women do at some point. Sorry for the mis- communication!

And I am certainly not righteous. Is communicating scriptural truths being righteous?

Perhaps I should put a disclaimer on them: I am totally depraved and saved only by unmerited Grace.

I love the scriptures and try to contend for the truth. I fall very short of the Glory of God.

MOM4 said...

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 20:23:43 -0800 (PST)
From: "Wranglerguy8" Subject: Re: Note
To: "Mom38134"

"I love it when you run and put my emails on the blog.
I only respond when I read yet another of your
hate-filled postings.
You do have a bit of a tendency to overreact and
overstate things don't you?
I'm headed to bed so you won't be hearing from me
again tonight. I'll check tomorrow to see if you
publish any more of your dirt and will respond then.
Sleep good if your conscience will let you."

I have decided to do all of the aforementioned actions from my previous post.

Good night "Will"!

Piglet said...

Brady said:


I don't know if its worse that you let your son read this filth or that he to listen to you bad-mouthing his pastor. You are doing more damage to him than you can imagine.

Piglet says:

You know, my husband and I kept this from our sons for quite some time, even leaving them at their grandmother's during the first apology session.

But soon, the filth spewing out of the pulpit became hard to defend. We had told our sons the pastor had made some mistakes but he was sorry. But when he preached on parental authority on Sunday and proceeded to discuss his ultimate authority over the church and how it should not be questioned, we could not allow this distortion of scripture.

Knowing of the stand we were about to make, and that we would likely end upleaving Bellevue if things did not change, we became very honest and transparent with our kids.

They see this as a spiritual battle and have been well trained and well versed in Ephesians chapter 6.

They know we follow no man who does not follow Christ and we are here to hold our leaders accountable to God's word, our bylaws and the law of the land. I am proud of their father and the strong role model he has become in their eyes.

Not to fear. My sons have seen a godly man in the pulpit and they know what one looks like.

Gaines is not one.

This is temporary for us. Things will change or we will leave. And our boys will understand.

Afterall, they have studied in their Bible class at home about false teachers and wolves in sheeps clothing. This is just one long and painful object lesson.

25+yrs@BBC said...

Wrangler, why don't you quit picking on women? Tough name... real tough guy... You used the word sick... I think you fit that bill. If you are a christian, you should fear God enough not to attack a sister in Christ.

I have NO respect for any man who attacks women either by word or action.

Mom4 I'd keep those emails. If he continues to cross the line, the authorities can find him.

Lindon said...

mom4, you have mail from a 'friendly'

allofgrace said...

ESV is fairly new...not modern in the sense of "The Message"'s not a's a word for word translation like the KJ and NASB..but they attempted to keep the original structure as much as possible as well as word for word translating.

MOM4 said...

25+ said...
"Mom4 I'd keep those emails. If he continues to cross the line, the authorities can find him."

I have them all in a nice folder:) Thanks for your support.

Lindon said...

25yrs+ wrote: I have NO respect for any man who attacks women either by word or action."

God Bless You, 25+!!!! Only cowardly men harass a woman like that. Thanks for speaking up.

New BBC Open Forum said...

I am sitting here in amazement that anyone could have as much gall as this young man has exhibited tonight. I had planned to let you make a statement, Cary, but instead of waiting for me to answer your e-mail, you decided to just start bombarding the blog with your comments. You have been permanently banned from this site. Period. What part of that do you not understand???

You have a lot of growing up to do, son. Most of the people who post here are anywhere from 10 to 50 or more years older than you. You're always telling us to "grow up." Oh, the irony! I see no shame for everything you've done, no contrition, just more arrogance.

As you requested in the e-mail you sent me a little while ago, I will allow you to make one final statement. So I would suggest you take some time to prepare it. Contemplate what you've done, the people you've hurt, especially SOTL, maybe talk to a trusted mentor or two, and spend some time in prayer and the Word. Only then write what's really on your heart and send it to me first. If I'm convinced you're sincere (and NASS is very discerning in that respect) I'll post it.

But please do not come back here and try to hijack this forum. You see, Cary, actions have consequences. You were already permanently banned, and that stands. This isn't about forgiveness. If you're truly repentant, I can forgive you. It's about consequences, and I think this is a good object lesson in the differences between the two.

Your family has not been dragged into this by anyone but yourself, Cary. Your family was not mentioned except the reference to your brother eating with the group, and I will remove that reference to him. Note he was not mentioned by name. Your actions, not mine, have brought any shame on your family that they might feel. I hope you learn something from all of this because you see, our actions are not just ours alone. Everything we say or do has the potential to affect our families and those we love. Think about that the next time you decide to have a little "fun" at someone else's expense. Ask yourself, "How could this potentially affect my family?" If the answer is that it could come back to hurt them, then just don't do it! It's amazing how many times in my life that answering that one simple question has kept me from doing something I would later regret.

To everyone else, I apologize for the inconvenience. I thought surely turning off comment moderation was safe because there was no way "ace" would ever try to come back and repeat his past behavior. Surely getting caught in a web of lies and deceit would shame anyone enough to realize he needed to repent and change his ways immediately. Apparently it didn't, but I'm still holding out hope for Cary.

Now, please, anyone who chooses to write Cary privately, please do so in a spirit of Christian love. If you know him personally and call him or talk to him in person, again, do so in a loving and kind spirit. And please pray for him and his family.


Piglet said...


Ick! This Wrangler guy is a sicko. I'm glad my email is not on my profile.

You, Wrangler guy, you leave Mom4 alone!

Mom, keep these like 25+ said. They can be traced.

(There is no mad face on my keyboard!)

Finance Guy said...

I have to keep refreshing to see how the next person is going to hurt me.

Ain't so much fun when you are on the receiving end of what you have been dishing out huh?
You need to just take your medicine like a man. You have no right to "play the victim" card here like a Washington Liberal.

Finance Guy said...

No. I haven't talked to Mr. Barnwell in over a year.

Explain how you were able to set up David Brown with the church administration and not at least say "good morning" to Jim Barnwell?

Finance Guy said...


And I have been ugly at times, yes. So so has 99% of the other people here. I will admit I was wrong, yes. I am asking for forgiveness. Will you guys forgive me and forget about this all?

