Sunday, June 03, 2007

Important Interview

On Monday, June 4th at 9:00 a.m., there will be an interview with our own David Brown on Live at 9 on WREG Channel 3. Anna Whalley of the Shelby County Crime Victim's Center is scheduled to be interviewed with him. The interview is to focus on the importance of reporting even suspected abuse to the proper authorities immediately and the services available to victims of childhood sexual abuse. David has asked for our prayers for him and for victims to have the courage to seek assistance.

If you're not in the Memphis area or not near a TV when it airs live, you should be able to watch it online
here later.

The Commercial Appeal may do an interview later.

Related stories:

Rape of Faith

America's Largest Protestant Denomination Under Fire

Victim's rights group calls for action by Church

Bellevue investigation yields sharp criticism


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New BBC Open Forum said...


But it was just an "itty bitty" fence. No, wait. It was an "itty bitty" (just above knee level) fence on 9-24-06. Six months and one day later, while holding his hand down around knee level, Steve Gaines stated, "Nobody ever said it was a little old fence that was only this high!"

By the way, that was his answer to the question, "Why would you illegally climb over a fence surrounding a gated community and go to a man's house unannounced when all you had to do was pick up the phone and call him first?"

Somebody help me here. I'm confused.

Junkster said...

facts_only_please said...
There are direct conflicts in his statements.

Not trying to dispute this or justify anyone's bad behavior, but just trying to understand ... is it possible the discrepancy of statements is a reault of what he knew when? Could it be that at the time the email was sent that he was not aware of a plan that others had in mind, but by the time he said there was a plan he had been made aware of it?

facts_only_please said...

junk99mail said...
facts_only_please said...
There are direct conflicts in his statements.

Not trying to dispute this or justify anyone's bad behavior, but just trying to understand ... is it possible the discrepancy of statements is a reault of what he knew when? Could it be that at the time the email was sent that he was not aware of a plan that others had in mind, but by the time he said there was a plan he had been made aware of it?

10:59 PM, June 06, 2007

Hi Junk-
Good question -- I was hoping that it was a case of Bryan not knowing about the plan in advance. However, the admission by Bryan to the Deacon Officer occurred several days after the March 25 Business Meeting. The email correspondence to the member occurred 2-3 weeks ago.

New BBC Open Forum said...

That could be true, junk. However, it seemed odd that he used the word "homosexual," not once but twice when Josh Manning's motion was on the floor, the victim was making his way to the mic, and the abrupt motion to adjourn the meeting was made. That word was not in the SBC resolution, nor was it in the motion, yet he said it twice. A lot of people caught that and later wondered if that wasn't the "code word" to shut 'er down.

Or maybe they were just going by the clock and it didn't matter what motion was on the floor. They may have really planned to shut it down at a predetermined time.

Mary said...

David, I take no offense whatsoever at this or any sincere question.

I didn’t consider myself a victim or a survivor until I sought professional counseling. My past was just that – my past -- I really never gave it much thought. I was busy living my life. I finished my education, met and married the man of my dreams, and later, we began a family. Life was good – no, to be honest, life was great! I was happy and had a wonderful, loving family, a lovely home, and all of the material trappings that the world calls success.

And suddenly, as if from out of nowhere, I had what I now know was a panic attack. And a few weeks later, I had another, and then another. What followed was a physical workup from my physician and then a referral to a shrink who concluded these attacks were coming from my victimization as a child. How I dealt with it was covered in my post.

I hope that helps a bit.

May God richly bless you for all the wonderful work you do!

Junkster said...

facts_only_please said...
However, the admission by Bryan to the Deacon Officer occurred several days after the March 25 Business Meeting. The email correspondence to the member occurred 2-3 weeks ago.

Thanks for the info. Maybe I'm still not clear, but how it was worded might make a difference. If his email indicated that he was not aware at the time of the meeting of a plan to shut the meeting down, it could still be that he learned of the plan afterwards. But if he stated a few days after the meeting that there was a plan, and his recent email says he is still not aware of a plan, or even leaves that impression without directly stating it, that would be disengenous at best, and an outright deception at worst.

Or...his memory is really, really bad and he is incompetent to be in such a position to leadership. I prefer to give folks the benefit of the doubt where possible, but it seems hard to do that in this case.

NASS, I understand what you're saying about the odd use of the word homosexual, but that might have been a (really stupid) slip of the tongue when dealing with an awkward topic in light of preceding events, and no telling what sort of mental images those events conjure up for folks. I doubt we'll ever know for sure on that unless someone became repentant over intentional deception and came forward with a public confession.

Adam said...


I too heard from friends out-of-town that Steve G. is throwing his name in the hats at other churches for Senior Pastor.

Mark D. is also going on staff at Charles Stanley's Church!

Did Steve G. recently take out a line of credit for $100,000 at a bank here in town??

Adam said...

Why did John Caldwell leave Leewood Baptist Church some years back?

Adam said...

If someone will ask the leaders of that Church, you will discover why just like I did!!!!!!You will be shocked!!!!

Did Mr. Caldwell ever apologize for tresspassing and jumping a fence on private property?

Why not?

gmommy said...

I pay attention to your posts... but we have thought so many other times that "what we heard on the streets " had merit and then dead silence...nothing happened.
Almost seems like we "show our hand" thru some means...or maybe someone....and they squash whatever is coming out.
I hope you are right on this one!!!!

gmommy said...

If it is true that Charles Stanley has hired Mark D.,
they will get a call from me tomorrow to take me off their mailing list. I had a good year last year and was very generous to his ministry.
Are we just moving these guys aroung the SBC like the Catholics have done before??????

gmommy said...

Why does SG need so much money?????

Experience has shown me that if you follow the find the sin!

What deal did the pulpit committee and the (elders we didn't know we had) make with this man????
No other reason to become so secretive and deflect from this issue so often,

I caught it the other day when you said there was more than one credit card....but only one set of receipts were presented.....

Did no one THINK to ask that question?????

HOW did DC restore itegrity????? That was the claim made about him.

New BBC Open Forum said...

Gee, "adam." Instead of beating around the bush, just tell us. Or drop it.

gmommy said...

I am personally aquainted with a long time faithful member of BBC who was told by DC the week after the meeting that it was a planned shut down.....fact.

New BBC Open Forum said...

Veeeeeerrryy interesting. Turn up your sound!

David Brown said...

Dear Mary: Thanks once again for sharing. What you and I both had in place when be began to deal with this horrible crime was a great support system of others. I too have a great wife. You and I also have a strong faith.

But for those victims that don't have that, the going is tough, extremely tough. There are way too many victims that don't trust, even God. And they are most of the ones I deal with. All you can do is try to be the support system they never had and show them hope. You love on them and keep telling them it is going to be ok. But that takes a lot of time and energy. There is much need for help with these victims.

That is why I relpied to the concerned saint to help me. He asked a sincere question and I tried to respond but also ask for his help. I now ask that of the others. That was my reason for posting the email exchange.

I really don't know that the effects of this crime ever go away. The scars do remain and is not because we have not forgiven. I think it the consequence of the sin. Scripture tells those remain, the sin is forgiven but there are consequences. We are those consequences. The victims bear the scars of it.

