This means a legitimate business meeting, not the "dog and pony show" we were subjected to on March 25th. It means:
1. Adequate childcare for those who need it for the duration of the meeting.
2. Voting on all motions by written ballot by verified members only.
3. An independent third party to moderate.
4. An independent third party to count and certify the votes.
5. No time limit on the meeting. If it runs too long, the meeting can always be recessed and continued later.
Please sign, then forward the above link to your friends so they can sign, too!
Now please continue...
Our New Church Logo?
1 – 200 of 726 Newer› Newest»Interesting article and commentary in #3273.
For those who have ever felt attacked by other bloggers, see this.
no apologies needed...I AM ultramedicated! and so am I!
your kindness warms the cockels of my heart, and us Loneys are known for our cold cockels.
Hey, I heard some of you were going to the play next Sunday... count me in! I'll wait in the lobby. I'll be the one in the powder blue leisure suit(gold buckle) and glossy white penny loafers. Just in case someone else is wearing the same thing, my leisure suit will have the words, 'KEEP ON TRUCKIN'! printed on the back...after all, it is my Sunday best. And I've already called the church and they said it will be okay...the restraining orders have been lifted! Hooray!!
As my great grandfather(my namesake), Bill Loney Carver, used to say: "The best things in life are never free, but they sure are cheaper at a flea market". Words to live by paw paw, words to live by.
Willaim T. Loney, M.D. much are the tickets? and do they have a bartering system? I have a "Dogs Playing Poker" painting that ought to fetch quite a few tickets...if so, the tickets are on BillLoney!!
Bill loney,
You're a hoot!
Love the new cartoon, NASS!
Apparently you had not heard that the poker playing dogs got saved and turned in their cards for Bibles. So your old painting is now worthless. So sorry...
I've been looking for a picture to hang over the couch.....
This might be more to your liking.
Oh, Piglet! That's the picture you need over your couch! What a conversation starter!
Haggai 2:11-14 (King James Version)
11Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying,
12If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.
13Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.
14Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.
True holiness is given by God but the work of men's hands are tranfered man to man, both the evil and the good that he does.
A totally depraved sinner can be baptized in water and remain unregenerate. He can tithe, give of all his worldly goods and be discipled by men. He can maintain qualities pleasing to men and by nature do all the commands of the law.
He will be destitute of that love to God which is the fundamental requirement of the law. He will maintain a preference of himself to God.
He will live a contradictory life, aware that he has no ability to change himself.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
The unregenerate person, though baptized in water, does not have charity and it profiteth him nothing.
david brown,
In case you missed it, I addressed your complaint on the last thread at 9:22 PM.
It IS an interesting article nbbcof. I didn't find the commentary though.
But let me tell you something you may not know about Rick Ousley. And this is frightening! He was one of the youth camp pastors affiliated with the Student Life Camps for our kids! He was already scheduled for the camps for this spring and summer in Talledega, AL. Great mentor wouldn't you say?
These youth camps scare me. All the books from Lifeway, etc. are concentrating on teaching our kids contemplative prayer, etc. Not to mention all the other stuff going on in these camps today. But contemplative prayer is teaching them another Jesus. God help us!
Rare , never before seen photo taken after the Willow Creek Leadership Summitt.
Walking with purpose in mind
" BTW, the vast majority of Calvinists are also cessationists FYI, myself included...but don't be offended by that..those are my convictions just as yours are yours."
I am a non-cessationists Calvinist who left the mysticism and asceticism of the pentecostal faith. However I didn't throw away my Bible nor parts of it and still have my prayer language. (I Cor 14:14-15 and yes it has to be interpreted when others are in the room) That is my conviction and neither of us should impose our views on others.
This needs your attention as soon as possible. In order to be effective a massive number of signatures will need to be obtained on this petition.
You can also forward it to your family and friends by following the link below.
If you are uncomfortable sending it to your family or friends please send the e-mail addresses to the address on my profile and I would be happy to do it for you.
Eh.. I don't exactly agree with some of y'alls methods... not message, though.
But I'll have to say that y'all are a hoot!!!!
Thanks for the laughs this early in the morning.
When I posted about being a hoot, there was only a couple posts about Bill Loney and pig and dog pictures. Hopefully, I don't look like a complete idiot...
You have been banned from posting here, so you can stop wasting your time with the continued messages. They're being filtered straight into my "Trash" folder, unread.
Your meaning was obvious. Bill Loney has become our new resident comedian. I now look forward to his nightly tales of the colorful Loney family.
Major church growrth friendly pastoral leadership training center tells pastors to ' TUNE IN " to Gods " voice",,,(dramatic pause ) and His presence when " VISION FORMING "
Then...once they tune IN ...and get a VISION...
never , ever, ever, let go of the vision matter the ..RESISTANCE
NASS said
This might be more to your liking.
Piglet says:
Cute. But I think all pigs should wear pants!!:0)
Dear Solomon: I am so sorry for not getting back to you. Unfortunately my work required my talents (if you can call it that) last night. Thank you for you comments and apology. God Bless you.
It is my prayer that not one child be hurt. Please protect those dear girls. I have 4 granddaughters and 3 grandsons; needless to say I am very protective of them. Everytime I am with them, it breaks my heart to think there are people out there that would delight in hurting them.
To my brothers and sisters: Those stats I quoted yesterday were from a conserative study. More recent studies indidcate that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will be abused as a minor.