More examples of "I know I'm a sinner but so are you" attention deflection. Known on the schoolyard as "I know you are but what am I?"

Isn't this the exact same thing The Pastor tried to do with Paul Williams? "Yes he's a sinner, but it's all under the blood. I decided to keep his confidence" Don't we all have things in our past we'd rather not be revealed?

Piglet said...


I do think Cary is just learning from the pastor.

You can be arrogant, rude, lose your temper, make rotten decisions and say "oops,sorry." (but only if you're caught and there is proof) and all is wonderful again.

Brady, my boys know better than that. They know there are consequences to their actions. In spite of the pastor.

Junkster said...

At 10:20 PM, February 05, 2007
Lindon said...
I was jokingly lamenting my age...all women do at some point.
And I am certainly not righteous. Is communicating scriptural truths being righteous?

junk99mail replies:
Well, now that makes a lot more sense. I hadn't paid close enough attention to realize you were female! (I didn't know what you meant, but the thought of a adult male wishing to hang out with jr high girls just sounded odd.) I apologize for not recognizing your female-ness! (I'm laughing at myself now that I know.)

When I said you had indicated a "desire to display righteousness" it was not an insult. You do stand for truth ... and you also point out that a Christian should be characterized by holiness of conduct and avoidance of sin. Those are all good things. :)

Tim said...

MOM4 said...
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 20:12:40 -0800 (PST)
From: "Wranglerguy8"


I agree completely with 25+. These appear to be an attempt to silence truth with veiled threats. Save the e-mails that you have and do not delete them. They can be traced all the way back to the very computer from which the originated. There is much more information contained in an e-mail concerning it's origins than most people are aware of.

I would seriously expect that whoever is responsable would consider what they are doing.

Finance Guy said...

I've been getting hateful emails from "wranglerguy8". He says his name is "Will Wilson". But as it appears to be the order of the day for pulpit supporters to lie and be deceptive, who knows if he is telling the truth.

If he is lying about his name, then he should be aware that the Bible calls Satan the Father of Lies....
Something to think about.

oc said...

Personally, I'm done listening to Ace's whiney, unrepenting trash. He is just playing like a spoiled, bratty child, and at this point I am not wanting to listen to him anymore. Let's move on.

Finance Guy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
KellyS said...

Amen, NASS (10:38).
Well written post!
As Adrian Rogers has said many, many times, 'We can choose to sin, but we cannot choose the consequences of that sin.'
Clay (Ace) needs to learn this very important truth.

Kelly S.

MOM4 said...

He has had my email address for a while now. Tonight is not the first time I have heard from him. I have saved them all in a happy package, reserved just for him:)

And it is "Ick" when I see an email from him, because I know what it will contain.

Thanks for the back up are a gem!

JU said...

Everyone pray for Cary. I see a young man on the eve of his legal manhood being put to the test like the adult he almost is like never before. How he reacts might very well decide his ultimate true character as a man and Christian. The internet can be a dark place and reveal darkness no-one ever even knew was there. Just because it's been revealed though doesn't mean you can't grow from it learn from it and come out on the other side of a test like this a true man better for having been through it. I've corresponded with Cary for the last few minutes and I think he's working towards making this right on several fronts. Give him a chance to do that.

socwork said...

He's 20 and has an excuse--what about the rest of you???

This is an excuse? His age? So you can do whatever you want until how old with no consequences? I'm sure there are a lot of college students out there who would like to know the answer to this.

Maturity may very well be a factor, and may help us understand what we have seen on the blog from him, but that's about as far as that will fly.

MOM4 said...

I have saved them all. These are not the first - he has been at it a while now.
Perhaps I need to go ahead and report him asap just in case he decides to get more threatening?
Thanks for your concern!!

MOM4 said...

finace guy...
And I thought it was just me he was after! Keep them all so we can get together when we get to the legal end of this, we will need them all.

Lin said...

junkmail: "I apologize for not recognizing your female-ness! (I'm laughing at myself now that I know.)"

Now, I get it! I was a bit taken aback at your comment and don't blame you a bit for posting it! What you must have been thinking? Oy vey. More than the normal 'totally depraved', eh?

BTW: Junior high girls in my day spent most of their time doing something new with their hair.

I see my profile switched to Lin...same person as Lindon...I do not know why it does that...just started with new beta blogger which is driving me nuts. Must be my gmail account.

JU said...


I would urge you to follow this link and fill it out immediately.

Yahoo Abuse

Finance Guy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Finance Guy said...

You can close, but the actual Dr. Rogers quote was "You are free to choose your choice, but you are not free to choose the consequences of that choice". He said this in the context of the Pro-Life/"So called" Pro-Choice debate, but it certainly is a nice statement of natural law. Unfortunately, that doesn't fit the "cheap grace" philosophy of the Purpose Driven Movement. Or as Pastor Steve puts it, "It's under the blood-I'll keep it confidential and you can keep your job" .

oc said...

yes, report it. threatening e-mails are a form of emotional abuse. do not wait for it to get worse.

Finance Guy said...

Until Cary Sidhom (and his client Paul WIlliams) gets in front of the church and publicly demonstrates remorse and repentance, I refuse to believe he is sorry for anything other than getting caught.

Like Paul Williams (Who also needs to do the same thing), he should pay close attention to the truth "be sure your sin will find you out".

Also see Luke 12:2-3
2For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

3Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

MOM4 said...

Hey guys,
I have reported the emails. Thanks for the link ju!!

socwork said...

Until Cary Sidhom (and his client Paul WIlliams) gets in front of the church and publicly demonstrates remorse and repentance, I refuse to believe he is sorry for anything other than getting caught.

It's hard to believe any differently than this, because I have a hunch if he hadn't slipped up and got caught, nothing would have changed (meaning Ace would still be the same old Ace, etc.)

Piglet said...

Mom4 said:

Hey guys,
I have reported the emails. Thanks for the link ju!!

Piglet says:

Good for you, Mom4! Now I'll sleep better.

G'night all.

25+yrs@BBC said...

Ace said (on another venue):

"My name is Mr. Cary Sidhom. I am a local celebrity in the city of Memphis and soon that name is going to be known worldwide. I am perhaps the smartest person to ever live on this planet. I am also the most modest person you will ever meet. I am also a genius."

