I saw this statement on another blog:
By the way, the theme for this year's Southern Baptist Convention: "Love Loud: Actions Speak Louder Than Words."
When I read that I laughed. "Loud" seems to be the operative word these days. Steve Gaines yells even when he doesn't seem to be emphasizing a point. He seems angry all the time now. Mac Brunson was criticized for preaching on Christian civility and love while yelling. Wade Burleson sums it up here:
"I couldn't help but have two thoughts reverberate in my head as Mac preached on Christian civility and love - (1) Why is he yelling so loud? Usually, loud preaching is not bothersome [obviously he hasn't listened to SG lately], but there seemed to be a disconnect between a preacher talking about Christian civility and love while yelling at the people who he says (those of us in the congregation) aren't showing it, and (2) I wonder what Mac's church member - the one who criticized Mac on his blog and then was issued a trespass warning without ever being personally contacted by Mac - was thinking?"
I know what he was thinking. The same thing Wade was thinking.
For the past 2-3 years, Bellevue has been about a year ahead of FBC Jacksonville in this whole "transitioning" process. Remember transitioning? Looks like Jacksonville is catching up.
I found this video of Mac Brunson addressing his congregation to be quite telling. At first one might think the comparisons to Robert Tilton and Benny Hinn to be comparing apples to oranges, but are they really? I mean, is there really any difference between the "prosperity gospel" preached by these charlatans and the preaching of Mac Brunson and Steve Gaines? And again we hear the yelling and arrogance dripping from his lips as he tells his congregants, in a word, "I told you so."
Church Blesses Fathers With Beer
“Bottles of beer will be given to fathers who attend church, in an alternative "blessing" for Father's Day.
I can visualize right now our dear departed Dr. Lindsay preaching a sermon on the subject … “Jackasses!”
Smyrl would get up there and accuse yet another religion of being a cult.
Whatever would Mac Brunson preach on the subject? I’m afraid to imagine what he might say, but whatever he DID say on the subject would be LOUD!
Beans … I would venture to guess that there are close to 500 “unchurched” alcoholics within a 20 block radius of the FBCJax downtown campus (which covers about 8 of those same blocks.) Can one imagine that if FBCJax had a “beer Sunday” (for that matter have a “beer Thursday”), advertise the thing and spread the word? Lost souls would come out of the woodwork right there to the church! They would come right there to the perfect place to be ministered to. FBCJax might even partner with AA or some similar organization to be there to minister at the same time. Now THAT is a ministry. THAT is a mission.
However, those 500 “unchurched” alcoholics cannot be converted into “giving units.”
Cruising up and down the Danube in the name of Jesus.
Any ideas on what Czar Gaines might have to say?
I thought you guys would find it interesting that Donna Gaines was named as the only woman on the great commission resurgence task force.
At the Southern Baptist Convention, Steve Gaines is not Yelling...
but praying protection for pastors who are being accused....
Steve Gaines Prayer.
Thanks for the awesome video of Mac. Perhaps Thy Peace will link to it at Wade's blog and at the FBC Jax Watchdog blog and any other blog that will allow it. It speaks volumes about Mac. Great job!
Thanks. You need to make your profile visible if you'd like to continue to post comments.
I lost my respect for Mac with this tithing and off shoots of prosperity gospel.
I willingly endured his loud sermons, yelling ... thinking that maybe this preacher has the zeal for Our Lord Jesus Christ.
For a long time, I also ignored his anguish against bloggers. At that time, I had no clue at all about any southern baptist blogs.
I used to listen to each of his sermon on the average 7 times. I would listen on my ipod. I have assiduously listened to all his sermons this way for almost 1 1/2 years.
Talk about patience. Lot of times, my ears would hurt because of the dynamic range of his sermons. I had to have my hands close to the volume to lower it as I listened.
But with this tithing as a requirement, rather than giving is when Mac truly lost me as a follower. I felt manipulated. That I could not accept.
Watchdog stuff happened after all this.
Any ideas on what Czar Gaines might have to say?
About unchurched alcoholics or cruising up and down the Danube?
"You raise your voice when you should reinforce your argument."
-- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)
"...full of sound and fury; signifying nothing."
-- Shakespeare (MacBeth, Act 5 Scene 5)
Has anyone suggested to your pastor taking a small salary cut to boost things for a time? Maybe his guilt fueled tirades would lessen if he didn't have it on his mind. He is only human. Seriously. He is.