One last point about internet porn. Some time ago I posted about a software program call B-Safe. This is just one of many excellent programs. Wives demand your husband install it on all of your computers. Then have someone outside your home that you trust recieve the reports. Those reports indicate what sites were viewed or attempted to view. It is all about accountability. I have an accountability partner that my wife and I meet with once a month when he gets the report. Men, in your wife's eyes you will be a real spiritual hero. For some out there it will be too hard to do. There is help, please do not be afraid or proud. To those men, you are in my prayers.
I love you all and please let's all be on our guard in protecting our children.
David Brown
B Safe is a very good program.
NetMop is another program... and the kicker with it is that if you try to remove it.... no more internet access. You have to re-install windows or re-install NetMop.
Anyways... if I offended anyone yesterday, I humbly apologize. I did some thinking last night, and realize that I might have.
And on a side note... I HATE HATE HATE that stupid word verification doohickey. Hate it.
I have been following this blog since the days where it used to be on another site. I feel as if I know you all but I've been lurker and this is my first post.
I CANNOT sit in silence any longer. I am READY to fight with you others. I am sorry I didn't stand up for what I believe in earlier but after the "Worship Gaines" event on last Sunday before the meeting, it has hit the last nerve in my body. I WENT HOME CRYING....This is disgusting what is going on at our beloved Bellevue.
I saw a site where we could join to have a meeting of our own, could someone please point me to that site? I'm interested in whatever they have got going on. To the others not posting: STAND UP NOW!!!! before it's too late....PLEASE, if you love our church, we need to do something.
Is moderation on?
Just wondering...
I am praying that many, many eyes will be opened this Easter morning. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow (and even today!)
Springer: I hate them too! It's really bad if you have to type 2 or 3 times before it accepts your post!
Momliving4Him: Bless your heart; it's a hard thing to realize. Good for you! I hope as you have lurked you have been able to see the hearts searching for the Truth.
Good Morning Tn_Lizzie! I join you in that prayer.
I heard through the grapevine that you wanted to contact email is on my profile, and I'm around if you want to send something. Blessings.
momliving4him and aog, you've got mail. :o)
A warning from Paul about false prophets. I remember some using this against the truth seekers…. But in context, this scripture is directed at the real wolves (leaders) that cause division!
Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
16:19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all [men]. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you. Amen.
Prudent, not deceived by subtilty! Not SIMPLE
Proverbs 14:15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent [man] looketh well to his going.
Proverbs 22:3 A prudent [man] foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
Psalms 19:7 The law of the LORD [is] perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD [is] sure, making wise the simple.
Good morning, concernedSBCer!
We will look for you next Friday. hee hee ~ I'll be the mom with 3 girls! ;o>
WatchingHISstory said...
" BTW, the vast majority of Calvinists are also cessationists FYI, myself included...but don't be offended by that..those are my convictions just as yours are yours."
I am a non-cessationists Calvinist who left the mysticism and asceticism of the pentecostal faith. However I didn't throw away my Bible nor parts of it and still have my prayer language. (I Cor 14:14-15 and yes it has to be interpreted when others are in the room) That is my conviction and neither of us should impose our views on others.
That was the point of my know I don't impose my views on others. I was just pointing out that it's not unusual for Baptists to not believe in PPL, and that David's reference to the article had to do with internet porn, not PPL..that just happened to be thrown into the same article.
ss wrote:
"And on a side note... I HATE HATE HATE that stupid word verification doohickey. Hate it."
I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil to prevent auto spammers. One day mine spelled out a very bad four-letter word!
MOM4 said...
I have removed one of my posts from 4/2 at the request of a personal friend. I will not reference the topic specifically but I do want to say that I am sick and tired of a certain son coming on blogs of all types and stirring the pot and then runs to daddy when things get hot.
You know who you are and I will not back down again if you continue to post about us on this blog or ANY OTHER BLOG. If you continue I will assume that you want the whole truth out there. You better be able to handle it.
11:08 AM, April 04, 2007
Do y'all have a place to worship this Sunday?
I'm trying to organize a small gathering for those of us who don't have a church home right now...
Let me know if you might be interested in a bring-your-own-Bible, bring-lunch-to-share, hymn-sing, scripture-reading...
I don't have a particular location in mind yet. Our house is south of Bartlett, and will only hold so many...
At 11:47 AM, April 04, 2007
New BBC Open Forum said...
I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil to prevent auto spammers. One day mine spelled out a very bad four-letter word!
junk99mail says...
Sooo....did you type it in? {grin}
SS wrote:
"And on a side note... I HATE HATE HATE that stupid word verification doohickey. Hate it."
NASS is correct, those doohickies (known as CAPTCHAs) were created to screen out spammers who carpet bombed lists like this. The fonts vary and the letters are distorted to foil character recognition software. What makes Google's version annoying is that the verifications appear to expire. If you don't post quickly enough, the codes no good and you get to try again. I'd guess that's an additional safeguard against automatic software, which presumably would need a certain amount of time to demangle the image.
At 9:37 AM, April 04, 2007
Piglet said...
Cute. But I think all pigs should wear pants!!:0)
junk99mail says ...
Tell that to this guy!
all2jesus wrote:
"NASS is correct, those doohickies (known as CAPTCHAs) were created to screen out spammers who carpet bombed lists like this."