25+ says:
Well Mr. Cary... genius? hmmm...

You look like a clean-cut, funny, talented, happy, busy, young man.
I feel sorry for you to have all of this come down on you just before your birthday. You seem tech smart but not people smart. You don't have the knack of reading people very well imo.

You seem very likable and seem to have lots of friends. I think had you approached this board differently you would have found that some of the posters here would make the best kind of friends--the kind who really care about their broken church.

No one here can stop the harvest from coming in that you have planted. But I have sons--and I mean this, I hope that you are able to make things right with SOTL and Jim and another day and time will find that the posters here have genuine concerns, are not hate-filled, and do care deeply.... for their church, for Dr. Gaines, and for you.

Regardless of how we treat one another, we are still part of the family of God. John said, "Little children, love one another." That is not an option. It is a command.

Genius? Maybe... maybe not. Still, at nineteen, I hope that you grow in discernment when it comes to people.

Who knows, after some time passes and God heals the BBC felloship, perhaps we will be able to have a NBBCOF reunion. If we do, it won't seem complete without Ace (leave the Things wherever).

gmommy said...

I have not forgotten that "ace" claimed to be able to identify the individual bloggers and to have had access to our personal,confidential, files from the Biblical guidance office. That was an especially cruel,well thought out threat. Not the action of a harmless teen. Now he has the shamelessness (arrogance)to tell others to leave his family out of their comments and have expectations from people he has deliberately harmed. still feel powerful??? The arrogance from the BBC leaders really is contagious.

Jessica said...

I would like to say two things.

1. regardless of the mistakes Ace has made, what you see on this blog is not all his is. Just like all the rest of us, he has both good and bad about him. His apologies are heartfelt, I can promise you that. I challenge any of you to say you have never apologized for something and then screwed up again.

2. I am saddened by the response to all this. Why are you taking so much joy in it?

David Hall said...

First off, I'm outting myself--Abraham Lincoln here; glad to make your acquaintance.

I don't understand how anyone would suggest that people, revealing the tramatic effects of sexual abuse or risking criticism of choices made by the Pastor and leadership, should reveal their identities. Paging MS.

"I find it unfair for all these accusations to be put up and my voice cannot be heard (click the little orange button on the top left corner of this page--the bloggoshere is democratic, but it's not a free-for-all). You want to destroy my reputation. (Kid, look in the mirror.) Where's the love, guys? Where?"

Take it Smokie, while I try to locate the love and stop giggling.

"Now if there's a smile on my face
It's only there trying to fool the public
But when it comes down to fooling you
Now honey that's quite a different subject

But don't let my glad expression
Give you the wrong impression
Cos really I'm sad, Oh I'm sadder than sad
Well I'm hurt and I want you so bad
Like a clown I appear to be glad ooh yeah

Well they're some sad things known to man
But ain't too much sadder than
The tears of a clown when there's noone around
Oh yeah, baby baby, oh yeah baby baby

Now if I appear to be carefree
It's only to camouflage my sadness
And honey to shield my pride I try
To cover this hurt with a show of gladness
But don't let my show convince you
That I've been happy since you
Cos I need to go, oh I need you so
Look I'm hurt and I want you to know
For others I put on a show ...

Just like Pagliacci did
I try to keep my surface hid
Smiling in the crowd I try
But in a lonely room I cry
The tears of a clown
When there's noone around, oh yeah, baby baby

Now if there's a smile on my face
Don't let my glad expression
Give you the wrong impression
Don't let this smile I wear
Make you think that I don't care
Cos really I'm sad..."

Wow dude, take some time to reflect, given the fact that, even if I don't know you from Adam, BBC folks do. The "I'm sorry, but everyone screws up" thing is popular with you Gaines folks. What's that about? Grace is, in fact, regarded as cheap.

Ever read the story in the Brothers Karamozov by Dostoevsky, where Jesus comes back durng the Spanish Inquisition and the church officials don't recognize him and burn him at the stake?

25+yrs@BBC said...


It's one thing for an intelligent 19 yr. old to attack posters on a blog. It is another thing if he was sent or used in any way. If that was the case, it will eventually come out. jmo

Jessica said...

well, I for one would rather be guilty of extending grace when I shouldn't have instead of withholding it when I should have.

peter said...

How shall I start? Mmmmmmm?

In the word of some of our more notable bloggers, WOW!!!

Cary, you have been blessed this evening with a multitude of counselors. Some found ways to correct you. Some, ways to admonish you. Some, to teach you. Some to criticize you. Some to build you up and point out that there is a higher ground and that you can get there. Some, are weeping for you. Some, are crying out to God for you. Some, have quickly forgiven you. Some, who you disappointed, have forgiven you. Some, you have shamed and they will need time to experience your true brokenness over your childish and sometimes sinful statements. Some, who have yet to learn of your decisions to "play" and "toy" with the significant issues at the heart of our concerns at BBC will have to choose their responses. And perhaps all this will only be the beginning of your journey with your life instructing experiences on the blog. This may prove to be a very quick route to maturity for you. Maybe not a route that you will enjoy initially, but you’ll live. You will “make it”.

I will offer this one bit of council. In my marriage I had to learn how to be a "good" apologizer. Years ago we went to a Weekend to Remember marriage conference where I learned how to apologize. Gary Roseburg taught the men what the very first words should be in any apology. "Name"…. I…. was.... wrong. I am so sorry! I hate what I said to you. God hates what I said to you. No one should ever have to be treated like I treated you. I am so sorry. I will do everything in my power to submit my thinking and my behavior to the obedience of Christ so that nothing like this ever happens again. Will you forgive me...please? Today, I tear up remembering some of the times I apologized. They were a real work of the Holy Spirit who did such a work in our relationship. God can and will meet you at the point of your need, but He does not play games.

I remember… but for the grace of God go I. You will remember and grow. Your visibility now exceeds your worst dreams. You are at a “fork in the road” of your future. I’ll pray for you to choose wisely and carefully.