Mary and I are blessed to have been able to deal with our abuse as we have. But we should not be used as a model to say to other victims why aren't you like them. That would be so unfair and unjust.

When I said the the number of 39 million victims would seem so small in 10 years unless we get in FRONT of this crime, I was very serious. Next time you are around a group of children, count them. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys WILL BE ABUSED before they turn 18. Which one are you going to try and protect? Are you going to remain silent or are you going to do something?

In 2005 I made a choice, I could have remained silent and been quite content but I chose to speak out. What are you going to do? If you want to help, please contact me.

In HIS Service,

David Brown

32yrs@bbc said...

. If you can't submit to the authority of the body you are a member of, and you aren't submitted to the authority of another local body, then you are walking around without the accountability God has ordained for us in the church.
I was no longer going to post but I cann't let this pass by. hisbygrace, I do hope you check out the site one more time just to see if there are any comments to this final post.

Your words today were just what I needed to brush out the final cobwebs of doubt in my mind. I agree completely with your ENTIRE post. Satan is attacking the established church and one of the ways is to encourage believers to abandon it through discouragement. It concerns me that there are some on this blog who because of their
wounds in the on-going spiritual battle are just, seemingly, giving up on the church. Hopefully, your words will encourage them to "keep on keeping on" and to seek another church where they can worship and serve others and be held accountable in their spiritual walk. God bless you.

why said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...


Methinks thou dost protest too much!

Answer my questions for once, would ya? I've asked them of you and still no valid points made by you.

Is Steve so desperate that he needs YOU to be his guard dog? I thought he was a big tough football guy, does he need you to nip at our heels all the time?


nathanb said...


It's hard to support someone who has done wrong in the pulpit and continues to do so isn't it.

I guess you will continue to blame others for the actions of Steve Gaines and group of Elders he has surrounded hiself with.

The Bible is very clear on who a pastor should be and who he should not be.

These instructions are not suggestions.

What's happened to Bellevue is the fault of Steve Gaines, Mark Dougharty, Harry Smith, John Caldwell, Chuck Taylor, Steve Tucker, Bryan Miller, Jeff Arnold Jr., any anyone else who has known of the lies and deception and gone along with it.

Yes, we will all be held accountable for our actions. I would not want to be in these men's shoes.

Anonymous said...

Why: I repost for your enjoyment. Dispute all you want; I believe Aslan, Mark Gates, David Smith and Bryson McQuistion. Please notice Aslan DID TALK TO DR. ROGERS about PDL!

Why, why won't you answer me? You must know who I am and are afraid I will find out who you are. Seems to be the theme with you and Brady - you know I'll find out who you are and you run scared from those of us who are NOT anonymous. Please note: Those you bash here may sit next to you on Sunday morning!!! Anonymity can only be a warm blanket for so long.....

Karen said...
I quote Aslansown with his permission, thusly and like so:

"I have first-hand info on the PDL issue. Dr. Rogers resisted bringing it to Bellevue. The staff had to persuade him to do so. He expressed serious reservations regarding its' effectiveness and orthodoxy. I have this information from Mark Gates, David Smith and Bryson McQuistion. I also asked Dr. R in person and he told me he was not totally convinced that PDL was without fault, but that we could apply the basic tenets with a strong scriptural backing and take the best out of it and not make of it a cult. This is why it was undertaken as a Wednesday night study. It was not to replace strong doctrinal teaching that was supposed to be taking place on Sunday."

3:58 PM, June 06, 2007

nathanb said...

Praise the Lord for any man or woman at Bellevue who has has taken a stand for Truth.

Standing for Truth comes at a price that is well worth paying.

We are called to be the salt and light. Why do you think most Christians would rather be quiet?
It's because it's hard to confront sin in this world.

I will not be quiet as long as things continue on as they are. The Church is well worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your posts - I truly believe you know what you're talking about and have posted nothing but the truth here.

Do you have specifics on the resume thing? It would help if some undesputable facts are posted because you know you'll be picked apart by those who think they know more than you do.


New BBC Open Forum said...

Fine, whyne. You can shut up, or I'll do it for you. I've got all the little trashcans, remember? If you ever said anything, it would be different, but you've never written one thing of substance. All you can do is hurl insults at people, you have a very limited vocabulary (not to mention you can't spell worth a flip), and you sound like a broken record.

Please, everyone, try not to respond to Mr. Deacon! I'll continue to take out the trash as soon as I find it.


Anonymous said...


Your "Heros" superpower is troll trash removal. I think you got gypped!

Save the deacon, save the world! :)


gmommy said...

Many of us stand with you.
This has never been about "winning". It has always been about standing for scriptural integrity and truth.

Piglet said...

The audio of Mark D. and Richard E. just made me SICK!

MD says they tell people we have NO bylaws?!! LIE!!

MD says if they change the bylaws, that means we DO have bylaws and they don't WANT any bylaws!!!! Oh, rules are a problem are they ???

Anyone remember Martin Short playing the nervous guy on the oooooooold Saturday Night Live - the guy that sweats a lot? I keep picturing this....

And the classic question: MD says if someone points out that they are not following the bylaws, what then?


Folks, is this really that complicated?!!!!

gmommy said...

I have called In Touch, Charles Stanley's ministry, and told them to take me off their mailing list and that I will not be sending any more financial support because of their hiring of MD.

nathanb said...


You are correct. It is not about winning. It's about being truthful in all you do.

If there isn't anything to hide, open the books. Money really is the issue here that has compromised these men over time.

Take away the money and most of these men would not even be at Bellevue. In fact, I'll predict that when the money dries up, a lot of them will dissapear.

The sad part to this story is that by the time that happens, BBC will for the most part already been run through the shredder.

Already, thousands are gone and most will never come back.

Friendships and families have been split over the sin of man.

How sad to think about what could have been if we could have the opportunity to go back 24 months in time and do things differently.

Perhaps a good future thread would be to go back in time and offer suggestions of what could have been done to prevent some of things that have occured here at Bellevue.

Maybe others could learn from our mistakes.

New BBC Open Forum said...

nathanb wrote:

"Maybe others could learn from our mistakes."

Apparently FBC Atlanta didn't. :-(

New BBC Open Forum said...


Before you go pulling support from InTouch Ministries, think about it. ITM is a separate entity from FBC Atlanta (think LWF and BBC), and decisions made by that church aren't necessarily a reflection on ITM.

aslansown said...

You have mail.

David Hall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nathanb said...


They are a seperate entity but Charles Stanley is the CEO of Intouch Ministries and he is the pastor of First Baptist Atlanta.
It's hard to believe he doesn't call the shots at both places.

The 990 of Intouch Ministries tells quite a story. I just looked at it and was amazed at the amount of revenue.

Charles Stanley is on the payroll of Intouch and it's not a small amount of money.

If what I saw on page 15 of the 990, he made about $300K in 2004 which doesn't include his compensation from First Baptist Atlanta.

Perhaps Mark Dougharty will fit in nicely afterall.

nathanb said...

Word on the street is that Larry Ray has excepted the pastorate at Evangel Baptist at 262 North Perkins here in Memphis.