WOW. What is Donna doing in that video? She looks odd. When you go away from all of this then cruise in every now and again, it is horrifying to see that Sg truly is getting closer and closer to the edge. Has he taken a salary cut yet? That would go a long way to help things at our heritage, Bellevue. Maybe he has and it has not been announced?
NewBBC ... it would be a dual sermon. He would pre-record a sermon on the joys of cruising up and down the Danube, to be piped to the Arlington Campus on television while he is downtown preaching about unchurched alcoholics. Isn't that what the demographics would call for?
I think she (Donna) has had a redo of her bouffant perhaps? Of course I don't know where she found a 60's salon locally.
Wade's Blog > Reflections on the 2009 SBC in Louisville, KY.
For reasons that are not of my making (at least in my opinion), I have been involved in the politics of the SBC for the past three years.
It is now time for me to step aside.
For reasons that are not of my making (at least in my opinion), I have been involved in the politics of the SBC for the past three years.
It is now time for me to step aside.
And Memphis mayor, Willie Herenton, announced this morning that he's resigning July 10, 2009.
Seems I've heard both these stories before.
There was a pastor named Mac,
Who got upset by a bloggers attack.
So he called in his crowd,
That included Judge Soud,
for a plan to get the poor blogger back.
We will say he is a stalker with O.C.D,
We will say he took photos of Deb and me.
We will get even, will make him pay.
Make an example of him, no matter which way.
For what they did next might seem kind of strange,
They called the deacons together for a bylaw change.
A little where is this, and where is that.
The trap was set like cheese to a rat.
They then huddled together and you could hear Mac laugh,
Go find that detective that we have on staff.
Find this blogger Robbie, bring him to me.
He must be made an example for all FBC.
So with a subpoena for Google in his right hand,
Robbie came back to Mac for he found his Man.
Issue trespass warnings and bar him for life.
Don’t forget to include his children and wife.
I done it in Dallas and I will do it again,
Nobody tells Mac Brunson how to deal with such sin.
Mac had his man and his chest filled with pride,
It seemed a good plan till the lawsuit arrived.
Five years later, I hope to look back and see.
Mac working the night shift at KFC.
I have received permission from a blogger on FBCWatchdog Jax’s blog. I do NOT take credit for writing it, but I did suggest he write a book of such poetry and publish it. Mega pastors make big bucks doing that!
patty said...
I thought you guys would find it interesting that Donna Gaines was named as the only woman on the great commission resurgence task force.
Posted on "Grace and Truth to You" blog
Lydia said...
Now, if we can just do the same for the pedophiles, sexual perverts and those who in leadership coddle and make excuses for them. Instead we put their wives on the GCR committee and let everyone know we affirm the fact their church ignored scripture in the case of the pedophile minister of prayer.
Tom Kelley said...
Baffling, isn't it? The SBC can take collective action regarding one specific sin, but the leaders claim that "autonomy" prevents them from taking collective action to protect children. And being part of a church (and wife of a pastor) that ignores Scripture is no hindrance to being appointed to a committee that could influence the future direction of the entire SBC.
there's a lot more "under the Blood" , "that was yesterday" , "we don't drive looking in the rear view mirror" activity that Steve Gaines keeps quiet about.
Loyalty to King Steve is the # 1 requirement. The more Steve & David have on someone, the more compliant they become....
letmesay said...
"WOW. What is Donna doing in that video? She looks odd."
Here is the full version (7 minutes) with the appearance of
Donna & Steve Gaines.
at the SBC Convention
Check out the last letter.
And this.
Wonder why BBC didn't advertise this? Also, I was under the impression Juneteenth was a Texas "holiday."
Off topic...
Wendi Thomas hits the nail on the head again.
Off Topic:
VTMBottomLine [Paul Burleson] > Following An Example.
Four years later we have received word that Wade is laying aside writing anything of a political nature. Don't hear that as laying aside anything controversial because his theology will be that thank you. But he will be refusing to write anything that addresses the political state or condition of the SBC for the next year. I have not spoken to him since his announcement and am writing my thoughts without him knowing anything about what those thoughts might be. But I do have some thoughts.
In my humble but accurate opinion, [:)] Wade has been operating under a real calling of God for these past four years. He has suffered rebuke, revilement, questioned motives, and has been called too many things/names to begin listing them here. But the truth is, he could care less because of a belief that he HAS had a calling of God for what he has done. It has always ONLY been a principled thing for him like him or not.
