Update: After over 240 comments in this thread, discussion will be continued here.
Two posts back the comment stream began to veer off topic and onto a much more serious subject than the original post. It began with this comment:
Anonymous said...
I have been trying now for about 9 months to warn about a predator pedophile music minister. This man was my youth music minister at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas in the mid 80s. He became a close family friend, even living with my family for a while. I was on the church staff as a youth intern as a college student in 1989 when this minister was fired abruptly due to credible accusations of sexual abuse by several boys in the church. He was confronted by church staff, including the head pastor at the time, who is still the head pastor today, Dr. Jack Graham. This offender admitted to the abuse. The church did not report his crimes to the police, which was mandated by law starting in 1971, just fired him and told him to leave. Church members were not informed.
He packed up that week and moved back to his home state of MS where he is on staff now as music minister of all ages at a church in Clinton, outside of Jackson, Morrison Heights Baptist Church. He also teaches choir at the local public high school. I have spoken with the school superintendent, head pastor, as well as local law enforcement. Both the school and church have confronted this man, and he admits to the abuse that occurred in Dallas, as well as to abusing a boy in MS that he babysat prior to his job in Dallas.
I know that local law enforcement is very concerned and has advised that this minister be fired, yet he remains on staff. The MS pastor and elders told me that they are concerned with protecting this minister’s reputation, as “everyone in the [town] knows [him.] and that “he has the largest church youth choir in the state.” I have even been contacted by this man’s attorney who is a church elder and has heard accounts of the abuse from victims and admission by his client. This attorney is also a MS state rep. The attorney asked if I would speak with him to “discuss a resolution.” I said no. The MS pastor has told me that they “feel my pain.” I expressed to them that I am not a victim, but I am doing this as a victims’ advocate to protect children.
I have also contacted Prestonwood Baptist to plead that they do the right thing and report these crimes against children that occurred on their watch. Silence has been the response. Recently Christa Brown who founded Stop Baptist Predators posted my story on her blog.
1:13 PM, May 27, 2011
I've reposted the subsequent comments in this thread, and the discussion can continue here.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 242 of 242Let,
The Texas victims were from over 20 years ago. There are statutes of limitations for filing criminal charges which, due in great part to the efforts of organizations like SNAP, have been extended in several states. This is why it's so important if there have been more recent victims in Mississippi (or anywhere else) that they contact law enforcement sooner rather than later. Do not go to the church. Contact SNAP if you need guidance, and then call the police and CPS. It's only by victims being willing to speak up that anything will change. You don't have to speak publicly, but you do have to tell someone. Please don't let what happened to you happen to anyone else.
I am one of John's original youth choir members from MHBC. I am also the mother of a young son. If you had asked me three days ago my opinion of John I would have told you that he was very influential in my life. I have personally witnessed him lead many, many young people to the Lord - That his 22 years in Clinton, MS is the difference in many lives saved. He has been a friend, a father figure, and a comfort to many teens.
However, after today, my opinion has changed greatly. He still did all of those great things. He still was a great support to many people.
My community loves our children. We would never willingly expose our children to someone that could do these terrible things. We also know John in a completely different way from the man you are describing here.
I think this is why so many of the responses you are reading make it seem like we feel sorry for him.
We are disgusted, heart broken and confused. We are trying to support him in a biblical manner - love the sinner - hate - despise - the sin. I personally have never experienced anything like this! We do not condone what he did. This community is devastated.
We are also deeply concerned for ANY of his victims. We clearly understand that what he did is WRONG.
Please be sensitive to the fact that many members of the church/community are still spinning from what we have learned. This does not mean we are just ignorant Christians that are simply supporting a pedophile. We just don't know how to process the information. Many of us are confused, hurt, angry, and at a loss of what to do now.
If you were present today at the services at Morrison Heights and heard the statement made by John Langworthy and would give a statement to a reporter what you heard, please contact me at spacecitysnap@gmail.com. Thank you. I am a leader with the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (snapnetwork.org).
MHBC said they did an investigation. I would think one of the first things you would do is ask JL about the charges. The minute he said they were true, he should have been removed of his duties. They didn't until the 2nd victim came forward. Something doesn't make sense here to me. I thought they said he confessed when he was asked. Did they not ask him until after the 2nd victim came forward?