Too bad they can't screen out other... things. :-(
Who is Jim Angel, the man who made the motion to stop the business meeting?
Does he serve on the Finance Committee?
I want to offer my sincerest apologies to the Calcotes. A few days ago I got carried away and let my emotions get the best of me. I now have reason to believe I misspoke concerning their association with Life Choices. I want everyone to know that I am admitting I was wrong.
I thank the Calcotes for their support for the unborn. I pray they can forgive my childish behavior.
proverbs 12:22
You are an inspiration.
Solomon and Memphis
Today, I am convinced I was too hard on you yesterday.
I apologize.
That's two for you so far, Memphis. :)
They are aware of their sin, why beat them up?
Excellent article
I am doing my best to reform pigs everywhere, from their pagan nudist roots. However, if I must, I will stand alone as the only pig fully clothed. I am not ashamed.
WEll, while we are all apologizing, I guess that I should weigh in.
Solomon, if I misinterpreted what you posted yesterday morning, I do apologize.
Would you email me thru NASS?
oops, be sure and watch the video that is in the article (if you is worth it)
The link won't work for me (?)
old truth
Lets try this again. Thanks, little clothed piggie for pointing this out. It is a great article!!
I give up. Try copying this url into your browser
Sometimes the link thingie does not work...even when I go through my extra step.
Boy, I leave for a couple of days and we've got nekkid piggies (naked - you're just unclothed; nekkid - you're unclothed and up to something!) running around & Overflowinggrace has been banned - what else did I miss?
FYI, I went to GBC's Passion Play and let me tell you, Luke Whitmire - you are GREAT! I talked to your sister and we agreed we'd be in TRACTION with the beating you took onstage. You really did a good job (as well as your brothers and your dad and everyone else). Still can't see Steve Mc as Judas, but I never really got used to seeing Mr. Saba as Judas at BBC either! :)
Did you already discuss Rob Mullins as the newest minister on staff at GBC?? YAY!
Anybody comment on the staff meeting at BBC last Friday?
Anybody comment on the staff meeting at BBC last Friday?
correction: The staff meeting was last Thursday.
New BBC Open Forum said...
Everyone should view this video.
Watch it - live it - share it.
Where is everybody? Surely not at Wednesday night services at BBC... maybe out preaching at another church?? Come back, everyone, I'm lonely (but not Loney).
Hey Junk....I'm here.....
Concerned!! Kay Pasta?? (That's Spanish-Italian for "What's Your Noodle?")
Junk: Not sure of the answer to that question! However, I can tell you Bible Study this am at MABTS was wonderful! Certainly worth getting up early for!
TN Lizzie -
I have been visiting around and now it’s “what to do for Easter”. I have no home church anymore. Keep me posted.
You have mail...
Cool! Your first time? See anyone else from the blog there? (Or would you even know...)
BBC has lost another fine young man because he refused to sign the "pledge to the preacher". If he does not sign the "I will never speak of your evils" document, he will not receive his severance pay. This is not a rumor.
junk: Actually I did! And there may have been more that I didn't know. I saw at least 4 other bloggers there! Dr. Spradlin does an amazing job....and he ended the study on a cliff hanger! So, of course we'll be back next week!
BBC has lost another fine young man because he refused to sign the "pledge to the preacher". If he does not sign the "I will never speak of your evils" document, he will not receive his severance pay. This is not a rumor.
9:06 PM, April 04, 2007
Lily, Lets refer to him as a 'real man'. And lets pray for his family. I once had such a document of lies put before me, too. And I suffered financially because of it. I know what this means to him. But God is faithful.
lilly: That is so hard to believe that it is happening. *shakes head* I just can't imagine....
lin: good point. He took a stand. God Bless Him.
Yes, let's pray for such a fine man who would stand for what is right and not bow to serve a lowly man.
You have mail. :)
I don't know who this young man is...but God sees and God knows, and He takes care of His own.
Can someone tell more about this "pledge" -- what does it say, who is being asked/told to sign it (staff? lay leaders? plain ole members?), and what circumstances led to being asked/told to sign it (required of all staff? required when a specific situation areises?), etc.?
Can anyone show us the biblical authority for such a pledge?
EZ -
You know biblical authority does not apply at BBC these days.
De 4:1 Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do [them], that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you.
4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
There is no biblical authority for a "pledge" to any man ... but it is not an uncommon practice in business and even ministries when someone is "asked to resign" that they sign a resignation letter than includes an agreement not to criticize their former employer, as a condition of receiving severance pay. (Not that it is right to make such a request if they haven't done anything to merit being let go; it's just not uncommon.)
But I haven't heard of someone being fired or "asked to resign" because of a refusal to sign a pledge. (But the fact that I haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.)
I'm just wondering which is the case here.
Lily, can you provide more details?
Karen, Your answer is in the mail.
Romans 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they [are] not all Israel, which are of Israel:
9:7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, [are they] all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these [are] not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
Are we the children of the promise? Are we the "seed" of Isaac? Are we Israel? If so, are we permitted to add or take away from God's WORD?
Lily, I understand. Will pray.
For those of you that may not be aware, Dr. Mike was playing in the GBC Passion Play orchestra, both Sat. & Sun. night
I know this is a delayed response, and maybe a stupid question, but what is a "pastor of assimilation"?
I could guess but I want the real scoop.
Here is GBC's Minister of Assimilation job description.