Bloggers, I think it is right that tonight has been all about ACE. The young man's sin has found him out. We are participating in our calling as ministers of reconciliation so as to restore one to the fellowship of believers. Each one of us has been tested. Our God has known both our motives and our actions and some of us are not as clean with the Lord as we might think. God still will require each of us to give an answer for every idle word. Let our conduct be blameless. We can do it. Proclaim Christ.

Loren said...


So your name is Will from Dallas, age 51, eh? Any truth to all that, or just a charade?

Hiding behind anonymity, spewing garbage on people already hurting? WOW

Please go take a cold shower, or run about 10 miles and get that anger out of your system. It has no place on this blog, or any other for that matter.

SOTL, gmommy: The gentle warrior is feeling not so gentle towards this undisciplined harrasser. Don't bother to look at his picture he has posted on his Yahoo profile -- creep you out.

Notifying Yahoo about abuse, and saving these for possible future legal use seems pretty wise.

Wing man, Gentle Warrior

Brandon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Finance Guy said...

Be Patient
His apologies are heartfelt, I can promise you that. I challenge any of you to say you have never apologized for something and then screwed up again.

First, of course we have. Second, this isn't a valid "cheap grace" card to play here. His "screw ups" were premeditated, calculated mischief. It's not like "oops, the wet plate slipped out of my hand again". He was warned and chastised repeatedly for his behavior. He will not be allowed "The Devil Made me Do It" defense. To say he "apologized and the screwed up again" in this situation is to suggest he has some sort of mental illness, and is unable to control his behavior. I guarantee he wouldn't have "screwed up again" or even in the first place had he not felt he had the cloak of anonymity (darkness) surrounding him. "Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19
Certainly applies in this situation.

Thirdly, until there is public repentance and remorse, I do not believe he is sorry for anything other than he got caught.

And what was your name again?

Anya said...

So, I mean Cary Sidhom has been living a double life?

In one life, he is shy sweet 19 year old "man" who is friends with sotl's son. Sotl even paid for part of his upcomig trip because he could not afford it. He shared hospitality with sotl, sitting across the table from her....all the while coming on here and making light of her past being a victim of abuse. Even admonishing her many times on this blog as pathetic, etc.

Yet, he could look her in the eye and pretend to be something else. Frightening. And this went on for a while. This is unbelievable.

I only saw a few posts last night before they were deleted, but Cary did not seem to be filled with remorse..his words indicated that he was too busy trying to make everyone on here believe they are just like him! Even bepatient agrees with this. What do they call them??? Oh yeah...'mistakes'. Not sin, of course...too mean.

What is in a person that they could live such a double life? And, not even to a stranger but to someone who has treated him with great kindness and love?

This proves my Eddy Haskell theory.

Cary, being deceptive is one of the worst things you can be. YOu are better off being a jerk all the time than two faced. You do not fool God at all. He sees the deception. And, once found out, it takes a very long time for trust to be built with people. They can forgive but who can blame them for not trusting you?

Most here want to forgive you and that is fine but I hope they do not get in the way of the Holy Spirit trying to convict your soul and bring you to repentance. You are on a dangerous course, my friend. This is more serious than you may think as far as your salvation goes. Some will scoff at that (I can already see bepatient now extolling her cheap grace all around and pointing fingers)

Don't forget everyone...19 was considered a full grown man just 70 years ago. There was no such thing as a teen back then. We have invented that concept. A boy started to become a man at 13.

But at least we know Cary's motivation. He has family members working on staff. But, Cary, you have not helped Gaines one bit. Is your brother anything like you? It tends to run in families due to parental mis-guidance.

nanasboys3 said...

God bless you warrior for being the wing man.

Ace, pride comes before a fall and it seems as though you are going to fall far and hard. It is hard not to take pleasure in this in my flesh but as a Christian I am pained. You seem like you are a smart guy but I am afraid arrogance has overtaken your intelligence. You could have come here and learned quite a bit from those posting here but instead you chose to come here with an agenda. Granted none of here are perfect but for the most part the posters here all have one concern:BBC.

I pray that you will take this "fall" and learn from it. Life lessons are hard and they get even harder when you don't learn them the first time.

The beginning of knowledge is wisdom and I pray that you will gain insight and wisdom from this. This can and will make you a better man. I have been teaching my five year old grandson a Bible verse that says " A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches". That verse speaks volumes. Please take this from someone who has had to learn that the hard way.


sickofthelies said...

BePatient said:

I am saddened by the response to all this. Why are you taking so much joy in it?

SOTL says:

You could not be more wrong. I have wept tears of sadness for a young man that I "THOUGHT" was my friend. If you think for one mintute that I am receiving any joy whatsoever from this, you are SADLY SADLY mistaken.

My heart aches for Cary. He has made some foolish choices. And it is going to take a long time for him to live them down.

I am praying that Cary will understand how he has hurt people and will truly repent.

Do not judge me, BePatient. You have not walked a mile in my shoes.

nanasboys3 said...

I agree Esther that he should have to face this like a man. As Dr. Phil says, "he has to own it". I would be interested to know if any of his family knows about this.

I have a 22 year old son and it would not bode well for him if he had done this. He would take his medicine like a man. It would pain me but I would let him face the consequences of his immature and vindictive actions.

sickofthelies said...


Thank you for your kind words and counsel to Cary. I pray that he will heed them. YOu are so full of wisdom, and I always enjoy your posts.

Your words on this blog reflect the kindness in your heart, and I am always blessed by them.

I pray that Cary will be blessed by them today.

sickofthelies said...


I find it outrageous that Cary would post such lies and deceit on the savesavingbellevue website. He STILL thinks this is funny.

He obviously fails to grasp the gravity of the Pedophile issues and lies coming from the pulpit. It's still all about fun and games to him.

There are people hurting from things that have been done and said from the pulpit and Cary can make light of them by posting nonsense in an effort to deceive and confuse people about the TRUE issues.

Satan is the author of confusion. Looks like he has a good partner.

josgirl said...