How has MHBC tried to find out if there are victims? Why did they have to wait until JL was ready to give a talk to let it be made known. Still seems like they are more concerned with JL than trying to find the real truth. I believe if it wasn't for this blog the church would have never known why he resigned.
Members of MHBC remind your leadership that God is for the truth no matter how ugly it might be. The healing won't begin until the truth is made know. I know there members of MHBC that have been victims (not talking about by JL), please go to the pastor and talk to him about the pain of the victims.
I pray if there are victims they will get the help they need. I pray they realize how many people are praying for them.
Please be sensitive to the fact that many members of the church/community are still spinning from what we have learned. This does not mean we are just ignorant Christians that are simply supporting a pedophile. We just don't know how to process the information. Many of us are confused, hurt, angry, and at a loss of what to do now.
I think most of us are sensitive to the shock you must be feeling now, and I am not trying to minimize that other than what I said earlier about first thinking of the victims and JL's daughters.
This is like deja vu and comes as no shock to those of us who have lived through it and read of so many other similar situations. Oh, no, people! While this may be new to your community, these situations are sadly not unique or even uncommon. I'm not saying there's a boogeyman behind every bush, but you need to educate yourselves on this subject and realize men (and women) like this exist. It's not "stranger danger" you need to be the most concerned about. I refer you to Stop Baptist Predators for many examples, and these are just from "Baptistland." This should be a wake-up call for everyone who hears about this.
Bellevue experienced a very similar situation in late 2006/early 2007 with 34-year staff member, Paul Williams (often referred to simply as PW), who it was learned molested his own young son over a period of more than a year 17 years earlier. We also heard firsthand accounts of him being inappropriate with women during counseling sessions. The case of PW was bumbled as badly as JL's case has been. Pastor Steve Gaines, who kept PW's secret for 6 months before he was forced to deal with it referred to it as "uncharted waters." He knew what to do about a leader in a previous church who was caught in adultery, but he didn't know what to do in this situation? Now that he's navigated these waters you'd think he'd have shared the map with his fellow pastors by now.
You can read how people here responded in the archives of this blog beginning with this thread and going forward into 2007. (A lot of the media links no longer work.) A lot of people who knew PW experienced reactions similar to what those of you in Clinton are experiencing.
"but you are not "victims" of anything but 20+ years of betrayal."
I disagree somewhat in this statement. There is several definitions of being a victim. There is direct involvement & there is someone that is a victim from being duped or tricked. In this circumstance it would apply. But it’s not about taking away from the actual victims. My point to my comment was we all have been a part of this situation. Finding out it happened 22 years after the fact, finding out the person we thought we knew wasn’t the person we actually knew, and knowing there are young men out there that were abused as children. It’s hurtful knowing my children were exposed, thank God they weren’t abused, but knowing they’re hurt by finding all this out & the pain they’re feeling for all those involved. It’s a lot of emotion and a lot to take in at one time.
The professionals on this blog, those that have dealt with numerous victims in numerous situations, have seen & heard a lot. Those of us that DON’T deal with this daily & don’t have contact with this type of situation - all of this is new to us.
Also, to “David”, I wasn’t making light of the past hurt of the victims, just the fact I’m sure all of this brings up the hurt & betrayal more so for the victims. I’m not saying what the church did was right or wrong, doesn’t mean I agree with all the things they did or didn’t do as well. My concern & prayers are FOR the victims, because just as any situation involving hurt & betrayal, I know it’s hard for them to relive it over and over. I was only pointing out - they’re in my thoughts & prayers because I know it’s hard no matter if it’s been 22 years, 10 years, 2 years or even a moment.
We all can sit here moment after moment and attack each other, but the real person we need to question is John. And then, the church in Texas. I’m not excusing MH for there role in this matter. And I’m not excusing John just because he read a statement. This is something he has to live with, he chose to cover it up, he chose to play innocent.
Regardless of how well I thought I knew him, apparently I didn’t know him at all. And - I do pray for him. I pray he does find peace within, I pray his daughters can get through this & I pray for his wife & the rest of his family. But more than anything - I hope this never happens again, and I know it’ll have lasting effects on our church, community & town. But I hope we can learn something from this situation & hopefully we put ourselves in the position to be more observant, to be more diligent & to know to take quicker action in the future.