Job Title - Interim Minister of Outreach and Assimilation
Major Duties
• GBC Membership
o Identification of membership – Who is GBC?
o Development of membership follow up ministry/program to shepherd
those not in a Sunday School class
o Recruitment and training of lay volunteers
o Development of an ongoing mechanism to mine the membership data
• New Member Assimilation
o Development and leadership of new member classes
o Development and oversight of new member mentoring ministry
o Creation of new member assimilation lay committee, staff liaison with
this committee
• Greeting Ministry
o Development of visitor/guest ministries including visitor parking, door
greeters, host/hostess, welcome centers, etc…
o Staff liaison with greeter committees
o Recruitment and training of lay volunteers
o Development and coordination of visitor information packets
• Outreach and Evangelism
o Coordination of deacon visitor follow up strategy
o Development of special event evangelism opportunities
o Development and leadership of periodic visitor information classes,
meetings, and dinners
Specific Tasks
• Enlistment and Recruitment of Volunteers
• Lay Leadership Training
• Organization and Administration of Ministry
• Coordination and Scheduling of Volunteers
• Contacting Members and New Members
• Vision Casting for Membership
I woould have to say that it is a pastor that helps people to assimilate.
Did you slip something silly in to make sure we were paying attention????
Is that another way of saying the job is to "assimilate" all those BBC refugees who are flocking to GBC in droves?
But "vision casting"? What's that about?
Others define assimilation:
Definitions and terms for assimilation vary. Some use the word “incorporation” as a synonym for assimilation (Anderson 135; Arn 137; Dennison Incorporation 8). Elmer Towns prefers the term “bonding” to joining or assimilating (228). Ron Jenson and Jim Stevens refer to it as “absorption.” They define absorption as “the process by which people are taken into the life of the church and by which a strong sense of identity and belonging develops” (138). This process can often be assessed by what takes place during the “length of time between the first visit and the application for membership and complete commitment to the church” (139). Rick Warren says that, “assimilation is the task of moving people from an awareness of your church to attendance at your church to active membership in your church” (Purpose 309). Others define assimilation as feeling “part of the congregation,” belonging, feeling connected, or demonstrating a sense of ownership with comments like, “this is my church,” or “he is my pastor” (Lobs 17-18). In New Member Assimilation, Joel Heck states that to assimilate means “to make similar.” “We assimilate people when we help them to acquire similar knowledge about our Christian beliefs and our congregation, similar attitudes towards Christ and His church, similar feelings of belonging, and similar patterns of behavior” (12).
Charlie Fox
Boy, THAT was a mouthful. Hope Rob Mullins can do all that!!:)
The last one kind of bothers me, though.....
Smarty pants! :/
Forgot to say "Thanks".
Are you an English teacher? :)
(You have another little piece of mail...)
gmommylv said...
Did you slip something silly in to make sure we were paying attention????
NOPE!! That was straight off of the GBC bulletin announcing Rob being added to the GBC staff
Maybe its because I'm tired from bowling and its late, but when I saw the term Pastor of Assimilation.....All I could picture in my mind is The Borg from Star Trek lol.
Piglet said...
Forgot to say "Thanks".
My pleasure, as always.
So the staff IS being asked to sign pledges to the pastor?
That's just sick.
That would be like me making up a pledge and taking it to all my friends and telling them that if they dont' sign it, we will not be freinds anymore.
Seems a little insecure, doesn't it?
Or is this pledge just an extention of "the covenant' that was described as being between SG and JP.
By the way..did anyone ever determine just what a covenant is between two men?
No way!
I would have to say that ' vision
casting' is casting visions.
Koragg said...
Maybe its because I'm tired from bowling and its late, but when I saw the term Pastor of Assimilation.....All I could picture in my mind is The Borg from Star Trek lol.
10:22 PM, April 04, 2007
It's not exactly a pretty picture is it.
Seems a better term could be used.
covenant... when associated with SG ,involves money
bought and paid for
New BBC Open Forum said...
Is that another way of saying the job is to "assimilate" all those BBC refugees who are flocking to GBC in droves?
But "vision casting"? What's that about?
I would think so. They gotta keep out the "problematic rabble", don't ya know.
Vision Casting. HUMMM. Maybe something like Fly Casting or Die Casting.
I guess the others that stood with our "real man" signed anyway.
gmommylv said...
No way!
I was a longtime member of Bellevue and have great respect for Rob. I am so happy that the Lord has opened this opportunity for him! We've been going to GBC and everyone there has been very welcoming. I am sorry that it has come to this, I always thought I would be at Bellevue forever, but I am thankful that I see so many familiar faces at GBC, and most importantly I feel the spirit of the Lord there. I will continue to pray for Bellevue and those that are staying there and fighting for it's legacy. I admire all of you.
Hey, is this the same blog I was reading yesterday? So much more peaceful today. Kinda nice. No renegades being obnoxious. Guess they all got banned. Wait a minute, that makes me wonder, should I be here? :)
Newest GBC Member assimilation a PDC term...?
It is past my bedtime, but wanted to give you all a good nite laugh.
Born a Baptist:
Each Friday night after work, Bubba would fire up his outdoor grill and cook a venison steak. But all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic....and since it was Lent, they were forbidden from eating meat on Friday. The delicious
aroma from the grilled venison steaks was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their priest. The Priest came to visit Bubba and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Bubba attended Mass.....and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, "You were born a Baptist, and raised a Baptist, but now you are a Catholic."