I know that I do not post often but I have been reading the blog for months now. As of today, I will no longer be reading the blog. I sincerely believe that NASS (who I was just praising to SOTL two days ago about respecting the fact that she/he stays above the fray)has crossed a line with posting Cary's identity along with a huge post about all of his other internet activities. Yes, he has acted like a childish jerk and I wouldn't trust him with my kids or with my confidence. I had no problem with banning him...but I think that the public exposure of his full name without his permission is wrong. And to give him no avenue to "defend" himself is wrong too. With this thread, you have done nothing to further your mission of addressing the issues at BBC. I believe that you have lost credibility and added fuel to the fire of those who say that this blog is just about a few disgruntled BBC members venting. I am a personal friend of SOTL and she knows that I abhor what CS has done to her and she knows that I support her entirely and without question and have for years. At this point, I feel that this whole issue is between SOTL and CS and everyone else piping in is taking on the offense of another. Let them deal with what has gone on between them. Deal with CS's misbehavior on the blog by banning him as has been done. Take away his audience and he no longer has any fun.

I know that I will probably get flamed for posting this opinion but I hope that it makes someone..anyone..think. You would be very angry if we started posting names with login names and started "outing" folks. I know the identity of at least two people on here..shall I post their names? Absolutely NOT...not for me to decide but for them.

God bless you in your endeavors to right the wrong at BBC.


nanasboys3 said...

I am so sorry for your pain. Betrayal is bitter and especially when it comes from someone that you considered a friend. Please know that I am praying for you my sister and I am praying for Ace as well.

Anonymous said...

Can't help but wonder about how a 19-year-old could come up with such a methodical means of covering many bases of attack with destruction as his goal without help from a person (or persons) led, of course, by satan using a human tool(or tools) much more experienced in life than a 19-year-old as his "guidance counselor" (or counselors).

Loving Jesus,
Stephen and Bonita Ann Richie

Living Hope In Jesus

gbc lurker said...


Not being a member of Bellevue I never tried to piece together who you might be. It kinda breaks my heart you are only 19 and so bitter. You are old enough to realize you are being cruel and intentionally hurting people, and maybe too young to realize this type of passive/aggressive behavior is setting you up for a miserable life. Happy, spiritually well people don’t delight in being mean. I know from my own experience in a church divided, people on both sides of an issue are wounded, and it’s best to treat each other with care, especially when we disagree.
I don’t know why you would be so ugly to someone after they have been so welcoming and generous to you. Don’t let this recent behavior define who you are. Everybody has done things they aren’t proud of, especially when they were young- and everybody has been forgiven. I pray this experience leads you to examine your heart and you live the life God wants you to live. I wish you al the best.

Logan said...

I rarely post, mostly just read here. I believe this blog is a good thing (promoting getting things into the light.) I'm writing to you today to let you know i'm praying for you. I don't find betrayal as funny or a cute joke, etc (or anything else Cary called it.) Cary doesn't have to ask for my forgiveness, i never gave him any serious thought. His ideas, excuses, etc held no water with me (b/c there can be no excuse for a pedophile minister being allowed on staff, period, no excuse ever). With yourself, however, Cary owes you a face to face explanation and apology. Why? When he ate at your table, he didn't question your stance on issues. When he accepted your help on the cruise, he didn't question your stance on issues. I'm sure there's a laundry list of things you've done out of christian love for this young man that we know nothing about. What is his gift back to you: betrayal, ridicule, lies, humiliation, intimidation. Cary laid in wait, collecting info on you, like a spy, (to use against you in public). Learning about items in your life that casued you great pain/stress/fear, just to harass you with them. I read in this set of post that he emailed you an apology. How easy that must have been for him. In conjunction with his new website, his apolgy seems empty, hollow and self-justifying. Cary accepted your gifts & love in person, he needs to apologize to you in person, in front of you & your family. All of these thing are just my opinion. You sound a lot like my late mother, she had been molested a child. She didn't let it ruin her life. She loved people and she loved the Lord. The way she lived life and loved the Lord is what led me to discover the Lord. My prayers for you will continue.


It's a good thing I'm not your son, I would have had to handled Cary in my own special way. If you don't mind me asking, how does your son feel about his friend(Cary) now?

New BBC Open Forum said...

I received an e-mail from "ace" this morning in which he asks this question:

"Will I be able to respond to questions sent my way that arise because of my final post that you've allowed me to post?

"I need to know this for planning of how I'm wording things."

Would someone whose communicative skills exceed mine please explain to Cary these excerpts from my previous comment?

1. You have been permanently banned from this site. Period.

2. As you requested in the e-mail you sent me a little while ago, I will allow you to make one final statement.

3. If I'm convinced you're sincere (and NASS is very discerning in that respect) I'll post it.

Oh, wait... allow me to expound.

1. "Permanently banned" means you personally will not be allowed to make any more comments on this forum. That's zero as in "not even one more comment."

2. As I stated, you are welcome to prepare one last statement that...

3. I will post for you. You will not post anything. Therefore, the answer to your question is "no, no, no, no" (a little DC lingo there), you will not be allowed to respond on this forum to anything beyond your one final statement. So my advice to you is to take your time and make it a good one because you've got one shot at it.

You ask why? The answer is simple, and I was so hoping I'd never utter these words because it signals I'm turning into my mother and that scares the living daylights out of me, but the answer is because I said so. It's not about power or humiliating you. (You've done quite a splendid job of that all by yourself). It's just the way it is. Life isn't always fair. Not to toot my own horn here, but you've talked about how we should submit to authority. Well, Cary, in this venue, I'm in authority over you, and you should have respected my authority the first time you were told you were banned from posting here.

You know, Cary, you'll learn in life (at least I hope you'll learn) that sometimes, to put it bluntly, it's best to just shut up and say... nothing. You don't have to answer every question or respond to every comment. Most of the questions people are asking are rhetorical in nature anyway and don't warrant a response. Let it go. You're only digging yourself into a hole here, and I really hate to see that happen. As someone said last night, take your medicine like a man. Or as you've admonished so many of us so many times, grow up.

Now, if you still don't "get it," I don't know what else to say. Maybe someone whose writing skills are better than mine can communicate these things to you in such a way that you will finally "get it."

My advice to you right now is to not write another word today. Not one single word! Instead, go to a quiet place, get on your knees and seek God's guidance in all this. Talk with a trusted mentor. I know several people from this group have been trying to counsel you privately since last night. Did you hear what any of them were saying to you? Did you take any of their words to heart?