"WOW. What is Donna doing in that video? She looks odd."
"redo of her bouffant perhaps?
It's TV hair - remember Tammy Faye? Same TV hair with the big pouf top. Balances you out better on the big screen.
What part of the convention did this take place? WHERE WAS SG's TIE??? I didn't think an unbuttoned golf shirt was the usual attire worn when speaking ("or praying" at the convention.
I know, I know, I'm being a bit caddy. (or is it 'catty'?)
Lily said...
"What part of the convention did this take place? "
This was pre-convention on Monday night about 6:30pm. You almost get the impression of a woman Pastorette, and now the only woman on the
SBC "Great Commission Resurgence" committee.
If Donna has any input and she is able to do what she & husband Steve Gaines has done to Bellevue Baptist Church , there won't be anything left of the Southern Baptist Convention as it has been known.
Lily said...
It's TV hair - remember Tammy Faye? Same TV hair with the big pouf top. Balances you out better on the big screen.
Here's Tammy Faye.
Donna just needs a little more make up....
About the link to the letter about the event held @ Bellevue; Perhaps the sender would like to ask when The great lover of memphis will hire one person other than white? if Bellevue is becoming a mixed church, it would be nice to have someone on staff that isn't pure white. And how much dough did the church get for having said event there? I am only saying that because of her letter, it seemed less than informed.
The SBC has fallen down one slippery slope with the acceptance of the Gaines' liberal duo-leaderhip style. The problem is that when this type of apostacy happened in previous times, there were those great men of faith that stood in the gap and verbally waged scriptural war to reclaim the virtue of the SBC. Where are these leaders now?
What is the "liberal duo leadership"??? Is that about Donna standing with him when he prayed???
I just heard someone say yesterday that the SBC is going liberal...
considering that the "conservative" good ol boys are the ones who have been so corrupt and they call everyone who disagrees with them "liberal" even if they aren't...I'd like to just see the SBC behave like believers/Bereans.
Is it common for megachurches to have secular corporate sponsors for special events?
Starlight Spectacular 2009
Note who's sponsoring the fireworks this year.
Does anybody know the total expense involved in the "Starlight Spectacular 2009" event? How much is paid by BBC and how much is paid by the corporate sponsor?
Interesting info in the flyer under Upcoming Events:
Awesome August
August 5, 12, 19, 26
Learn from a line-up of America’s premier preachers each Wednesday in August at 6:30 p.m.
August 5: Rev. Richard Owen Roberts;
August 12: Dr. Mac Brunson;
August 19: Dr. Jay Strack;
August 26: Dr. David Platt.
Then, in September, Mac will be back in Memphis, at MABTS, as one of the speakers at this year's Adrian Rogers Center for Bible Preaching annual conference.
And, of course, Mac was chosen to preach the 2010 Southern Baptist Convention sermon in Orlando.
Mac must be an example for other SB pastors to look up to, huh?
This morning Dr. Hal Kitchings announced "to a stunned congregation" his resignation from Germantown Baptist effective the end of July.
Wow -- what reason did Kitchings give for leaving GBC?
while checking the Bellevue sponsor
(Goodbye Tim Simpson and channel 3, who did the Fall Festival. without exchange of $$ ??? )
you will notice this Oprah Show to be shown Monday about another Mega Pastor:
Ted Haggard.
I don't watch Oprah, but I think that's a rerun. I'm sure I've seen a clip from that show somewhere.
Could this have anything to do with Hal Kitchings resignation?
Message by Executive Pastor John Russel on 6/21/2009 pm "Recognizing a Critical Spirit"
"Highlight of the Sermon ".
"Full Sermon".
Sounds like the same food being served at Bellevue
Here's Hal , in "casual" attire inviting people to come to Germantown Baptist Church this summer.
Less and less dignity. He HAD to wear a T shirt in that video??? Depressing.
Why wouldn't any church have a sponsor like all the other businesses?? That's how events are done.
If I didn't have the small, quiet Presbyterian church to go to...I wouldn't even try. There is way too much drama and lack of reverence. I remember how weird it was when BBC started clapping...now things can easily sound like a football game...why can't there be a difference?
I feel really old now....I can't adjust to church being just like the world. I'm sad.
Totally off topic:
The following was posted by a Mom in Texas on a Homeschooling board. I will find out where she attends!