Bubba's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and the wonderful aroma of grilled venison again filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and as he rushed into Bubba's yard clutching a rosary preparing to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement. There stood Bubba, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meat and chanted: "You wuz born a deer, you wuz raised a deer, but now you is a catfish."
One more mail before bedtime!
That's goooood!
You know, Rob stood up and did the right thing I don't think there should be any teasing about his new job. I know he went though a very hard time and there should be nothing but kind words about his new job. If it weren't for SG in the first place there would be nothing to assimilate and Rob would still be leading the College and Career at Bellevue extremely competently. By the way, I am new to posting but not new to reading this blog. It took me this long to figure out how to sign up! I am not very computer savvy!
A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented his or her religion.
The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish. This is a Star of David."
The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is a rosary."
The third student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy. I am a Baptist, and this is a casserole."
I found this on vision casting:
Before launching a capital campaign, church leaders need to seek God's guidance on a vision for expanded ministry. 'George Barna says that the number-one motivation for sacrificial giving is a compelling vision,' says Steve Johnson, director of Ministry Campaign Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota. From this compelling vision will come direction on critical questions such as: What is the new facility going to facilitate? Are there nonstructural solutions to the space crunch? And are the need and the solution compelling enough to call church members to sacrificial giving? ....A strategic planning or envisioning process, carefully and prayerfully orchestrated, can clarify key choices and directions through assessment of ministry strengths and weaknesses, demographic analysis, member input, and church growth projections. Experts agree it is important to bring a professionally-trained facilitator from outside the congregation to assist local churches in this vision-casting process.
You're doing fine!!! It took me a while to figure it out, too, but now i'm an old pro!!! ( emphasis on OLD) :)
Piglet said... assimilation a PDC term...?
NOPE!! Assimilate as defined by Merriam-Webster: to absorb into the culture or mores of a population or group
Yeeeeeesss! That's funny, I don't care who you are!
I missed your email earlier because I had the wrong email address set in my profile. Could you please resend it to my correct address?
Folks, send the link to the petition to all your friends and family. We NEED this meeting for our beloved Bellevue.
Quick note about "vision casting."
This is not limited to church growth, nor is it a "new thing," or new agey, or whatever.
This is simply a way to say presenting a picture before a group of people (casting a vision) so people can either get on board or not.
Happens all the time in all kinds of settings...
As with all things, I'm sure it can be abused to manipulate people, but in and of itself, it's a-ok.
Before I could become a Baptist, I had to sign a loyalty pledge to "FRIED CHICKEN"!!!!!!
Well, thank you!! and may God bless you too !!!
Thank you, Sickofthelies! As I posted earlier, I've been reading since the days of the "old" blog and I feel like I know a lot of you people here!
You've been through a lot and I applaud you're strong fight for the truth! We need more people like you.
Thank you for requesting support for this petition.
Also, if anyone is unsure about where their friends or family stand on the issues at Bellevue and do not what to offend them or risk straining a relationship please send their e-mail address to me at You can rest assured that "the tool man" will make sure that they receive it.
I first tried to sign up to blog in Dec, but thought I had failed so I gave up. I tried again today and realized I did do it right and could have been posting all along. Pretty soon I will need my toddler to explain these things to me!!!!!
THANK YOU for #1 - starting the petition, and #2 looking out for our relationships.
As one of my young sons would say, "You rock" (that's his new phrase of the month!!)
If HE will bring you to it,HE will bring you THROUGH it!!
Jesus Christ is the reason I am sitting here today. He has been SOOO faithful to me...He has never let me down.
I am NOTHING without HIM!!
I didn't know what a blog was before this! I still post my comments twice accidently most of the time.
One tiny comment. Absolutely not meant to be ugly at all but must say.....
SG is not qualified to be the pastor at BBC
and he has managed to rip our foundation and heritage to shreds BUT,
he is not the sole problem with BBC
There are core spiritural problems that maybe wouldn't have shown themselves so clearly to the regular person like myself, without SG.
That mature Christians, deacons as a whole,
( not the few ), SS clases,others,
that are suppose to KNOW scripture well enough (and fear God more than man) did not take a stand early on is a big red flag.
Why do some wait for a grieving widow or any one else to stand first.
MS is one of the finest ministers around and we know how wonderful the music is with JW. I wasn't paying attention when GTB went thru their split but looks like they dug their heels in at the right time.
You are absolutely right!! SG could have never gotten away with his shanigans were it not for people who are not spiritually discerning, and chose to stick their head in the sand rather than to THINK.
I have been so disappointed in some people that I THOUGHT I knew.
I have also made MANY MANY new friends and I must say that I have grown as a Christian from reading this blog and learning. It has challenged me to understand about the PD movement, Warrenism, etc.
My eyes have been opened.
OFFLINE, folks
Have a good night.
doreen and momliving4him
It was a little scary for me when I started blogging but now you can't shut me up!
Glad you two could join us.
I believe the "Bill Loney" hour approacheth.
Bring on Bill Loney!
OK, if Bill Loney isn't coming, I'm going to bed. Night all.
God Bless You all for your faithful persevearance and research.
Just thought you might just need this about now.
Dr. Loney must be occupied with keeping his cockles warm tonight.
Good night.
How The Purpose Driven Life Obscures The Gospel and promotes forbidden Divination/mysticism among other things.