You say you need to know if you'll be able to respond here "for planning of how I'm wording things." That statement says so much about your heart, Cary. Do you aspire to a career in politics? Is Bill Clinton your hero? For pete's sake, just go reflect for as long as it takes and then say what's on your heart. Why do you need to "plan" your wording depending on the situation at all? As the old saying goes, just run it up the flagpole and see if anybody salutes. If you're truly repentant and sincere, it will come through, but no further response from you will be necessary or expected.

You aren't a little kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Cary. You are a man. Not a very mature man, but a man nevertheless. And that's okay. Not many 19-year-olds possess the maturity of a 40, 50, or 70-year-old. But hopefully we learn and grow and mature as we get older. You may think you know it all now, but believe me, Cary, 20 or 30 years from now you will look back on this time in your life and realize just how little you did know. And 20 or 30 years after that, if you're still alive, you'll look back 20 or 30 years and realize you didn't know it all then either. In fact, Cary, you'll never know it all. None of us will in this life.

You have a valuable life lesson staring you squarely in the face, and I truly think you're at a crossroads in your life. Please try to learn something about yourself from this experience instead of continuing to lash out at people. Most of us have been around a lot longer than you have, and you would be well advised to consider our advice. Whether you realize it or not, we speak it out of love and concern for a little brother in Christ. I hope that someday soon you'll realize that and embrace it.



Piglet said...


Yeah, Cary. I poked a little fun at you last night (I tend to see the humorous side of things, sorry) but I kinda felt sorry for you when I found out you weren't even in your 20's yet. You still have a lot of growing up to do.

You've gotten a lot of good advice on this forum. Don't ignore it.

Piglet said...


I, however, find no humor at all in the fact that, once again, the sin in our church has hurt you in a personal way. I'm sorry for that.

I know betrayal has been a painful issue in your life and I hope this young man can understand that and be truly repentant.

Praying for you....

Logan said...

What is there to say, that Cary hasn't already said. All his words & actions over the past few months are evidence of that. If he has a new response, he's got a few different websites of his own to post them. We don't need him, he needs us! What will he say, another empty apology (like he gave to SOTL)? Maybe another condemning rant about us being wrong and him being innocent. I've kept myself from posting on Ace because it really does feed into what he wants. Some have said he wants us diverted from the real goal of this forum. I beg to differ. Cary is an ego driven narcicist who wants to control the situation. When he was kicked off this blog, his audience was gone. Narcicist need an audience to feel like they are special. In their actual world they are usually nothing special. They change the reality around them to suit their needs for greatness. This forum feeds his need for greatness. As proof, before this blog, who knew of Cary? Now, how many people know of "Ace". Notority is what he craves. Sorry for the psych profile, just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

See, what you do in the dark will be brought out into the light. "ace" has behaved badly and will pay for it - I now know what he looks like. I'll have to say hi at church one of these days.

Sad, sad, sad!


Finance Guy said...

Do not judge me, BePatient. You have not walked a mile in my shoes.

He, Ace, Mike Bratton and others have been judging you and everyone else since the beginning. Why should they stop now? That's just who they are.

If Mike Bratton ever turns on the church administration with the same venom he's spewed at Jim Haywood and others, he may need to enter the witness protection program!

timmk said...

Real mature, finance guy.

You guys are saying it's ironic that Ace told you guys to grow up, but he really has a point.

Instead of having your wannabe "holier than thou" attitudes, try showing some maturity. You're all acting like junior highers.

Go ahead, tell me that you're not acting immature. Maybe I'll believe ya!

sickofthelies said...

Logan and others:

Thank you for your kind words. Please keep Cary in your prayers as well. God has given him such a special talent, we need to pray that he would use it for good and not evil.

Logan, you ask how my son feels.
He is hurt. It hurts me that someone he has looked up to has hurt him in this manner. At 15, he's really too young to understand ALL the dynamics involved. But kids are resilient, and he'll be ok. It might be several years before he can grasp
' the big picture'.

Thanks for all your prayers, everyone, but please don't be worried about me. I'm a tough old bird, and I'll be fine!!!I"m not letting any of this slow me down, and I don't want it to hamper you in any way.

Jessica said...

I was not addressing you in my post, I apologize for not making that clear. Your issue with Cary is personal, and I was referring to the way the blog has responded. Everyone seems to be taking such delight in his "downfall".

Finance Guy,
I challenge you to find my posts where I have been "judging" people. I have expressed my critism for some actions, but I have never questioned anyone's salvation, or relationship with God, which is more than a lot of people here can say.

As far as I see it, all of "us" simply wish that people would turn that magnifying glass that they use to call out everyone else sin and turn it back on themselves for a while.

We were all created in the image of God. Even Ace.

Finance Guy said...

Finance Guy,
I challenge you to find my posts where I have been "judging" people. I have expressed my critism for some actions, but I have never questioned anyone's salvation, or relationship with God, which is more than a lot of people here can say.

As the French say, au contraire, you have continually "judged" people and their motives. For instanced, you've made a blanket accusation that we are taking "joy" in the revealing of Cary as an immature and malicious young man, while apparently oblivious to the pain and turmoil he has caused.

I challenge any of you to say you have never apologized for something and then screwed up again.

Just slightly accusatory, without any basis in fact wouldn't you agree?

These are just from this thread. I can give you more examples from your comments on other threads.

I am saddened by the response to all this.

Are you as sad that Ace belittled, ridiculed and betrayed his friend, as well as other supposed brother's and sister's in Christ for months!!?? I have no doubt that you are very close to Ace, either as a family member or close friend. Have you challenged him in his meanness and deception over the past months, or did you conspire with him and trade giggles over dinner on Sunday nights, while in the presence of the one he betrayed?

(I didn't accuse you of questioning people's salvation, so I have no clue as to why you bring that up. Perhaps it's the tactic you and Ace perfected of trying to put words in people's mouths and distracting the conversation. Won't work here.)

Finance Guy said...

Also on judging. You judged Josh Manning pretty harshly for recording his converstion with DC, proclaiming how wrong he was, all the while saying that you didn't know what the right thing to do there would be.

I would argue this was just a "wee" bit judgmental.