My hats off to Larry for getting out.

Anonymous said...


I find comedy in everything - I went to Evangel's website and they have a program there called Truthseekers. Had quite the chuckle! Good luck to Larry Ray! Hopefully he'll be happy there.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if FBA has bylaws?

Something tells me they do.

Anyone interested in doing the research and sending a copy to MD as a love gift.

Oooooo.... Sorry. I've got an edge today after listening to MD's words.

MD You must "GET IT" and if you don't please do something else. Do not take what you practiced here and practice it there. Please! A church entity IS subject to non profit organization laws and regulations. A "church" is not a "world" unto it self, to be governed by the will of the pastor in contradiction to obvious and clear scriptural instructions and then the membership instructed to (I hate to say this) “swallow and follow”.

BBC/we were just incredibly blessed with AR and his integrity; talent and gifting who, it seems, also had the "law" of the land written in his heart.

And while I’m at it.

Danny Akin, (president of South East Baptist Theological Seminary) BRING IT ON! Keep “RINGING” that “Bell” again and again and again and again.

My thanks to those of you who have knowledge and the truth for coming here and taking the time to keep us informed.

Junkster said...

powerGmommy said...
I have called In Touch, Charles Stanley's ministry, and told them to take me off their mailing list and that I will not be sending any more financial support because of their hiring of MD.

Did they confirm that FBA had hired MD?

Junkster said...

padroc said...
Danny Akin, (president of South East Baptist Theological Seminary) BRING IT ON! Keep “RINGING” that “Bell” again and again and again and again.

What bell? Did I miss some previous reference to him here on the blog?

New BBC Open Forum said...

junk wrote:

"Did they confirm that FBA had hired MD?"

No, they didn't, and FBA and ITM said they'd never heard of him. That doesn't mean something's not in the works, but the people who answer the phones at both places, including someone in HR at FBA, either aren't aware of it or aren't revealing anything. They said Bob Skipper is their associate pastor but wouldn't say if he'd publicly announced any plans to leave or not, just that he is currently their associate pastor. To me, if there is nothing going on, the logical answer would have been simply, "No, he hasn't." But such an "explanation" emphasizing that he's their current associate pastor, and the refusal to answer a simple question, just seems strange. The HR person reportedly stated, "Who knows what the Lord will lead someone to do in the future?" I guess we'll stay tuned.

Anonymous said...


Go to Danny Akin's article is there. It is WONDERFUL!!


New BBC Open Forum said...

nathanb wrote:

"Word on the street is that Larry Ray has excepted the pastorate at Evangel Baptist at 262 North Perkins here in Memphis."

Word from them is they have called him, but he hasn't formally accepted the call.

Anonymous said...

I hope I don't get blasted for this, but does anyone else think that MD was an okay guy in serving under Dr. Rogers, then when he was put in a better position of power (when Dr. Rogers got sick then retired and ultimately died) that's when he got "the big head"? Do you think his power trip exploded after Dr. Rogers was "out of the way" and it backfired on him when David Coombs was hired?

Just things I wonder about...


aslansown said...

You have mail.

Been Redeemed said...

word is that Larry Ray is very pleased

Anonymous said...

From an email I received re: Larry Ray:

"Larry may have another think coming! Evangel Baptist is a Reformed Baptist Church and, last I heard, they have several "Preaching Elders" - NOT a Pastor!

The church is right around the corner from his house, which would be cozy."

I don't anything about the Preaching Elders (is that like the Flying Elvises?), but was asked to share this - don't shred me.


Junkster said...

Karen said...
(is that like the Flying Elvises?)

Not to be too picky, but I think the proper word for more than one Elvis is "Elvii".

ezekiel said...

Thanks Dr. Akin for the message.

Lets' face it folks. As Dr. Akin tells us, the problem is behind the pulpit and in the pew. Just like Israel, Judah, Samaria, Jerusalem......

We have leaders that are all about the money, materialism and egotism. Preaching a feel good, emotional message to build empires of nickles and noses. Call them a pharisee or a lawyer.(Luke 11:39-52) Either way they do exactly what Jesus accuses them of doing. They take away the key of knowledge, they enter not the kingdom themselves and hinder the ones that would enter. (Luke 11:52)

Then we have the folks in the pew. Believing the message of blessing, mercy, love and grace that these preachers have to preach to fill the pews to further their material needs/wants. Too dependant on a milk bottle to get into the meat of the WORD that will expose the preacher for what he is. Do you realy think the materialistic preacher is going to give you meat?

As Jesus tells us in Luke 11:52. We have lost the key of knowledge. Lost it and are unwilling to look for it in the WORD. See Job 28:12,28, Proverbs 1:1-7, Luke 12:5

The key, the beginning of knowledge and wisdom is FEAR of the LORD.

Without knowledge and wisdom we fall for a false gospel, a false doctrine and a false hope that for some reason Jesus will overlook all the sin in our lives and we all get raptured up regardless of our sorry condition.

Well, it aint so. The same Jesus that tells us in 12:5 to fear Him is the same Jesus that holds the keys to hell and death. (Rev 1:17-18.)He is the same Jesus that tells us he will cleanse the bride with the washing of the WORD. His very own life was a picture of Holyness. Perfection. Fullers soap and refiners fire worked pretty well on his early disciples. It will work well with us as well.

Yes, salvation is by faith alone and through Him alone. But to think that you will enter the gates one day in your dirty sinful garments is to diplay a lack of faith. A lack of faith in the truth that He will cleanse us with a refining fire, with fullers soap and the washing of the WORD. He will indeed put upon us His robe of righteousness.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

junk said...

Not to be too picky, but I think the proper word for more than one Elvis is "Elvii".

Excuse me, Mr. Junk, but I beg to differ. If you've seen "Honeymoon in Vegas", you would have heard (and I quote, thusly and like so):

"We're the Flying Elvises - Utah Chapter!"

So, put that in your Funk and Wagnell! :) :) :) :)

concernedSBCer said...

Karen: I think you won that round! (and that's not easy to do with Junk!)

Hey guys.....we haven't heard from our friend Dr. Loney lately. Do you think he's been able to push on towards Mexico? I know he's wanting to get to his almamater.....but I hope he's not run into trouble over his jogging (if you catch my drift!)

And are you friend? Enjoying your time away from the rug rats????

concernedSBCer said... for a serious question.....why would SG be putting his resume "out there?" Doesn't he have it made here?

Also, are folks jumping from a sinking ship (the Titanic comes to mind- of course, I was reprimanded some time ago for making that inference) or have they had enough of trying to change things from the inside? Any ideas?

New BBC Open Forum said...

Paging Dr. Loney! Dr. Bill Loney! Paging Dr. Loney!

There, maybe that'll get his attention.

concernedSBCer said...

Thanks, Nass! :)

Lily said...

Just wondering . . . I thought when MD "left" he was going to retire in North Carolina. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe I am confused. Now the rumor is Atlanta. Of course there is more money in Altanta. Just wondering.


Lily said...

concernedSBCer said... for a serious question.....why would SG be putting his resume "out there?" Doesn't he have it made here?