I pray for the victims whether it’s the two or more. And I pray if there are more, they don’t fear in coming forward. I hope they having the loving support of family, friends & their community & if they choose to seek justice - then I pray it’s swift.
S Smom,
I think we're on the same page here. I hope that just because we may express similar thoughts differently or even disagree sometimes it's not perceived as an "attack."
Folks for those of you that are new to this blog I would ask that you start at the beginning to better understand what has gone on and why we are covering this. In addition there are some tremendous links to other resources that can benefit you in this time of shock and hurt.
This situation at MHBC is so similar to the Bellevue Baptist Church story here in Memphis. Your leaders have acted much the same way the Bellevue leadership did. That hurts. I will point out that almost the same things were said about the abuser; only one victim; it happened long ago and he has not offended since. Even so the victim in the Bellevue situation has never let his father around his children alone. So why did this victim/son still fear his father a danger to children and yet the church leadership did not?
I hear all this talk about helping the victims. Do you really want to know one of the best ways you can do that? Be a voice in your church, local association and SBC. Let the Executive Committee of the SBC know you want that national database started immediately; no more studies. Just like the Nike logo, just do it.
It is way past time to stop enabling pedophiles to move so freely in the SBC and it NOW the time to start actually protecting our children. Please demand the database.
All of you are in my prayers.
David Brown
SNAP director of Tennessee/Memphis & West Tennessee
To Sickened, MHBC Attendee and any others who actually heard Langworthy's statement: If you are willing to speak with a reporter by phone or email, and can confirm what was actually said to the congregation, please email me. christa[at]stopbaptistpredators[dot]org
It's okay if you want to keep your own name out of the news and remain anonymous, and I too will keep your name confidential if that's what you want. But in order to get a toe-hold on this story, the reporter needs people who can confirm the statement that was actually made.
If you're wondering who I am, you can see my website at which I have tracked media stories on Baptist clergy abuse at www.StopBaptistPredators.org and I've also written a book on how these cover-ups happen: "This Little Light: Beyond a Baptist Preacher Predator and His Gang."
Email me: christa[at]stopbaptistpredators[dot]org
I know most of you here have been dealing with for some time. For those of us that found this out the last few days & even more that didn't know this until yesterday, it's quite a shock.
It's not about saving face, protecting our own, it's about not knowing this person whom we thought we knew, was in our midst.
It's alot to absorb. It's a lot to try and understand, process, and come to an understanding.
My heart hurts for the victims. Not knowing if there are more and not knowing if some chose to move on without seeking help.
I saw a different John yesterday, one I've never seen before. He was not the outgoing vibrant person, but he should be a different person. He should be a man that's broken.
I feel if this blog & the other stories had not gotten out, we would still be going on as though we were before. I wonder how many times he has reflected on his past, thought about it & even thought about doing it again.
I'm surprised, if he's truthful about his past counseling, why a counselor would allow John to serve in the capacity he's been serving.
I'm still processing all this information, it's a lot to take in all at once.
I still have questions, I still want answers & feel the statement yesterday left a lot of open spaces.
I was more referring to David's comments I guess, I understand his passion about this subject & his seemingly forcefulness in trying to get his point, his information out. But he does need to understand this is new to so many of us. We haven't had the opportunity to express our concern or questions until we've found or been told about this site.
As a mom, it's not just about me, I have children that have been affected by this situation, they have known and loved John a long time. I have to be careful how I've approached it with my own kids. My priority is their safety & well being & making sure they've not been harmed by him in any way.
I've had a long relationship with John, but never knew any of this about him. In fact, I'm confused about the statement he made when he indicated the people he's surrounded himself with who apparently knew all of this.
I do know Dr. Greg wasn't aware of this until he received a phone call initially, and if any of these people that John surrounded himself with knew & didn't come forward - then they need to be held accountable for the position John was in at our church.
As I've read in a previous posting on here - you don't send an alcoholic to work in a bar & serve alcohol - just like you don't let a pedaphile - work with children of any age.