Last Sunday our pastor talked about Dallas Life Foundation and showed a video and asked the guy there what they really needed. He said, "Shoes."
Our pastor took off his shoes, and challeneged us to take ours off and put them on the altar to donate. By the end of three services, they had 1,000 pairs of shoes and more coming in.
Wednesday, he showed the video of them taking the shoes to DLF in a uhaul. The man there [at DLF] was surprised because a lot of churches say they will do something and do not. He said those shoes would be gone in two and a half months. He was very grateful that we took the challenge our pastor gave us and that they actually delivered the shoes.
We know we are nuts as a church and our leader is nuts. And we love him for it!
What's really sad is HOW off-topic this is. I just had to share something good about a church.
Your post reflects the feelings of many of us. However, I have been surprised, and encouraged, how many young couples, and even college-aged kids who are still in church, are weary of the entertainment business so many churches are in now. Sometimes we feel like Elijah when he was fleeing from Jezebel, discouraged and depressed, because he felt he was the only one left who was following God. And yet God showed him there were many others like him. We are all scattered now from the church family we once had and so it is easy to slip into discouragement. But be of good cheer! He who loves us and gave His life for us, is with us wherever we may be and underneath us are His everlasting arms. Everything around us may change but He never changes and His love never fails.
To all the people who blindly donate used shoes .... beware ... you are actually contributing to more problems for the users of the shoes.
When a shoe is used, it conforms to the original user. When a used shoe is worn by another user, it distorts their feet and possibly cause pain and damage.
I do not think most of these organizations mend these shoes or rework them. They are probably distributed as is.
It is a shame. It might be cheaper to collect money and buy shoes in the country where they are being donated.
Example: A shoe bought in US, let us say shoes or sneakers probably cost more than $100- each. To actually manufacture them in China, it probably costs about $5-. The US manufacturer who is actually a designer, for the real manufacturer is in China makes 33% of the final cost of the shoe. Distributor takes another 33% and the final 33% goes to the store.
I personally find all this foolish. So for one pair of shoes donated in US, one could buy 20 pairs of shoes from the manufacturer in NEW condition that will not cause problems for wearers.
Some food for thought.
I personally find all this foolish.
I agree. I'm sure their hearts were in the right place, but your idea makes much more sense.
It was 100 degrees in Dallas last week. I just wondered how all those barefoot people walked across a hot parking lot and drove home from church that day. Ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch!!!
Scratch Chinese shoes....
Wikipedia: "China does allow a limited degree of religious freedom although the state is officially atheist.
So if we bought Chinese shoes, we would indirectly be supporting atheism. In defense, it does go on to say that approximately 3% of the population falls into the Christianity category. Perhaps we could take 3% of the Shoe Ministry Fund and purchase that much from the Chinese.
I thought about Mexico, but according to Wikipedia, 89% of the population is Roman Catholic. Since FBCJax, through an associate pastor, has announced to the world recently that Catholics are a CULT, and by his silence we are assuming Mac feels the same way, we would be indirectly supporting a cult.
If we could acquire new shoes made by Muslims, HORROR of HORRORS! Jerry Vines publicly attacked Islam and called the prophet Muhammad a "demon-possessed pedophile." No way could we indirectly support Islam buy purchasing their shoes and giving them away to those who have none.
I hope you bloggers know I’m being facetious. I’ve got this visual of Steve and Donna Gaines running across the parking lot … arm in arm … barefoot … in 100 degree weather … going “Ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch!!!”
Thy Peace, you do have a very valid point and I am sure the congregation had all good intentions by doing what they did. We’ve already determined that the cost Mac’s Danube River Cruise for the FBCJax elite is somewhere in excess of THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. That would sure buy a lot of cheap shoes from SOMEWHERE.
Now I’ve got this visual of Mac and Debbie Brunson running across the parking lot … arm in arm … barefoot … in 100 degree weather … going “Ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch... ouch!!!”
I gotta stop.
Maybe they were sincere...but maybe it was all drama...some people need that.
Disclaimer: I am cynical
Read about the Dallas Life Foundation.
These shoes were given to people in Dallas, TX... People who walk barefoot across hot parking lots every day and who don't have homes to drive to.
The website above explains:
"Donations of clothing arrive at DLF, the clothing is sorted and placed in the DLF clothing closet, located in the basement. Each resident is invited to take 2 outfits of clothing per week at no charge. In addition to providing clothing to our residents, we open our closet to anyone on the streets each week through our Inner City Chapel."