Well, if the reserves are going down as rapidly as has been reported, he may realize that the money will dry up soon and he needs to get to a "deeper" well.
Just a thought.


New BBC Open Forum said...

blt wrote:

"Well, if the reserves are going down as rapidly as has been reported, he may realize that the money will dry up soon and he needs to get to a 'deeper' well."

Or someone(s) may have helped him come to that realization.

Lily said...

I pray if it is the Lord's will that He will remove SG from BBC and hopefully Jamie and the Gyrators will feel called to follow.

Word Verification: luufua

concernedSBCer said...

BLT: Okay, you got me with that one! Spew Moment! Jamie and the........


New BBC Open Forum said...

blt wrote:

" I thought when MD 'left' he was going to retire in North Carolina. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe I am confused."

Well, we know all about "dreams," don't we? I don't recall him saying he was going to retire, just that he had some health problems and didn't have any job prospects. He did make it sound like he was stepping down because of stress and the effect it was having on his health which pretty much sounded like "retirement" to me.

So naturally (and we don't know this is true), one would turn around and accept a similar position at another megachurch which I would think would have some of the same stresses the job here had (and I'm sure would be free of a few of the stresses, too). I'm afraid I'm with you on this one. I'm confused, too!

concernedSBCer said...

I just had a vision.... or...uh....a dream...oops...maybe a thought.....?

SG's resume:

"Please tell us in 25 words or less your previous experience.

My Previous Experience: Shot wolves. Beat Sheep. Changed Culture. Spent Money. Endangered Children. Broke Laws. My work there is done."

Lily said...

Add on to SG's resume:

Able to milk down the Word to an almost unrecognizable gruel.

concernedSBCer said...

BLT: You are "on" tonight! But you know, it's all in the presentation....try this.....

"Able to simplify the Word"

See, doesn't that sound SO much better?????

concernedSBCer said...

BLT: With the "rewording, we are still under the 25 word limit!

Lily said...

Yes, Concerned, "simplify" does sound better; however, I would not call misuse of Scripture "simplified".

All said in truthfulness, not meant to be vile.

Romans 28:24
And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.

And yes, I realize I have used this verse out of context. Just an example of the point I was attempting to make. :-o

Junkster said...

Karen said...
If you've seen "Honeymoon in Vegas", you would have heard (and I quote, thusly and like so):

"We're the Flying Elvises - Utah Chapter!"

Yes, I've seen the movie ... but the problem is it was "Honeymoon in Vegas", not "Honeymoon in Memphis" .... those folks from Utah in Vegas were just impersonators... if they had been from Memphis they would have known that the correct term is "Elvii"

So, put that in your Funk and Wagnell! :) :) :) :)

Hey now! I've got plenty of Funk but I have NEVER had a Wagnell!

concernedSBCer said...

BLT: You are right; I just had my tongue planted firmly in my cheek!

Lily said...

Concerned, thanks for clarifying. I had a brief thought that you may have been in that kool-aid.

Tongue in cheek - it's all about sounding better and feeling good and not talking about that little ole word "sin" and putting those uncool consequences completely out of the picture.

Tongue out of cheek - serious prayer ie needed.

concernedSBCer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
concernedSBCer said...

No ma'am....I stay FAR away from that forbidden drink!

Yes, serious prayer is needed, because the thing is....there are wolves being shot all over, and sheep being beaten in MANY churches.......loss of respect for God's Word and God's people....
it's not just a BBC problem. :(

Lily said...

Concerned: when you said
"loss of respect for God's Word and God's people....
it's not just a BBC problem."
You said it all.
And on that note, I say amen and goodnite.

word verification: gezjhsbc

concernedSBCer said...

Hey, is everyone at a party I wasn't invited to? Where is everybody?

Junkster said...

concernedSBCer said...
Hey, is everyone at a party I wasn't invited to? Where is everybody?

Everyone must be putting stuff in their Wagnells.

Adam said...

I think Charles Stanley is a wonderful preacher. But....

Why does his personal company "In Touch Ministries", according to the year 2004,listed on his 990 form , list his income as $300,000 a year.

Plus Dr. Stanley I'm sure is paid quite well at First Baptist of Atlanta.

We also noticed that travel expences for year 2004 were nearly one million dollars!

We know he has an office in Canada and in New Zealand, but when who is traveling and why. How can someone hlod 2 full time jobs as such and be involved in 1 Million dollars worth of travel???

Many men are wonderful Pastors and men of God but we all need to be accountable.

Is it ok if we contribute to to "In Touch Ministries" to call and ask questions??

I need help with this one.

oc said...

Junk said,
Everyone must be putting stuff in their Wagnells.

oc says.
Oh yes, I remember it well. My 1963 Wagnells. Six cylinder, three speed on the tree. Whitewall tires and AM radio. I put all kinds of stuff in it. Surfboards, bicycles, and an occasional fence jumper. Oops.

Adam said...

I am new to this blogging but I do need some help trying to understanding all that is going on at Bellevue and at other Churches.

Just how much vacation time does the Church allow Steve Gaines to take each year and how many sick days is he allowed?

If no one know, does anyone know who can answer that question. I was told by the Chairman of the Deacons last year to ask a Deacon but so far, no Deacon knows!!

Signed...Stumped at BBC

solomon said...

I love Charles Stanley's preaching.

His message Thursday on parents being a godly influence to their children really hit home.

His ministry has really been a blessing to me over the years.

why said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Adam said...


I can find no where in scripture that says seeking the truth through asking questiions in wrong.

concernedSBCer said...

Why asked, apparently seriously this time....
"Does your attitude, personal attacks, making fun of others, and on and on glorify Jesus Christ??"

I do not believe my attitude is as you seem to think it is. Speaking the truth does not equal a bad attitude. Just because you disagree with it does not mean I have a bad attitude. Words are not gossip or slander if they are true. We deal in truth here.

Jesus died for our sins. His Word is Truth. He wants truth, accountability, responsibility, and yes, love, in His believer's attitudes. We here do love, but we do not exchange love for truth. We (try to) speak the TRUTH in LOVE.

The fact you do not agree with it does not make it an untruth.

Adam said...


I guess this is where we disagree. As a tithing member of Bellevue, who does have a the right to not only ask the questions, but receive an answer.

Are questions about transparency out of line?

Adam said...

why said...
sick posted: Does Charles Stanley know that MD paid himself a years salary in advance before SG came?

Reply; LIE



Unless your name is Dr. Charles Stanley, you do not know the answer to that question.

Junkster said...

why said...
Adam: Why does it matter is the better question. It is NONE of your business, the same as it is not Brother Steve's business how much vacation you have.

It's this simple ... like it or not, a pastor is God's servant to the church ... he is employed by, paid by, and serves at the will of the congregation. Saying that how much vacation he gets or how much he is paid is none of the church members' business is like saying that how much I pay my housekeeper is none of my business. The problem is that people are too biblically ignorant to know the proper role of a pastor, his relationship to the congregation, and how church government is supposed to work.

concernedSBCer said...

Why: Everything I said has been proven.

concernedSBCer said...

Why: You might find a thesaurus handy and helpful. Just sayin'

concernedSBCer said...