I do believe most of us here have similar concerns, anger, and questions. I'm sure there was a lot of disbelief and "no way" thoughts until John read his statement yesterday. It doesn't mean we don't care & aren't concerned, just means it's all so new to us & I know - I want to make sure it never happens on my watch as a parent & Sunday school teacher.
People need to stop bringing things up from the past. i want to be a church youth worship leader. when i was 10 i got arrested for almost killing someone so should i not be able to be part of a church and get to know God. I personally hate churches because of their members who are very hypocritical. Mr. Langworthy is a dear and amazINg friend, and he has not had any sexual relations with anyone besides his wife in the time he has been in Clinton. He came out to our church and told everything. I'm sure if these victims had given him time to be comfortable saying something about his past he would have. God says in the Bible that if you ask for forgiveness then you will be forgiven and he will forget. He also says you need to forgive. Yes i agree it is horrible what he did but he has changed and is an amazing role model and i absolutely adore him. I personally have been raped and I didnt press charges it has been only a few months and i still would not bring it up because he has a family and i know and love them. If someone wanted to do something they should have over 20 years ago. Dont spill that bull that they were to young to understand their parents werent. YOu do not know Mr. Langworthy personally and you have not gotten the new facts obviously because all i hear is what has happened in the past. He has changed and he is a much better person. God has touched so many lives through this man. Stop bringing up the past and get over it. Yeah its hard but think if you were in his position would you want people gossiping about you i think not. I wish i knew your real names so i could go do searches about your pasts and bring up stuff you have done. As for him working at the school,our school choir has never been good but when he came we started doing amazing now thanks to you people we have a new choir director and our choir family has been split into three groups and we are not together anymore. Mr. Langworthy is the best thing to happen to Clinton you are ruining a lot of peoples lives. not only his but mine and others in our community. We love Mr. Langworthy and our church community still stands behind him and you will not get to him because we love him and he is not a pedafile anymore you are honestly only a pedafile when you are having sexual relations with someone younger than you and he isnt. So get your facts straight and learn that you cant just ruin peoples lives after 20 years this is litterally bull. You guys that are sitting here gossiping about it are not being Godly and are the reason i hate church. Hypocrites are so annoying.
Has anyone audio/video/otherwise recorded the verbatim statement given by Langworthy?
Having a fresh, legitimate documentation of the statement JL gave on August 7th appears to be a logical next step in chronicling these events.
To anon 1:03,
I can't even draft a cogent response to most of your ignorant, childish rant, but I will say this. If you were raped and didn't report it, you are complicit in any rape your perpetrator might commit in the future. If you can sleep at night and look at yourself in the mirror every morning knowing that, then so be it, but you need to reassess your career goals because unless you experience a 180-degree change of attitude, you never need to be permitted to work with youth. This is the perfect illustration of the kind of attitude that has kept this dirty little secret hidden for over 20 years.
I don't see what can be accomplished by further pursuit of this. His career in the ministry, music, and teaching is destroyed. The ignorant who don't know him will judge and ostracize. I thought it was said that he's spoken at length with the victims and their families. What do they have to say about it? Are they foaming at the mouth and screaming crucify?
If the fruits of the spirit are the visible evidence of change and an actual relationship with Christ Jesus, then JL has proven his repentance in every way possible. This kind of hate mongering is why most people are afraid to share their darkest struggles with others.
I thought it was said that he's spoken at length with the victims and their families.
Where was that ever said??? I don't think so.
I thought it was said that he's spoken at length with the victims and their families.
Where was that ever said??? I don't think so.
It was said Sunday morning when he confessed, and confirmed by the church elders.
If the anon who tried to post the short comment about 50 minutes ago would please e-mail me at the address in my profile... I think we're probably on top of that, but you may still be able to be of assistance. You may remain anonymous if you wish.
I can say that there is at least one very naive person on this page. I have known Mr Langworthy for many years and also know that he has admitted to what he has done. You are not protecting your children by standing behind Mr Langworthy 110 percent. He is a well known person in the area, not only in Clinton, but in surrounding areas. If he has victimized a child in Clinton, the child would have never came forward do to how the public and church views Mr Langworthy. Now that he has come out and admitted to what he has done, more victims will certainly come forward. I honestly hope that there aren't any more victims, but also know the nature of the illness. Once someone gives in to the illness, they do not stop. They may go dormant for some time, but it will happen again. I pray that he pays for his crimes. If it were one of my children, I'd have to say that only God can place judgement, but what I would do is make sure he stood before God a little sooner than he had planned.