I am sorry that your distrust of anything "church" makes it difficult to see that a Pastor felt led to respond to an expressed need. A man from DLF said that they needed shoes, so the Pastor took off and gave his own shoes. He also invited his congregation to share in the ministry of DFL, and 999 other people gave away something that meant they walked out of church barefooted.
Selah ~ think about it!
When was the last time you had an opportunity to give something that someone needed? Did you give it, and did God bless your obedience?
In Facing the Giants, Coach Grant Taylor told a rebellious player, "You can't judge your father by his actions and yourself by your intentions. It just doesn't work that way."
Methinks those who frequent this blog need to find some outreach and ministry opportunities. I'm tired of just playing defense, and SG doesn't deserve any more of attention...
Tn Liz
I AGREE that SG has been given enough attention. He is the least of my interest.
Didn't mean to offend with my cynical layer....please forgive me. I always appreciate and respect all you share!!!
TN Lizzie said...
....SG doesn't deserve any more of attention...
With that "Casual" look (repeat of previous video) and his experience with
"non-traditional" services, Hal Kitchings would make a nice addition to the Bellevue Staff at that Arlington Satellite Campus....
Haven't posted in a few days. I have been told that JP issue is about to be brought front and center at BBC. I have been told that it is going to be very swift and very quiet when the transition takes place and that it will all be done by the end of July. Does anyone have any specifics on what's happening? Also, I was told that there is something going on at BBC that may have something to do with the Hal Kitchings resignation at GBC? Anyone have any info?
I have been told that JP issue is about to be brought front and center at BBC. I have been told that it is going to be very swift and very quiet when the transition takes place and that it will all be done by the end of July. Does anyone have any specifics on what's happening?
I was informed this morning that Jamie has accepted a call from a church in Dyersburg. Not sure if it's First Baptist or some other church. As for "the issue" being brought "front and center," I don't know anything about that or what that's supposed to mean. I suspect the end will come soon and that there won't be much said. Jamie's solo this past Sunday likely marked his last hurrah at BBC.
Also, I was told that there is something going on at BBC that may have something to do with the Hal Kitchings resignation at GBC? Anyone have any inf?
All I've heard, and this is strictly a RUMOR, is that the Kitchings family may transfer their membership to BBC and that SG may have a position for HK at BBC, perhaps a temporary position until he finds another pastorate. My impression is his resignation from GBC had more to do with issues within GBC rather than the potential for a position at BBC or anywhere else.
Here is his resignation letter:
June 28, 2009
Dear Church Family:
In the latter part of 2007, I was called to be your Pastor. There have been peaks and there have been valleys. Through it all, I have sought to follow God’s will and ultimately, He knows my heart.
Through prayer, reading God’s Word, wise counsel, circumstances, and much deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that it is now God’s will that I hereby submit my resignation as Pastor of Germantown Baptist Church, effective by the end of July, 2009.
It became apparent to me in recent weeks, that this decision would be best for my family and perhaps even my church family. I regret not having longer to get to know some of you. For example, this past week I had the privilege of having dinner with other messengers from our church at the Southern Baptist Convention, attending camp with our Senior High youth, and even participating in a Sunday School Class social as late as last night with a wonderful group of people. Thank you for blessing my heart. And I especially want to thank those that have been so supportive and encouraging to me and my family during my tenure here.
Please know that I love you and hope you will use the interim time to unite at the foot of the Cross. Please fix your eyes on Jesus!
I intend to re-enter an itinerant ministry or preaching, mentoring, equipping, and encouraging others until God calls me to my next Pastorate. Hebrews 11:8 is a verse I can identify with: “By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out not knowing where he was going.”
Although we will have time to say our goodbyes and I will have other opportunities to speak to you, I close with the words of the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth, “Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.” (II Corinthians 13:11)
Hal Kitchings
Several interesting articles here, pro and con, about the idea of "satellite" churches.
What happened to the NC job for Jamie??...and isn't Dyersburg where SG grew up?? Maybe no connection.
There was a ton of activity and emotion after SG made his announcement on the DL to the choir....hopefully something good came out of that for JP and DP.
When you can get away with the PW cover up....JP is an easy one.
It was never stated that Jamie was going to NC. I heard he might be and asked if anyone knew anything. I believe he did visit a church there, but that was all.
FBC Dyersburg is indeed SG's old church, and they do appear to be without a music minister right now.