Why: I am ever so curious. You do not know me, yet you know my motive? How is this possible?

I "calls 'em as I sees 'em" and frankly, having seen a pastor do some of the same things that sg has done, I hope to help encourage and support the truthseekers. THEY are who I am concerned for. God's Word should not be handled so loosley.

Junkster said...

why said...
Junk: And you seem to be too biblically ignorant to see tht you and many others sin with every post with your hate filled words and attacks. Not to hard to see and understand.

My dear little child, it is not sin to point out that you are mistaken, and it is not hate or an attack to correct your error or point out your ignorance. Your time would be much better spent getting more familiar with God's Word than coming here and demonstrating your lack of understanding.

New BBC Open Forum said...

concernedsbcer wrote:

"Why: You might find a thesaurus handy and helpful."

Mr. Deacon could use a dictionary, too. Or Spell Check.

oc said...

Why said to concernedsbcer,
Reply: That is a Christ like attitude and glorifies Christ?? I think not and that is ALL the time. You and others do much more than speak the truth. You find every oppotunity to bash and attack and make fun. Those things have nothing to do with truth. It is all about how you go about things. It is all about tearing people apart. You and others use "truth" as a cop-out and an excuse.

oc's reply: Whoa buddy. You have obviously not been paying attention. Of all people, concernedsbcer is one of the kindest people you will find.
If you are talking about people with a bad attitude, well that would be me. So deal with me, because I'm your problem, not concernedsbcer or anyone else here,Troll.


gmommy said... only have a small vocabulary,

Of all the people that post on this blog,
when you say something against concernedsbcer,

it is nothing but LIES and GOSSIP and HATE FILLED spewing of LIES!!!!

I looked back on old are so boring!! You only say the same thing no matter who it is.

Go get another script!

New BBC Open Forum said...

powergmommy wrote:

"Go get another script!"

Or better yet, just go.

oc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
oc said...

powergmommy wrote:

"Go get another script!"

reply: A script would require reading, would it not? Just sayin'.


gmommy said...

Hey...has anyone been to SIPS on Stage road????

concernedSBCer said...

Just a thought: I took great offense at the recent posts on the blog to those hurt and searching for a new church home. I agree they don't need to fall away completely, but sometimes I think some distance lends perspective. Also, if you go in raw, it's not going to be worshipful to begin with. Sometimes a break is helpful as long as you are just taking a break and not bailing out. Instead of scolding, I think prayer and encouragement for those disenfranchised, wounded, and wandering is more appropriate.

Any truthseeker that wants to join me at church is welcome to. Email me and I will meet you, sit with you, and generally make sure you feel welcomed.

Anonymous said...


I'm heading to GBC on Sunday so I'll sit with ya!

Also, I notice "why" came around to spew his junk last night - did he ever answer me?


concernedSBCer said...

Karen: You've got mail! :)

concernedSBCer said...

Karen: Why has never answered, he only rants.

Jerr said...

Jeremiah 23:1-4

23:1 "Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!" declares the LORD.

2 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: "Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done," declares the LORD.

3 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number.

4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD.


New BBC Open Forum said...

concernedsbcer wrote:

"Karen: Why has never answered, he only rants."

And his rants are deleted as soon as I find them, so there's no need to ask him anything here. If you can get him to dialogue with you privately, by all means, go for it, but I don't think he would ever have a real discussion with anyone. As you said, he only rants.

concernedSBCer said...

Jerr: What an encouragement for us all; thank you!

concernedSBCer said...

Thank you, NASS, for your diligence. We appreciate you.

well, maybe not why...

Anonymous said...


As people here know, I find humor in everything. When I read your post, I had a vision of the Sealy sheep in jail and their big cellmate asking what they had done to get in there (remember, the sheep had torn the tag off the mattress!) and the other sheep interrupted and said "we tore a man to pieces!" I had my own personal chuckle - it's how I am! :)


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
New BBC Open Forum said...




Anonymous said...

Thanks Nass! I feel better now!


New BBC Open Forum said...

I've been asked to post this letter from someone who wanted to respond to David Brown's comments from earlier in this thread.

Dear David,

Thanks for the post clarifying that there is not a one-size-fits-all healing process. I, too, experienced childhood sexual abuse at the hand of a family member.

Before the PW issue, I cannot tell you what a good place I was living in as far as emotions and being able to see myself as usable and capable. The big difference I THINK is that I am older so my body has been affected more. I now take medication to slow down my heart and it took a long time to stop the fight or flight rushes. My body didn't know not to keep running from danger. That wears body and mind down.

The other difference is that my children are grown now so that left me with no one directly depending on me. For almost three decades the "mother" in me has given me a reason to grit my teeth and push. I lost most family of origin by blowing the whistle on the generational sin... not that they were EVER a source of support or safety.

As you understand so well, the betrayal by my church has challenged my faith, my reality, many of my relationships, and the choices I thought were good ones for my little family. There is more loss to grieve over and adjust to.

I have lived mostly in survival mode for all of my life. I want nothing more than to "put all this behind me" and stop being an alien from the planet of "the walking wounded."

I don't want to be fearful, insecure, not go out of the house for days on end, or fight thoughts that death would be better than constantly having to prove myself worthy to be loved or accepted.

But, I do consider myself blessed that I am not an addict, no longer in an abusive relationship, not a "cutter" as some other survivors, not prostituting myself, and that my children have not been molested. As you know, the consequences of someone else's sin on an Innocent's body and soul are endless and as different as the colors of the rainbow.

I have forgiven those that have wounded or reinjured me with the possible exception of the husband I trusted my life to... and I certainly pray constantly that God will enable me to completely forgive his betrayal and defilement.

I have written the letters, let the balloons go soaring into the air with all MY sins written on them, cried out to God to rescue me, to mold me into a new vessel, and to help me to be proud of the cracks still visible so all will know the clay is the Lord's and that HE mends the broken and heals the wounds and molds His children and uses them for His glory.

You are so correct that most people would like for us to just go away. I understand how uncomfortable our visible cracks and oozing scars make people that have not experienced this "INCIDENT," as the leadership of my once safe place euphemistically refers to the rape of innocence and trust.

WHEN does a VICTIM become a SURVIVOR?

Every day that we get up determined to be the person God created us to be and not what the circumstances seem to dictate we are.

Every day we cry out to God.

Every time we protect and love our children in a way that we were never protected and loved.

Every time we reinforce our children's radar that was trampled on and destroyed by the trusted ones that abused us.

Every time we are sensitive to someone's pain and comfort them.

Every time we tell the truth and break the rule of silence.

Every time we make someone "uncomfortable" in order to protect one more child from being sexually abused.

There is NOT a nice little "healed" box that all of us fit into so that those around us can stop looking at the reality of this crime against the innocent.

For all the Marys in the world I say, thank you, Lord!

For all the "me's" (and Davids and others) we look in the mirror and say, thank you Lord for where I am today. Give me the strength and courage I need to make it through another day by depending on Your love and mercy and grace.

Didn't mean to pour all this on you... I really just meant to write a short note of thanks. I am not a Mary. But I WILL be the person that God created me to be.

