Thursday, October 26, 2006

Communications Committee Revisited

Has anyone submitted a question to the new Communications Committee and received a response? If so,

1. What was your question?

2. What type(s) of responses did you receive?

3. Do you think the committee has been given the information necessary to answer your questions?

4. There was a check box on the form that you could check to request a meeting with the committee. Did you do this? If so, have you been invited to meet with them?


  1. Just keep waiting - we'll see just how serious the committee is.

  2. I know several persons who have submitted their questions thru the proper channels, including me. My thinking is that maybe they have not been received by the individiual committee members yet?

  3. The pessimist in me says if they wait long enough everybody will give up and go away.

    The optimist in me says perhaps they've just not organized yet and will address at least some of the questions in time.

    I'm not sure if all of them have the information needed to answer a lot of the questions.

    We'll see.

  4. mkw,
    I do have a question that you may be able to answer for me. I did not submit it to the committee, but I will if you think I should.
    When Dr Rogers left, he never turned in all of his keys and from what I understand, he was never asked to, being the pastor emeritius.
    When Steve Gaines first took up residence in the pastor's offices, I understood that Dr Rogers would sometimes just walk in. My understanding is that rather than address the issue with Dr Rogers, he had all of the locks changed without telling Dr Rogers what he had done. I would like to know if this really happened. If this is true, I cannot imaging the feelings that would flow thru Dr Rogers when he put his key in a door and it would no longer work.
    If Dr Rogers was intruding on Steve Gaines' space, why not just talk to the man?

  5. MKW,
    I do have very reliable information that this is true, which would lead me to question the character of a man who would go behind the back of the man the Lord used to build the place that he is now in the process of deconstructing.
    I would think an honest question deserves an honest answer.
    Sorry, I thought from your posts that you were knowlegable in the goings on of the church.

  6. mkw,
    They would loose their jobs if their names were released. If this is not true, I will remove the posts. Sorry, I will not remove it until I find out for sure.


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