Isaiah 64:6-8 (King James Version)
6But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
7And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.
8But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Do a word search of filthy rags and see what God thinks of the best of your righteousness! You will be offended.
If God thinks this of the best of our righteousness, are there words to describe what he think of the apostate?
You are toooooooo funnny!
New church logo...
If a picture is worth a thousand words...
This video of The Purpose Driven Apostasy will blow you away.
momliving4him and lilly,
You've got mail.
Thanks for posting that video. David Wilkerson sure is blast from the past for me. I remember reading "The Cross and The Switchblade" when I was in high school. I always thought he was "cool" hanging out with gangs.
Great Video. Thanks for sharing.
Karen, it was blast from the past for me too. I loved The Cross and the Switchblade when I was young. We went to New York last year and stayed across the steet from where Dave Wilkerson's church is. I think it was an old theater. We were leaving before Sunday, and were disappointed we wouldn't have a chance to hear him preach.
Junk99mail said,
There is no biblical authority for a "pledge" to any man ... but it is not an uncommon practice in business and even ministries when someone is "asked to resign" that they sign a resignation letter than includes an agreement not to criticize their former employer, as a condition of receiving severance pay. (Not that it is right to make such a request if they haven't done anything to merit being let go; it's just not uncommon.)
I agree with you Junk. A normal "business" practice. And every business needs "merchandise" right?
2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Woe, woe woe be unto us!
We have been directed us to an Easter website that will corrupt our children!!
Do you not know, have you not heard that Easter is nothing less than worship of the pagan fertility goddess Ostara?!!
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil!!
Woe, woe woe be unto us!
That's what at my house we have the non-offensive, politically correct Spring Festival Eggs brought by the Spring Festival Bunny.
In light of all the intense media attempts to undermine patriotism and to remove GOD from public view,...
This 1991 NHL all star game in Chicago, Illinois ( played 1 day into the start of the Persian Gulf war , was nearly cancelled by the NHL commissioners office due to fears of terrorist threats ....stands as one of the most spine tingling , hope inspiring displays of patriotism and prayers for God's Blessing ever recorded on National Television.
Brings tears to my eyes...
this video is just 16 years old..
how much has changed due to daily media pounding and negativity.
Enjoy this fellow Brothers and Sisters ....
junk wrote:
"That's what at my house we have the non-offensive, politically correct Spring Festival Eggs brought by the Spring Festival Bunny."
Yeah, and we'll put the "Winter Festival Tree" up again in December. What is the world coming to?
Arminius said...
Woe, woe woe be unto us!
We have been directed us to an Easter website that will corrupt our children!!
Do you not know, have you not heard that Easter is nothing less than worship of the pagan fertility goddess Ostara?!!
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil!!
Woe, woe woe be unto us!
10:49 AM, April 05, 2007
Please tell me you're just kidding.
Well, just make me cry at work, why don't ya? I had to get a Kleenex! I remember that time so well - my ex husband was in the Navy (in Japan) at the time of the 1st Gulf War and I remember being on the road to the Navy base taking him a care package to get mailed. They announced on the radio that the Gulf War had started and I just had to pull off the road for a few minutes to get my bearings. It was a very strange time - more security on bases, more wariness in the eyes of the wives, just a general unrest. But wonderful memories as well - military familes and wives were treated VERY well in California - lots of free tickets to events, lots of sympathetic eyes, discounts on telephone calls, etc. Gotta love it!
Dear Arminius,
I know what you are reacting against, but don't despair. Even my 3yo can tell the sales clerk, "Bunnies have live babies, Ma'am. They DON'T bring eggs! Do you believe in Easter?" If the nice lady says, "No," my little one will start in trying to explain...
Here are some more resources and things to think about:
Celebrating a Christian Easter
EASTER IN CYBERSPACE - A Christian Perspective
Origin Of Easter - Resurrection Day
HOLY WEEK - EASTER: Christ Is Risen!
Arminius, your Calvinist rigour is showing. My family will be celebrating the Resurrection on Sunday this year. Grace, please?
Karen wrote:
"Please tell me you're just kidding."
Not nice - shammie, shammie!
Arminius -
Are you joking? The piano music was a little strong on the web site, but I didn't have a problem with the ideas. A few years ago when I was teaching one of my kid's SS class, we made Resurrection Eggs. The kids loved it and it was a great way to help them remember, and share with others, what Easter is all about. The last egg is empty and represents Jesus' empty tomb- that last egg really gets to me! What a wonderful gift!
I'll make you a set!
Off early, after a rigorous morning of cankle reductions.
Checked in last night, but the tenor of discussions didn't seem fit for ol' BillLoney...even I have discernment.
It seems I misread the dates concerning the play...I guess we wont be getting together after all...unless... yall want to get together this weekend for a picnic...the market near my upstairs garage apartment had a sale on potted meat and vienna sausages...I had a coupon, so I bought 3 cases of 'bout it? You bring your own sporks and I'll bring the crackers (and tic tacs).
It's an old Loney tradition to dye vienna sausages and hide them in the what you find! After that, we'd all gather around the tub of potted meat and dunk for gristle...sorry, I'm getting teary eyed.
As my 2nd cousin, Anita Love, used to say: "you cant get too much of a good thing, unless that good thing is trichinosis", Anita, pure gold.