You need to get out of that basement Nass!!! :)
down low = QT...trying to keep things quiet (my kids teach me things I don't ask to know:)
"the doorway is 11:11". NOT Jesus Christ? It is the occult.
A source close to the Kitchings family states there is no truth to the rumor that Hal Kitchings will be going to work at BBC.
The Commercial Appeal > Pastor Kitchings announces resignation at Germantown Baptist Church.
I've been informed there were several mis-statements in this article.
Thanks for the link to the Commercial Appeal article. From what I've heard from those I know at GBC, there is more to the story about the issues in the church than what was covered in the article, but I don't know of any facts that were mistated in the article (nothing that jumps out at me, anyway). What in the article was incorrect?
I think some people from GBC should chime in on that.
If you go to the Comment section of the Commercial Appeal Article posted yesterday, you will see that GBC is speaking up.
Unsurprisingly, Dr. Rogers is thrown into the fray. His integrity and Godliness shine like a beacon still. I am grateful to have had 10 years to absorb the way he lived and taught.
I have really tried, but I cannot see him doing or saying almost anything I see and hear from many pulpits these days.
For this, I am TRULY grateful!
I forget...why is there a need for a satellite church in Arlington????
It's not very far from BBC?? It's not like inner city or urban???
As usual...I'm confused.
I am just now focusing on the idea of an Arlington church...tired of news about SG and all the comings and goings of BBC...but yet this isn't making any sense to me.
People have specifically MOVED to Arlington to be "near" BBC. Not getting why this area has been chosen????
I believe the Arlington "satellite" is about three main things -- money, branding, and keeping up with Faith Baptist which has reportedly announced plans to start a satellite church or church plant (not sure which) in Arlington. Faith has attracted so many former BBC members, including the Rogers family, that you know SG has to have taken notice. You've got larger potential "giving units" out there, so as they say, follow the money. This might be a fitting suggestion for a new dance number.
"Branding" is the name of the game in the megachurch business today. You have to establish your "brand," and the more satellites and media exposure you can get -- the bigger your "brand" and your name recognition which translates (theoretically) into more customers, i.e. "giving units." It's not unlike Coca Cola or Toyota.
Remember, this is a satellite church, so anything given there goes back to the "main campus." The staff there will still be employed by BBC and will still answer to SG and DC. If they were really interested in just reaching people in that area they'd do a church plant and leave it to the new church's future leadership to reach Arlington, but that's not what they're doing. (See the latest blog article to see what's happening now.) Quite a few people already travel from Arlington to attend BBC anyway. It's only 10 miles away, and a very quick and easy 10 miles at that.
I believe SG envisions Bellevue as an "empire" like Second Baptist Houston. Just look at their website! From the "11:11 non-traditional, acoustic-led service with a praise band" to the coffee shop and bistro to the satellite churches (plural), it seems obvious SG aspires to be another Ed Young.
July 13
“God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry?”
- Jon_4:9
Anger is not always or necessarily sinful, but it has such a tendency to run wild that whenever it displays itself, we should be quick to question its character, with this enquiry, “Doest thou well to be angry?” It may be that we can answer, “YES.” Very frequently anger is the madman’s firebrand, but sometimes it is Elijah’s fire from heaven. We do well when we are angry with sin, because of the wrong which it commits against our good and gracious God; or with ourselves because we remain so foolish after so much divine instruction; or with others when the sole cause of anger is the evil which they do. He who is not angry at transgression becomes a partaker in it. Sin is a loathsome and hateful thing, and no renewed heart can patiently endure it. God himself is angry with the wicked every day, and it is written in His Word, “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil.” Far more frequently it is to be feared that our anger is not commendable or even justifiable, and then we must answer, “NO.” Why should we be fretful with children, passionate with servants, and wrathful with companions? Is such anger honourable to our Christian profession, or glorifying to God? Is it not the old evil heart seeking to gain dominion, and should we not resist it with all the might of our newborn nature? Many professors give way to temper as though it were useless to attempt resistance; but let the believer remember that he must be a conqueror in every point, or else he cannot be crowned. If we cannot control our tempers, what has grace done for us? Some one told Mr. Jay that grace was often grafted on a crab-stump. “Yes,” said he, “but the fruit will not be crabs.” We must not make natural infirmity an excuse for sin, but we must fly to the cross and pray the Lord to crucify our tempers, and renew us in gentleness and meekness after His own image.
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