More examples of your judgmental spirit to come. You shouldn't have challenged me.

New BBC Open Forum said...

Brandon said...

Just last night after all of this came out, Carey posted the link to this website he made on his Facebook account.

vindictive spoof site (edited by NBBCOF)

Real sincere apologies eh?

6:46 AM, February 06, 2007

Finance Guy said...

Where were you when Mike Bratton, Ace & Co were attacking and belittling us all these months?
Just a harmless little question.

Jessica said...

finance guy,

I typed out a whole response to what you have said, but I erased it and I will simply say this.

Read over your last post to me, how was it better than the things Ace has done? Did you consider my feelings when you wrote it- how do you think it feels when you assume I would sit and "giggle" over someone else's pain? Or were you more concerned about getting your point across?

Jessica said...

One more time,

I have no problem with Josh Manning recording the conversation. I take issue with the secrecy.

KellyS said...

It was funny reading Ace's thread in the FreeAdvice forum that NASS had linked to in this thread's beginning topic. He was corresponding with an attorney at this link.
Ace had asked the attorney not to quote a 'specific url' that Ace had given him, when the attorney replied, telling the attorney he was going to delete it a minute after posting it.
Ace: "I will delete this in a minute, so don't quote the URL in your next post, please!"
The attorney winds doing a reply to Ace's post, copying all of Ace's previous message, with the 'specific url', that Ace was to delete, showing up in the message reply.
So funny!
This attorney really puts Ace in his place thoughout this thread, for wasting his time.

gbc lurker said...

David S. wrote...

Not sad at all. The greatest opportunity in the world is to show Ace your unconditional love...
I loved what you wrote and it is so true. We should remember this opportunity when dealing with anyone that has hurt us. Thanks for sharing David S.

Anonymous said...

David S.,

You're right - I should not have said "sad" so much as "I am sad this happened". I will speak to Cary at church - boy, have I got a cookie for him! <-c'mon you know that's funny! - I don't know him, but now I have many clues as how to track him down. With the personal emails I've received from him, I am finding it hard to forgive, but that's my personal stuggle. He really said some nasty stuff to me and about others so forgive me if my forgiveness comes a little slower than others.

The thing I find ironic is that "ace" convinced me that he had some knowledge to the innerworkings of BBC and I revealed a lot of information about myself to him to reiterate some points we were emailing about. Then to find out he's just a kid with a computer just makes me feel duped. I guess we don't really know everyone we are conversing with here, do we?

Bepatient, financeguy, be kind to each other - it's not worth being angry over. Let's keep the main thing, the main thing.


Anya said...

There seems to be an imbalance on the teachings of Grace and Wrath these days. We learn lots about Grace but very little about God's Wrath.

No one here has the ability to do anything but forgive Cary but we must define forgiveness and what it means. It may not mean fellowship if he continues to walk in darkness. And what he did for weeks on end, suggests that is exactly what he is doing.

With that said, the teaching on God's Wrath is really lacking and anyone whose heart is unregenerate needs to whole counsel of God..not just empty platitudes about Grace. We cannot know Grace without understanding Wrath. Empty platitudes about Grace will not help Cary at all. The beginning of wisdom is fear of God.

Cary, I hope you will study Hebrews 10 very closely and Matthew 7. And Paul tells us we do not go on sinning because Grace abounds. That is not Grace at all and cheapens the Wrath that Jesus took for us on the cross.

Cary's behavior toward sotl indicates an unregenerate heart. It was pretty heartless and deceitful and it was not a one time deal. Everyone here is correct in being concerned for him. As a matter of fact, this may be the only place in his life where people are truly concerned for his sanctification.

God is the same in the OT as in the NT, we just seem to miss it and it is not being taught. I would recommend everyone who believes in cheap grace go and read about Uzzah in the OT. Then come back and tell us about cheap grace. You may want to swing by Acts and read up on Ananias and Sapphira, too.

This whole episode may be God's way of chastising Cary to draw him in. Let us not get in the way. Let us forgive him but let us also encourage him to really and truly repent.

timmk said...

finace guy-
Sorry, I really don't understand your question; probably because I've only been here a short while.

Word it in a different way?

If you're just asking where I was, well, I was at home doing other things than the internet. Why?

socwork said...


Good post at 3:15.

Cary's behavior toward sotl indicates an unregenerate heart. It was pretty heartless and deceitful and it was not a one time deal.

This parallels my own thinking about this situation. Deliberate, willful choices of sinful behavior are not characteristics of someone who is born again. I don't know Cary at all... other than what I have seen of him on this blog. But I do know that Jesus said we would recognize His disciples by their fruits...

Matthew 7.16-18
16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.

Mike Bratton said...

Finance Guy said...
Do not judge me, BePatient. You have not walked a mile in my shoes.

He, Ace, Mike Bratton and others have been judging you and everyone else since the beginning. Why should they stop now? That's just who they are.

Thus, we see again the problem with anonymity--regardless of viewpoint. It allows people to say what they want without consequences, at least until they're caught.

Your statements, whoever you are, were lies. You seem to post a lot of them, and I'm at a loss to understand why that is.

If Mike Bratton ever turns on the church administration with the same venom he's spewed at Jim Haywood and others, he may need to enter the witness protection program!

Either quote an example of my "venom" or retract your statement.

Not surprisingly, only the bad behavior of those who don't share the mindset of the "regulars" here tends to get the rough treatment.

Oh, look. Another lie from the same anonymous poster:

Finance Guy said...
Where were you when Mike Bratton, Ace & Co were attacking and belittling us all these months?
Just a harmless little question.



And now I've incorporated? :)

Since you cannot support your statements, you must withdraw them.

Now, having gotten that nonsense out of the way...

Cary, I've cautioned you about your behavior more then once. You've been, even before your "outing," one of the prime examples of what can go wrong when people post anonymously, especially about issues as important as the ones facing Bellevue.

As far as this business is concerned, you need to take your lumps. If you're just remorseful, but not repentent, we don't want to hear about it. We do want you to understand the harm you've done, and we want to hear what you plan to do to, in some way, begin to ameliorate at least some of what you've done.