Anyway, let me 1988 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon is out of hock, so I can drive...the A/C doesn't work, but the 8 track is raring to go...I only have one tape, the soundtrack from 'Grease', so I hope yall were 'Born to Handjive'.
William T. Loney, M.D.
ps...wear tennis shoes...the Squire
has to be push started, and sometimes just pushed...cant wait!
***passing Bill a tissue for his tears***
There, there Bill. Don't cry that it's over; smile that it happened.
Geez... thanks for the coke spewing moment!!!
thanks for your understanding... I often wax nostalgic over our great Loney traditions. With the passing of time, sausage hiding and the potted meat-o-dunk seemed to be less and less practiced...what are we coming to?
I guess before long, the salomi toss and the spam bake will also be things of the past.
I suppose the words of my ex-brother-in-law's 3rd cousin, once removed, Ima Luneau, are true: "whenever good people fail to observe the traditions concerning cured meats of discarded animal parts and their by-products, common sense and decency will thrive". Spoken like a true Luneau, Ima, a true Luneau.
William T. Loney, M.D. least the time honored Loney tradition of the chicken gizzard pinata' is still observed by most...for now.
If you are emailed by a Nigerian businessman who is the executor of the will and estate of a wealthy, heirless, gold-mine owning couple who recently died in a tragic plane crash, and he wishes to give you $23,000,000 US dollars though he has never met you; DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT give him your checking/saving account numbers, credit card numbers, debit card numbers w/pin, birth certificate, and social security number. I have a growing suspicion that just maybe, he may not be on the up and up.
As uncle Cindy used to say, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 5 times by getting me to give you all my vital financial and personal information whereby you can wipe out all of my accounts and leave me virtually penniless and destitute, left to wander the streets, begging like a half blind, three legged dog, then shame on me". Preach on Uncle Cindy, preach on.
William T. Loney, M.D.
OFG said...
.... I agree that Saddleback and Osteen are very watered down.
Osteen's not just watered down... he's nothing more than a feel good motivational speaker.
William T. Loney, M.D. said,
"Spoken like a true Luneau, Ima, a true Luneau."
Careful there Bill...this blog's only big enough for one Ima!
SS said, "Osteen's not just watered down... he's nothing more than a feel good motivational speaker."
And not even a good one at that!
The secret behind Osteen's smile.
osteen's video
Here's a good one. I hope the link works, it is hilarious
The link did not work again!! Try this url
Here. That's funny without being mean. Thanks.
Note: Use the "Preview" button to see how your comment will look before publishing it. If you've inserted a link, just roll your mouse over it in the "Preview" box and the URL to which it points should appear along the bottom of your screen. (This may depend on your browser.) Or you can just click on the link and see if it goes where you want it to. Then hit the "Back" button and "Refresh" to return to the preview and publish if it's correct or edit as needed.
No need to worry about my Nigerian businessman debacle. I just found out (how lucky is this) I've won the UK lotto, and get this, I didn't even enter!
All that is needed to collect my money is for me to wire $1250 to the lotto liaison. I know, I know, where could I get that kind of money after being nearly bankrupted? Well, even as I type, I have on e-bay, my '88 country squire station wagon, my Dogs Playin' Poker painting (I found out that the dogs that converted are not these dogs), and my vast collection of leisure suits and pleather loafers, as well as my 'Joanie Loves Chachi' collectable dinner plates. After the bidding wars are over, I'll probably have enough left over to get that 'home hair cutting system' I've had my eye on. And then when I get my 340,000 pounds, somebody's getting a used vehicle with a cassette only live once. BTW, how much is a pound? If that is how much the money weighs, then that's like almost a ton.
As my 'Mexico City Community College Medical School' cyber-professor, Dr. Nachos Grande, used to tell me: "Senor Loney, you will make a fine doctor once your check clears". Muchos Gracias, Dr. Grande, Muchos Gracias.
William T. Loney, M.D.
Dr. Loney (or is that pronounced Loon-ay...because it's French????) are good medicine for what ails us!
Speaking of eBay ...
Outstanding Junk!
junk: Didn't know we were, but that's really funny!
Hello ello ello ello ello o o o
Dr. Loney is such a hard act to follow. I think he leaves everyone speechless.
New BBC Open Forum said...
Dr. Loney is such a hard act to follow. I think he leaves everyone speechless.
Hard to type with tears of laughter in your eyes!!!!!
No kidding!
But I must say, the potted meat and gristle dunking references made me a bit sick to my stomach this afternoon... I forgive Bill though. But only because he makes me laugh. Well, and because it's the Christian thing to do.
NASS, everybody is standing in line waiting for a turn at Mr. Loney's chicken gizzard pinata.
I tried my best, but it kept being blown about by the gusts of wind.
I can just imagine the fiesta-ing that will commence when it splits!
*whew* The Bible says that a cheerful heart is good medicine. My heart is grateful for the gift of good-hearted humor!
Maundy Thursday (môn'dÄ“) [Lat. mandatum, word in the ceremony], traditional English name for Thursday of Holy Week, so named because it is considered the anniversary of the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus at the Last Supper (that is, the mandatum novum or “new commandment”). In some churches, Jesus's washing of the disciples' feet is symbolically reenacted. In Great Britain there is a survival in the distribution by the sovereign of special “maundy money” to certain of the poor at Westminster Abbey. In the Roman Catholic Church, Maundy Thursday is a general communion day; a single Mass is sung, in the evening, and a Host, consecrated for the morrow, is placed in a specially adorned chapel of repose. The altars are stripped bare until the Easter vigil mass.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2007, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The update "read" tonight was more like a comic book than an emotional roller coaster of issues. Thank you, what fun!