Quick question, If he had violently raped and killed two women, would some of you still say that he's all better now? Or would you think that he does actually need to pay for his crime? No matter what, a crime was committed. This is not a Catholic church, it can not be overlooked in a Baptist Church when they find that a person on staff is a pedophile.
To the anonymous commenter who just left another comment beginning with the words, "I'm not sure if your referring to me or not," yes, I was. My e-mail address is in my profile. Just click on my screen name to see my profile. The reason I asked is I may already have all that information, but I want to make sure. Thanks.
This is a good man. He deserves to be forgiven as all men do. God will forgive him for he has confessed his sins and ask him to. Why didn't the church in Dallas press charges? The tight community has a gossip line that spreads like wild fire! If it has happened the whole town would know about it! Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Let this man be as he has moved on and not this person someone says he is!!!!
Anonymous that posted at 8:59...you have a different definition of good man than I do. If he had done this to your child would you still say he is a good man. God forgiving him and him being allowed to work with youth are two different things. Being forgiven doesn't mean you don't have to answer for your sins. Also, asking for forgiveness does not mean you will never commit that sin again. If you knew someone other than JL had done these things would you still say he is a good man...would you leave your young son with him alone?
Lead story on WFAA out of Dallas TX.
very informative, I hope you all read it.
To the 2 who commented right before the couple of comments that were really way too stupid to respond to.....
You are SO right. All of this is SO MUCH to process and it takes a while just to get thru the shock of it all. I'm sorry... it's very difficult for some of us who have been wounded and forever affected by prior crimes of clergy abuse and the way it is repeatedly covered up in "Baptistland".
I wish we could offer you the grace we so needed when our hearts were broken...when people we trusted were seen for the wolves they actually were and the church we trusted with our kids and the institution behind our church(the SBC) were found to have a LONG history and pattern of what you are experiencing now.
I'm so sorry for your pain and shock.
I spent months researching things I had never questioned before. The truth is there for you to find. I know people who chose to stay in their bubble and believe this "incident" was just a regular little sin from this otherwise "godly" man...and it happened SO LONG ago...why bring this up now?
In the situation with "our preacher predator" PW, he just had to lay low for a very short period of time. He barely had to go 30 minutes down the road to have a leadership position at another church(that forgiveness thing is so misunderstood when it concerns criminal sexual predators) and he has been able to go "work with children" in Albany at least 7 times during some of the time he was "laying low". (Guess they informed all the parents??...that's repentance for you!!)
To clarify what David mentioned earlier...PW,to this day, is not allowed to see his son's children at all supervised or not supervised.
Unfortunately, his daughter and SIL have somehow convinced themselvs that between them and PW's wife they can keep "hedges" around him to make sure "he doesn't harm any children".(I guess they take turns guarding him 24/7??)
I'm still processing and working thru the truth I cannot deny about how little the Baptist clergy and the SBC truly care about the innocent. They just don't and it's beyond sad to comprehend.
So instead of writing things here (the more recent really stupid comments) use your brain and the internet to research the patterns and long history that you have sadly seen play out at your particular church.
I hope you find peace and healing. I hope someday soon I can extend grace and compassion more quickly to those of you who have been devestated as many of we were at Bellevue Baptist.
How old is JL?
Correction: Albania
This whole situation makes me sick. JL is a monster who needs to be stopped, not protected by the church AND school.
Predators like JL will act in a certain way. They seem kind and innocent and charming. This is a facade used to gain trust, and lure potential victims to his abuse. The fact that HE is trying to cover it up should come as no surprise to anyone. No pedophile wants to be exposed.
However, the church and school are just as revolting. It is one thing to abuse a child, but to cover up and protect a man who does? Whose image is more important than protecting innocent children? If I had kids going to Clinton, I assure you I would yank them out of that district. And as far as MHBC, I've left, with no intentions of ever walking in the building again.