If Nass won't share it (which would surprise me), just send me an e-mail. Hey, send me one anyway; we should talk.


Mike Bratton said...

socwork said...

Good post at 3:15.

Cary's behavior toward sotl indicates an unregenerate heart. It was pretty heartless and deceitful and it was not a one time deal.

This parallels my own thinking about this situation. Deliberate, willful choices of sinful behavior are not characteristics of someone who is born again. I don't know Cary at all... other than what I have seen of him on this blog. But I do know that Jesus said we would recognize His disciples by their fruits...

Matthew 7.16-18
16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.

So, we have not one, but apparently two who have chosen to judge the salvation of another individual?

And wielding Scripture as a club?

Let's see if this gets any kind of rebuke from the "regulars." It will be fascinating to watch.


all2jesus said...

bepatient said:

I have no problem with Josh Manning recording the conversation. I take issue with the secrecy.

You mean that he did it secretly? Do you equate secrecy with sin?

Some scriptures you might like to consider:

1 Kings 20:35-43
Do you take issue with the prophet's secrecy and subterfuge?

2 Sam. 12:1-13
Do you take issue with Nathan's approach?

Luke 24:13-35
Do you take issue with the Lord's secrecy?

I believe it was 25+yrs@bbc who pointed out that God records every conversation. Secretly, I might add.

Now, tell me this. Do you take issue with anything David Coombs said in that meeting?

Lynn said...

Financeguy said...

Where were you when Mike Bratton, Ace & Co were attacking and belittling us all these months?
Just a harmless little question.

Koragg's Response:

Hey financeguy,

I wouldn't group Mike Bratton in the same group with Ace. Unlike Ace, Mike Bratton has, to my knowledge, been honest and has not tried to cause problems. Bratton on numerous occasions in my opinion has brought forth solid and legit points. And when there has been a disagreement, instead of attacking, he's had good arguements for and against various things.

Tim said...

To each of you, 25+, socwork, cjesusnme, amos, nbbcof, charlie fox, allofgrace, bepatient and ace.

Jude 1:2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

socwork said...

david s,

I hear what you're saying... I would say this: There's a difference between falling into sin and diving into sin. Would you agree with that?

You mentioned Peter was a habitual sinner. I'd be curious specifically what you are referring to, but would you say he struggled in his desire not to sin?

I would never argue that Christians don't struggle with sin. In fact, I'd be delusional to suggest such a thing.

Paul talked about the Christian's struggle with sin in Romans 7.

Falling vs. diving

I think the difference is that the Christian, in their love for the Lord and desire to obey Him, don't want to dive into sin because that displeases the Lord. That doesn't mean they don't sin.

I'm not pronouncing any "final judgment" on the condition of Cary's soul - like I said, I don't even know him. And I know that's not my place. But I stand my by statements and that Jesus said we "will know them by their fruits."

Anya said...

Hebrews 10

26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[d] and again, "The Lord will judge his people."[e] 31It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

I am not the judge. God is. And that should make us all quake in our boots if we ignore His precepts and commands. I hope Cary will read this and many others like it in scripture to understand just how much God hates our deceptions.

Davids, I know you are a Warren supporter and I take that into account when I read your comments. Warren would like all of us to belive that Jesus is our good buddy.

Custos said...

Someone sent me the following from Cary's facebook page. Contrition does not come to mind when I read the following:

Notes by Cary this first one he did today.
Come clean or I will track you down.
by Cary Sidhom (notes) 5:27pm Today (Feb 5)
"Yes, I will come after you if you don't confess to your crime now. Whoever is the snitch/betrayer of Cary message me now. I will be waiting for your message.

"And, no, that wasn't a threat...just a warning."

Interesting for one who just says he got carried away and is seeking forgiveness.


Cavaili said...

i was so shocked when i found out...I personally know hurts so bad to know that it is Mr. Cary. I hope everyone will pray for him and about this continually...

Anya said...

Matt 18
7"Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! 8And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.

1 John 3
4Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 5You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. 7Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. 10By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.

Both of these are written to 'Professing christians'.

oc said...

Hey! Where is everybody?

socwork said...


I was about to ask if you were trying to break us all of our blog addiction...

But my hands were shaking too much to type the post.


Custos said...

I AM NOT middle-aged! ;-)

Finance Guy said...

And when there has been a disagreement, instead of attacking, he's had good arguements for and against various things.

Mike lost me at the "anti-Bellevue crowd" sweeping and dismissively condemning generalization.

As if people who disagree with unethical behavior are "anti-Bellevue" and people who support unethical, unscriptural and down right illegal behavior on the part of church leadership are somehow the "pro-Bellevue" crowd.

I'm sure he appreciates you sticking up for him however.

Finance Guy said...

concerned bbc member
You are a bunch of middle-aged kooks that don't have enough to do.

Another Mike Bratton style sweeping judgmental generalization designed to shall we say?..less than edifiying?

Blogger (and the Thought Police) have been notified.

nanasboys3 said...

Concerned bbc member,
Your parents should have taught you to respect your elders(middle- aged kooks). Don't be angry at the bloggers. Be angry at ace or whomever he is. I think people are just showing that he is not repentant or sorry one bit. I think he is just sorry that he got caught. Off my soap box now. Going back to my corner to just lurk.

noscales said...

Once again we have evidence that certain members of our current administration don't care about right or wrong. They have proven time and time again that their goal is to keep their positions and justify their mistakes. This past Sunday Feb. 4th, Larry Ray attended a young married class with the sole purpose of answering questions as it related to the PW situation as well as other transgressions related to the administration. There had been many members to leave the class as they were moving to other churches. Larry Ray made references that Dr Rogers knew about PW many years ago "in his opinion" and Mrs Rogers was only defending her late husband as any good wife would do. Once again we are seeing smoke and mirrors from staff members from the Gaines Camp. Bottom line folks; it really doesn't matter who knew about this issue msny years ago but the fact remains, this administration "dropped the ball" when it was their time to stand up and do the right thing. We continue to see cover ups and justifications when all we want is TRUTH. When will these men be held accountable for their actions or lack thereof?

allofgrace said...

Custos said...

I AM NOT middle-aged! ;-)

Gee Josh, you don't have to say that like it's a disease ;)

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