Sardine pate is one of MY personal favorites!!!!
Hi Socwork!
Uh, automobile?
I got one of them little doggys with the bobbling head, that you can put in the rear winder. Cute little feller.
Karen wrote:
"Please tell me you're just kidding."
Karen, et al...
Yes, I was joking of course.
Nass, if any parent were to cancel their child's Easter due to my post, your graphic would be far too kind to me! (Thank you, Lord, that I'm out of stone-throwing range!)
I hope that despite my miserable failure of an attempt to make a point, you'll at least know what I was attempting to say.
If God was able, through His people, to turn one of the most despicable of worldly celebrations into one of the most sacred, holy, and joyful celebrations of the Christian year, don't you think He can redeem anything?
The Bible says not to love the world or anything in the world. But God made the world, and can use anything in it for His glory. And His glory is the exaltation of Jesus and the salvation of His people! Everything in creation is working toward that goal, and all creation is groaning until that final day comes.
I read what 'watchman' has been posting, and that's why I wrote what I did, hoping that some people would see how ridiculous legalists can be. These grace killers have been having a field day around here.
Do you see how silly my complaint against Easter is? How ludicrous? Will you let these men continue until you can't even enjoy going to church any more?
Think about the joyful memories from childhood that would never have happened if our Christian ancestors had not adapted the Passover to their culture. How many unsaved souls came to know Christ because those who went before were willing to engage the culture? (Not to mention all the peeps we've enjoyed over the years...)
I have a confession to make. I've been to a prayer labyrinth. (Boy, do I feel better for getting that off my chest!)
It was at a hospice, mostly breast cancer patients. These women who would soon pass away could walk down the path, which was steeped in Christian imagery, and be presented with the truths of the spiritual world. There was no new age symbology, no universal salvation, only the cross. I walked to the center of the labyrinth with an aquaintance of mine, and was able to share the gospel with her at every turn. She was never baptised unto salvation, but who can say whether she was saved through the experience? Certainly not me!
All joking aside, folks, I know you're hurting. You are still reeling from the loss of Pastor Rogers, and feel betrayed by Steve Gaines. In this condition, you are prime candidates to be led astray by the wrong kind of men. Don't listen to them. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Don't turn on each other. The man of many friends will prove to be a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Look for him, and when you find him stay close. And let this assurance be in you, that the final victory is already won. We just need to iron out the details.
(arminius crawls back under his rock)
tn_lizzie wrote...
Arminius, your Calvinist rigour is showing.
Ouch! You sure know how to hurt a man!!!
Thanks,Charlie. and I'll be wanting that. As soon as Socwork ponies up!
oc said...
Thanks,Charlie. and I'll be wanting that. As soon as Socwork ponies up!
This un is the DEE-luxe model. His little eyes light up when ya slam on them brakes. You can have it on one condition. I gets to take a ride in your fine NEW automobile.
You got it, Charlie. Let's ride!
Uh, Socwork? Uh....people are depending on you...
y'all are really carping on socwork!
Not to guilt you into it, but what about poor old Charlie. All he wants is a ride in the fine new automobile you have promised me. Please, it's for Charlie!
yeah yeah...
charlie fox,
Are you that tow truck in the movie "Cars?"
"Tow-Mater" That's how I read your last post. :)
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like Tow-Mater!
I love it when you're cuttin' up, Bill Loney.
Rule #1
Never, ever, ever, dialogue with the devil
Rule #2-----See Rule #1
Socwork said,
yeah yeah...
oc says: Thankyou for your compassion!
Rumor has it that your new car looks just like this ...
I'll take it! Is there a place for Charlie's bobbling head dog? Is there a place for Charlie?
Junk, is there a place for Charlie's bobbling head?
Ohhhhh! "watchman" is "don"! I thought he sounded familiar.
Oh, gee...I must have been SOOOO wrong about labyrinths...NOT!
Folks, look them up on the internet.
Or let's chip in and market the first Christian Ouija board.
Baptist rosary beads.
Evangelical totem poles.
Kristian Krystals.
Hey, there's money to be made here, folks. And people out there are ripe for it!!!!
(We"ll just put Jesus' name on it to make it okay....) :/
junk99mail said...
Rumor has it that your new car looks just like this ...
ZOWIE, now that's what I'm talking about. Now, that's some kinda mighty fine wheels. Where's my fuzzy dice.
How about Papal Pork Rinds?
Oh, I am so bad!!!!!!
Ok oc,
I'm sorry you have to walk everywhere because you held on to the delusional belief that I, socwork, was Oprah Winfrey and therefore was going to provide you with a brand new car (please pay sales taxes).
You know, there's medication for that.
ZOWIE? Is that like, 'WOW'? We don't want none of that. I've heard enough 'wow' to last the rest of my life. Don't want to hear 'spew' either.
No ride if you talk like this,if you do, find your own ride. Bobble head dog or not.
your friend and mine, oc.
Oh, I forgot the Prayer Pentagram -where you light a candle on each point and stand in the middle and pray facing in each of the five directions before you are done and enter into a conection with the divine.....
These would make fine necklaces since the cross has been so overdone.....
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