Your sister in Christ

concernedSBCer said...

Dear sister in Christ: Your definition of a survivor is amazing. You have touched my heart, encouraged me, and shown God's faithfulness.

You are right: you are a SURVIVOR! You raised your children and have walked with God in your life. You will certainly hear those treasured words one day: "Well done, thy good and faithful servant."

I am saving your definition as I am sure it will come to mean much to the many hurting out in our world.

You are in my prayers. Thank you for your testimony.

Finance Guy said...

If I may comment on the Larry Ray news, I have a working knowlege of Evangel Baptist that goes back years due to some ministry relationships i've had. The person who commented that they are Reformed Baptist is correct. (They are also not affiliated with the SBC, which could be a positive depending on your viewpoint!) In years past, there have been several prominate members of the local religious/academic community that have attended, or have been Elders there, but I think they are all long gone at this point.

The Elder situation there, at least in years past, is one where the head Pastor is actually the "Administrative Elder", but is only one of a group of Teaching Elders, all of which are "equals". I.E. there is no "head Pastor" in the way a Southern Baptist would understand it. I'm not going to comment editorially on this, as I think the way this is structured can be defended Biblically, but I wouldn't say this is the best way to organize a church. I do know that is has lead to various splits in that church over the years.

In any event, this news shocks me in one hand, and is not surprising on the other. I've known LR for almost 30 years, and I would describe him as an "Independent-Southern Baptist", but I never saw him as "reformed", but who knows. This really shocks me as I saw him as one of SG's biggest cheerleaders on staff, and my impression was that he was a favored one with the administration, and thus had a bright future at BBC.

We'll see....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Sister,

As one who has been abused - physically, mentally and emotionally - by an ex-husband, I stand with you against forces that allow abusers to continue to abuse innocent victims. I praise God that He gave me the means to escape my abuser and I thank him for the strength and grace to forgive. Otherwise, my anger and fear of my abuser would turn to bitterness which affects only me, it would never affect him.

I am proud of you today for sharing your story. We all come to healing in our own time and yes, sometimes healing is day by day or even minute by minute. I did become an addict due to not dealing well with the abuse, but by the grace of God, I have dealt with that issue and I pray for strength to keep my sobriety as my number one priority. Without my sobriety, I could not have the blessings I now have in my life.

May we never overlook, not see or just ignore that feeling inside each of us that tells us "something's wrong - you need to intervene" where suspected abuse of a child is concerned. Protecting children (and all people that may be abused) should be so 2nd nature that even if we overreact to a situation, we need to be ever vigilant. Better to overreact than not react at all.

God Bless!


oc said...

Thankyou for posting that letter. And for all of those idiots, (and I did say idiots,) who have no clue what these people have gone through, and have posted crap that tells them to get over it, well, I hope you don't get to the end of your life with so little compassion and understanding. The Lord will be asking you about that. What will you say to Him?

As for right now, though, I think that if you have no compassion for those suffering,then you are sheltered, ignorant, self-serving punks. Get out of your own wonder -world and get real. Your kids or grand kids may the next victims. I bet your ideas of justice and fairness would take a big U-turn if that would ever happen. You may feel the rage that I feel when a young person is violated, and no one seems to care.

How can you call yourself Christian, and not have compassion for those violated?
I submit that if you can, you are Christian in name only, and therefore are trying to use Him for an E ticket to heaven and to feel good about yourself in the mean time. But I'll tell you this, and God forgive me, don't let me get ahold of you. You have no idea what you are doing. I'm going to quit now before I say things I will regret.


gmommy said...

Chill just a little bit buddy.
I especially appreciate your passion....
we should all be so passionate to protect the weak,wounded,and the innocent!
We have to inform and educate one person at a time,I guess.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if this forum could be used to reach out to someone who needs help right now.
Someone who has not spoken out before.
We blog friends have connections! and can direct someone who needs our help!

aslansown said...

Winning Truth w/Tim Guthrie said...
David Rogers is also strongly behind the Private Prayer Language Movement and certain aspects of Tongues in the SBC. Does anyone know why he is so different from his father in this area?

3:27 PM, June 06, 2007

I did some simple research regarding this question and actually corresponded with David Rogers himself. Here is what I found to be true in this matter and share it with you and others with his permission so as to help clear up the misconception you seem to have embraced:

Thank you for your reply. I have done some searching on your blog and I believe that I have ascertained the following:
Most of your comments appear to be an intellectual exercise regarding PPL and voiced in an effort to be both intellectually and spiritually honest (I have not read the totality of your comments and thus I use the word "most").
You are not a cessationist, but believe that the giving and exercising of glossolalia (tongues) are extant, yet not normative.
Your primary reason for debating the issue is that you believe that this is a minor issue and should not be used as a measure or rule for fellowship or service.

Please let me know if I have understood your comments and should I know anything else.

I understand that the primary issue in all of this for you is that it appears that the IMB is becoming more legalistic and less understanding or loving. Again, I invite your correction.

Reply from David Rogers:

You have interpreted what I have written 100% correctly.



Maybe you would want to communicate with him directly. I found him to be as open and sincere as his father, with whome I was privileged to have several conversations.

The one thing I miss about the "old days" is the freedom to stop The Pastor in the hall and have impromptue discussions on almost any subject and not without much humor.

Anonymous said...

"The one thing I miss about the "old days" is the freedom to stop The Pastor in the hall and have impromptue discussions on almost any subject and not without much humor."

ME TOO! Dr. Rogers was always willing to stop and talk and joke - and pray with you if you needed it.


New BBC Open Forum said...

I was asked to post this for those who knew Mr. Waycaster and would like to attend the services or express their condolences to the family.

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Waycaster served in the Senior Adult ministry at Bellevue. He taught Sunday School for many years. Mr. Waycaster died at his home early Thursday morning.

Visitation will be from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., Saturday, June 9th, at Memorial Park Chapel, 5668 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38119. Services are at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel with Bro. Sonny Tucker officiating. Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery.

Friends and family will gather after the funeral for food and fellowship in the Bellevue Woods club room at approximately 4:00 p.m. This is an ongoing tradition provided by the wives and widows at Bellevue Woods and all are invited to spend time with Ruby and family. Anyone planning to bring food for the family could bring it at that time. Also there will be someone there to receive dishes before the funeral.

Since the obituary of Harold's homegoing will not make the paper until Saturday, please help us get the word to those whom you think would want to know.

concernedSBCer said...

Karen: You've got MORE mail!

all2jesus said...

NASS, you should have mail. So should several others....

gmommy said...

OK....No fair...
did all my blog friends go and get a life????

oc said...

powergmommy said,

OK....No fair...
did all my blog friends go and get a life????

oc says: Nope. Not all of us. I'm here.

gmommy said...

this is sad......

concernedSBCer said...

Powermommy: I just got home! What's up?

oc said...

powergmommy, maybe they had a blog party and didn't invite us....

gmommy said...

Not a stinkin thing...boring.

gmommy said...

Oh No! That must be it..!!

New BBC Open Forum said...