It is only by the grace of God that word got out about Langworthy. I truly believe that had this not been going around, he would've just skipped town like he did in Texas and gone to a different community and involved himself in a church and school again. This man is a sexual predator, and he should be recognized by society as one. I have a friend who, when he was 18, was charged with stat rape of his then 17 year old girlfriend after completely consensual sex. They are now married and have two children, but he is still labeled as a predator.
Meanwhile this man who put children, young innocent boys who trusted him, through intense and irrevocable pyschological, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse walks free with only the assurance from a school superintendent and pastor that he will never work with children again.
It's stories like this that just make your skin crawl.
And to those people at MHBC who gave their wonderful display of forgiveness and sympathy to JL after his confession... he needs prayer, but not your elaborate show of support. You got up in front of children who very well could have been abused by him and said "We're here for you, John." That'll make someone who's gone through so much hurt want to talk to you about it.
The best thing we can do now is pray. Pray for justice. Pray that his victims heal. Pray that God gives them the strength to come forward. But also pray that however unlikely, John Langworthy did heal when he came from Texas, and that there are no victims more recent than the two twenty years ago.
To John Langworthy and those that support him:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!"
Matthew 18 6-7
WFAA in Dallas reports: "Disturbing revelations about former Prestonwood minister." Translation: Prestonwood busted!
Note that Jack Graham, the senior pastor of Prestonwood, declined to comment. But doesn't he owe an explanation? I sure think so. Once again. . . how does former Southern Baptist president and Prestonwood's senior pastor Jack Graham explain his 2008 statement that “in forty years of ministry, I never had one moral problem with a staff member"? Doesn't what happened with Prestonwood's minister John Langworthy constitute a "moral problem"? Was Graham's statement still MORE of a cover-up?
Kudos to Amy Smith for persevering against the odds and bringing this story into the light of day!
Kudos to New BBC for putting it in print with names included!
Have you ever played the game "Bull****" ?? well to Executive Pastor Mike Buster (Prestonwood)I say "Bull***"
according to www.wfaa.com report tonight he offered this statement:
"In the summer of 1989, the church received an allegation that John Langworthy had acted inappropriately with a teenage student. Based on this allegation, he was dismissed immediately, ..."
I would hope I'm never fired just because of an allegation. People do not get "dismissed" because of an allegation.
Thank you Ms. Smith for bringing this to light and protecting innocent children. I pray strength and peace for any victims as they seek healing because of what this predator did.
and we wonder why the church is ineffective!
I grew up in church, a pastor's kid, and would have to say the institutional church has steered off course. For a pastor and church elders to put their career and their image above the precious lives of victimized children is appalling and unspeakable. We paint our Christ as loving and forgiving, yet the picture painted in the Word shows a man of strength with no compromise that stands up against unrighteousness. I would have to argue that He does not take the approach that some displayed after JL's pulpit confession.
I pray for all the kids that were effected by this man. I pray that you find healing and restoration. I pray that you find peace - only the kind of peace that Christ can bring. I pray you find strength to stand up and voice what has happened. The institutional church is not a picture who our Father is. Do not let this man, nor the church, give you a wrong view of our Father. Our Father (our Daddy) loves you.
I have put up a new post here with the link to the WFAA story. Thanks to all who sent the link to it.
This thread has gotten very long. Please move to the new thread to continue your discussion.
To the Anonymous of 1:03PM on 8-8-11.
I'm trying to form words to respond to your tirade. Based on the words/spelling - I would assume you are young.
I too have known John a long time, over 25 yrs. I knew him before he was at Morrison Heights. My kids have been involved in his choirs at church & at school.
I do hope as I've said before, that John has totally confessed to God of all his wrong doings & has been forgiven.
I believe if this story had not gotten out, John would have never confessed or come forward. How do you know that John has “not had any sexual relations with anyone besides his wife in the time he has been in Clinton”? You know this for a fact?
The things being said about John aren’t gossip – it’s factual, he came out and admitted it. It’s not about having an extramarital affair – it’s about abuse to CHILDREN – MALE CHILDREN. Understand it – it’s wrong – it’s sick – it’s a sin & it’s against the law.
We’re taught to hate the sin, but not the sinner. But I can say, if it had been my child – I’m not sure what I would have done. I would know I would want justice, but then I know that’s hard for the victim because they’re put out there in the spotlight. As a person I thought I knew, John is not the man I thought I knew – he’s a monster with a problem. Can anyone honestly say if he’s ever have or haven’t had those urges since 22 years ago – that automatically they just stopped? No, no one can. Just like an alcoholic never stops feeling the urge to take a drink.