If it's any consolation, they didn't invite me either. :-(

Or maybe we've been... left behind!

gmommy said... careful..
you'll get the trolls out with that kind of talk!!!

concernedSBCer said...

Powermommy: I emailed you yesterday; did you get it?

A blog party? And we weren't invited???? Well, then, we'll just have to have our own party. Maybe SOTL brought back some of those cute little umbrellas!

concernedSBCer said...

Nass: I can assure you, we haven't been left behind. Well, at least not scripturally. Now maybe left behind from a blog party....of course, you couldn't go anyway because you live so far away in Minnesota!

gmommy said...

c sbcer,

gmommy said...

kumbaya my Lord...kumbaya.......

Junkster said...

concernedSBCer said...
Nass: I can assure you, we haven't been left behind. Well, at least not scripturally. Now maybe left behind from a blog party....of course, you couldn't go anyway because you live so far away in Minnesota!

Well, we could have been left behind if: (1) the post-tribbers are right, or (2) none of us are really Christians. Or in NASS's case it could just be an unfortunate result of living above the Mason-Dixon line.

concernedSBCer said...

Powermommy: I think you are right....everyome else is at the official Truthseeker party. They even invited Dr. Loney,apparently, because I KNOW he would talk to us if he were home! And even Socwork has abandoned us tonight. :( word verification is....

drum roll please.....


The answer to that would be NO!!!!!

gmommy said...

I even started singing and no one was around to join in........ we make a post trib party...?????

solomon said...

Man, what a great party! I haven't had so much fun in years!!!

Boy, that bill loney - what a character! Quite a contrast with why. He was so serious!

And I almost died laughing when junk99 did karaoke! (Why is it that women love 'I Will Survive' so much?)

Sorry the rest of you couldn't make it. Maybe next time!

Lynn said...

If there was a party, No one told me!!!

concernedSBCer said...

Solomon: Awww, man......let us come next time! I make a mean cheese dip! LOL

concernedSBCer said...

Solomon: The big question with regard to Dr. Loney would be: Was it a swim party? You know, he has that hair issue.......

solomon said...

Oops! Did I say something I shouldn't have?

solomon said...

I didn't notice any hair issues with Bill, but he never did take off his fur coat while we were swimming. I guess he might have been hiding something...

Junkster said...

solomon said...
Oops! Did I say something I shouldn't have?

You should have realized that when Mike Bratton threw the party he only invited those of us from this blog who also post on his!

Junkster said...

And who would have thought that the life of the party would turn out to be watchinghisstory! It felt like a dream!!

solomon said...

My favorite part was when we played Charades. Well, either that or Twister.

gmommy said...

aren't you "other" bloggers clever.
can't miss an opportunity.
My brothers.......

Junkster said...

solomon said...
My favorite part was when we played Charades. Well, either that or Twister.

It got really fun when we combined the two!

And 'cakes does an amazing Elvis impersonation!

concernedSBCer said...

Ahhh.....a dream........

gmommy said... I know you are funin me..
cakes would NEVEAAAA do an Elvis act!!!!!

David Hall said...

Hucka hucka Burn'nin love, yeeeooooaaa!

gmommy said...

So there is yet another colorful side to our sweetcakes!!!!

David Hall said...

Oh, I'm like a unsolved Rubik's cube.

gmommy said...

I have no doubts about that cakes!!!

David Hall said...

Hey Powergmommy,

I emailed you days back, and I thought you were mad at me; caught me misbehaving on Bratton's or whatever.

Are we still cool?

gmommy said...

I am emailing you now

New BBC Open Forum said...

Anybody peeked at Sunday morning's sermon notes?

Wonder where he's going with Section 1?

gmommy said...

I can just hear the followers amening and clapping now!!!!

cowboy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lily said...

I am curious to know what words will be used to fill in the blank on this sentence:

Remember! Sins committed by a Leader ____________

a) are a mistake of the heart, mind or soul?
b) itty bitty?
c) out of ignorance?

It appears someone has noticed the comments about BBC not addressing the issue of sin. This sermon shall surely put all that trash talk in the garbage.

New BBC Open Forum said...

You left out the word "in" that precedes the first blank.

All I could think of was, "Sins committed in secret by a leader are often amplified in the open by their followers." Or "in their own lives by their followers." Something like that....

johnthebaptist said...

New BBC Open Forum said...
Anybody peeked at Sunday morning's sermon notes?

Wonder where he's going with Section 1?

Reply: If you look up a few of the verses quoted, you can tell where he is going with it. If it was anyone else, it would be a good sermon. This seems to be another attempt at making himself out to be the victim. Another attempt to say that he is being persecuted for doing what is right...just like Paul and Jesus.

It looks to be another self serving sermon BUT until he actually preaches it, I will wait and see if he takes it down the path that I am thinking he will. He might surprise a good way this time.

We will see.

New BBC Open Forum said...


To me the rest of it looked fine. It was just that one section, particularly that one sentence, that jumped out at me. I agree, we'll just have to wait and see, and perhaps he will surprise us -- hopefully in a good way this time.

New BBC Open Forum said...


Or try these:

the pulpit -----> the pew

the past -----> the present

johnthebaptist said...

I have decided to change my name...screen name that is. I missed out on the name changing craze a few weeks ago but I have been thinking about it for a while.
Why? I have my reasons but don't read too much into that.
Instead of Preacherdude...I am now johnthebaptist...because I am both...John and a baptist..and as most here, I feel as one who is crying in the wilderness...though I am not alone. There are many great people here who want God's standard of Holiness to be upheld in church leadership.

I have tried on animal skins to wear as clothing like my namesake, but I have decided that they chaff me too much. I have selected to go with cotton or maybe a cotton blend if I really want to rough it.

You meet some real nice, intelligent people here along with some real goobers, aka trolls. Some of the trolls make you so angry at their ignorance, you say things maybe you shouldn't say...for which I am guilty.

Sorry if I offended anyone or make anyone think that a preacher shouldn't talk that unlovingly. I will try to do better.

I thank Nass for this blog in which we can band together and communicate since our "leadership" won't allow us a voice.

johnthebaptist said...

New BBC Open Forum said...

Or try these:

the pulpit -----> the pew

the past -----> the present

Reply: perfect!

johnthebaptist said...

I was looking over Bellevue Today for Sunday and a couple of thoughts came to me. 1- they sure are advertising for choir members a lot! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I could be wrong but I don't remember JW advertising for choir members. I wonder if JP is paying choir members to be there so it will look full? If so, I could use a few extra bucks! : )

2- I wonder is Charles Billingsly will like singing to a lot of empty seats compaired to earlier years?
Maybe next time he comes, they can hold the concert in the chapel?

New BBC Open Forum said...

I predict the crowd will be up considerably tomorrow night from recent Sunday night numbers, but I'd be surprised if the crowd approaches the size of the one the last time CB was here. The last time was a Wednesday night in August (David Jeremiah preached and that was part of the draw), and it was a packed house. I remember Steve Gaines saying, "Just another typical Wednesday night at Bellevue!" Sure it is!

What was it he said in his new book about the Sunday night congregation always breaking into "spontaneous applause" at the end of the service? Someone (it may have been "nathanb") was reading that book and providing us with periodic updates, but we haven't had any updates in a while. Anyone?

johnthebaptist said...