Being a pedophile is bit more extreme – wouldn’t you say? Married or not, the feelings & urges would still be there, they may be a little buried from counseling, but no counselor in their right mind would ever give John the “okay” to work with children.
Well it finally made the news...
Dallas Morning News >> Former Prestonwood minister admits to 'sexual indiscretions' with students more than 20 years ago
There, I fixed it.
Please move to the new thread to continue this discussion. It's confusing having two discussions on the same topic going at the same time.
If you read a comment in this thread that you want to reply to, please copy and paste the relevant part(s) into a new comment in the new thread and have at it.
Also, we're still getting way too many people with the screen name "Anonymous." Please choose a screen name if you don't want to log in.
"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven
Luke 6:37
Its isane to me the people who call themselves christians but are the first ones to judge and gossip and spread things to media. God is the only person who can judge us. you are not God.
To all of those leaving comments:
I completely understand your frustration with the situation with Dr. John Langworthy. As someone who knows him personally, I can tell you this was a shock to everyone, including Morrison Heights.
However, as someone somewhat close to the situation, I can tell you with 100% certainty that many of the allegations ( particular the role of Morrison Heights) are completely baseless.
First of all, Amy Smith claims that John admitted these "indiscretions" to the Pastor of Morrison Heights when in fact, he did not and specifically said that he would not comment, or even admit or deny when questioned. After hearing this, and receiving an email from Amy Smith with further allegations, the The pastor of Morrison Heights went to the police station and was told without a victim pressing charges or other legal evidence, nothing needed to be done, they were simply 20 year old third party allegations.
At this point what do you expect the church to do? Fire a pastor (and ruin his family) that has faithfully served the church for 20+ years based on emailed allegations? Worth investigating? Absolutely. Worth firing him? Maybe, but not at this point.
Thinking this info was true, but not having legal witnesses or anything to go on, the church strongly encouraged John to resign. If he had not resigned at this point, I can assure you the church would have forced him to resign. So, John resigned under (at least to the church body) good terms. Again, why would the church vilify a guy before the church based on third party allegations?
However, once firm evidence surfaced John confessed before the congregations and gave the elders an opportunity to explain why this was all done behind the scenes.
It's easy to be a critic in such situations. To point fingers at both John and the church and call for their heads. But the church did the right thing. They immediately removed him from contact with children, encouraged him to resign while they, in conduction with the police, thoroughly investigated the allegations, and did everything they could to protect John and his family. Not because the church harbors pedophiles, but because innocent or guilty, we all need grace.
The church made sure no other kids got hurt. But why destroy John's innocent family members in the process?
As a former choir member of the youth choir at MHBC, I am pissed! He deceived EVERYONE! If you weren't a part of the "In" crowd, he snubbed you and now to see the Entire time he had THIS Disgusting, Horrific type of past, BURNS ME UP! Not to mention, his wife KNEW this and then ended up getting pregnant with their two girls, at the chance of having BOYS!!!
As far as the people who still deem this man as "Wonderful", it figures! As long as it's NOT in their family, they are ok with it! Typical "Clinton" belief system!
Oh, learning his (JL) attorney is Philip Gunn suprised me NONE! He's a slickster himself!
I am disgusted and I PRAY no one else fell victim to his sickening behavior! May God have Mercy On Him On His Day Of Judgement. And God Bless His Daughters for having to deal with the wrath of the behavior of their father and the Complete Ignorance of their Mother for subjecting them to this Mess!!!....
I am a former "student" of Mr Langworthy at Morrison Heights and I just found out this information from family that are still members of Morrison Heights. He was a major influence in my music career as a youth and through out my college experience. He was always an inspiration to me as a musician and I am very distraught by this news. I will pray that God will lead as he sees fit. I am an educator myself and I do feel that something should have been done about this many years ago and especially within the school district. I am very concerned that administration has kept this under the public eye for so many years. Having grown up in Clinton, I know how close nit the city is, but this is very upsetting to know that things are hidden just to protect the reputation of this city.
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