I am not sure how anyone can read his book knowing his issues. I know that I am just funny about stuff like that but when someone disqualifies himself like SG did, I feel he has nothing to say to me. I don't want to give him one penny for any of his propaganda.

I know someone has to read the book but it just won't be me.

I bought the PDL a few years back but couldn't get past the second page. The same with my wife. It was just something about it that I couldn't read it. The same with SG material.

God bless those who can stomach the book.

Lynn said...


I bout the PDL CD version to listen in my car (I was wanting to listen to it just so I could familiarize myself with the enemy).

Not only could I not stomach 5 minutes of it.....IT BROKE MY CD PLAYER IN MY CAR!!!!

johnthebaptist said...

Lynn said:

Not only could I not stomach 5 minutes of it.....IT BROKE MY CD PLAYER IN MY CAR!!!!

Reply: That is funny!

If it will do that to your CD player, just imagine what it would do to your heart, mind,& your walk with God!

Junkster said...

johnthebaptist said...
I have decided to change my name...screen name that is.

I like it! Makes me want to try changing mine again, too!

Anonymous said...

BLT said...
I am curious to know what words will be used to fill in the blank on this sentence:

Remember! Sins committed by a Leader ____________

a) are a mistake of the heart, mind or soul?
b) itty bitty?
c) out of ignorance?

My suggestion: "No more"

"Check it out! Doesn't ya'lls bible say "forgiven is forgotten"?

Duh... (sorry NASS)

oc said...

Me too!!!

Junkster said...

octhebaptist said...
Me too!!!


oc said...

OK, how's that?

Junkster said...

Ok, I give!!

oc said...

Yeah,that was enough fun for one day.

gmommy said...

Wonder if Steve has an extra version of the sermon and when his "reporter" tells him the blog people are
a step ahead of him...will he change his answers for those elementary outlines.???

Lynn said...

Who knows.

I was reading the paper and saw where a women's class went up to Nashville for a retreat.

I wonder if they used a Church bus?

all2jesus said...

Hey "Adam", if you're lurking around would you please email me? My address is in my profile.

InMemphis said...

Is Charles Billingsly coming to BBC tomorrow night?

concernedSBCer said...

Karen: You've got mail.

New BBC Open Forum said...

According to this he is.

Lynn said...


I hope ya'll caught this on the Bulletin....

"Single Life 1 is Jazzin up Assembly time on Sunday Mornings throughout the month of June. Next week we have a mystery guest, assorted pastries for breakfast, GAMES, and More. Come for coffee at 9:00am and breakfast at 9:15 in room F245. Assembly starts at 9:30".

For some reason that seems so wrong. Games on Sunday in Church? I always thought sunday mornings church was for worship :).

New BBC Open Forum said...

I see where Charles Billingsley is back at Thomas Road Baptist in Lynchburg, VA. He's been at Shadow Mountain Community Church in California, David Jeremiah's church, for the past two years. Imagine two cross-country moves in 2 years. No envy here!

gmommy said...

who is going to be the sermon reporter for us??????
How WILL Stevie spin it?????
Stay Tuned!!!

gmommy said...

Has anyone talked to ima?????

New BBC Open Forum said...

lynn wrote:

"For some reason that seems so wrong. Games on Sunday in Church? I always thought sunday mornings church was for worship :)."

Personally, I never thought it was the time or place for breakfast (including "pastries and coffee") either. What's wrong with eating before you go to church and keep church... church? Why do people have to eat and be entertained at church?

Carol T. said...

Has anyone heard anything or voted on the million bucks that Bellevue is spending to purchase and renovate a church over on Summer Avenue? I understand it is for the Hispanic group that meets at Bellevue on Sunday afternoons.

Lily said...

Where did you retrieve the info on the hispanic church donationa

I NEED TO KNOW THE INSTIGATOR OF THIS MOVMENT and to what extent church funds are allocated.



gmommy said...

I think we no longer vote at BBC...

I was reading the plan of action for transitioning a church on Saving isn't minding the rule about going sloooow.

But he is right on track for changing over how things work and how to pull the wool over people's eyes.
Very interesting.
Too bad some people have too much sand in their eyes to research for themselves.

Lily said...

Sorry, I got so twisted I couldn't even type.

Hey Whammy Lynn, you reported:
Single Life 1 is Jazzin up Assembly time on Sunday Mornings throughout the month of June.

Reply on Single Life at BBC - is it still a meat market - i.e. folks checking you out as a potential mate and others checking you out as the competition?

Lily, also Lile if fingers get skewed.

gmommy said...

tell it like it is!

Lynn said...

blt said:

"Reply on Single Life at BBC - is it still a meat market - i.e. folks checking you out as a potential mate and others checking you out as the competition?"


I wouldn't know. No one's ever checked me out lol. I've been isolated or at least felt that way when I show up lol.

Tim said...

Just a quick verse or two. This is what the Word of God has to say.

Ezekiel 34:15-16
15 I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord GOD.
16 I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

It appears that Steve is going to preach this Sunday on no matter what may have been done, it is all forgiven. Partial truth contained in that statement. It is forgiven but there are still consequences associated with actions from the past. Paul was not immediately accepted by the disciples because of his past and Barnabas had to convince them of his conversion.

I don't know what the blanks will be filled with, but I do not what they could and should be filled with. From tomorrows sermon,

"Remember! - "Sins committed in _secret__ by a leader are often amplified in __actions__ by their followers."

Looks like there should be four fingers pointing back at the speaker of that statement.

Lily said...

Whammy Lynn - in response to BBC's single life scene, you said
"I wouldn't know. No one's ever checked me out".

Oh contraire - you may not notice, but it's strong. I make conversation with anyone and everyone, including animals and inanimate objects, and I was always uncomfortable - something I am not akin to. Sent my red flag flying.

Piglet said...

carolt said

Has anyone heard anything or voted on the million bucks that Bellevue is spending to purchase and renovate a church over on Summer Avenue? I understand it is for the Hispanic group that meets at Bellevue on Sunday afternoons.

Piglet says:

Vote? Why NAW, we don't have no bylaws or no meetin's no more....didn't you knowed about dat?

Why, we too stuuuuupid to know what we otta be doin' sos them thar smart fellas wid all de money make all de decisions fer us!!!

Lily said...

Tim - excellent scriptual application, and I believe your projection is on target as well.


concernedSBCer said...

Piglet and Carol T: While I ABSOLUTELY believe meetings and votes should be taking place, I would far rather see $$$ spent on renovating a church for a Hispanic congregation than to send $$$ to go to the Methodist church or to redo an office that just recently was redecorated. Just a thought....

Piglet said...


Yeah, it's fine by me.

Not that anyone cares, mind you. :)

Lily said...

Piglet said:
Why, we too stuuuuupid to know what we otta be doin' sos them thar smart fellas wid all de money make all de decisions fer us!!!

Oooooh, I love it, and it is the first spewey moment I have ever had!!!!

Thank you!!!

concernedSBCer said...

Piglet: Isn't that a many smart people that they are just letting go astray......

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