Sunday, March 25, 2007

The "Business" Meeting -- The Aftermath

Please continue...


  1. Yay! I'm Number One!!!

    Seriously though, it took the PBA World Championships to call me down after that joke of a meeting.

  2. I'm number 2, I try harder.

  3. BTW, Karen, if you see this, e-mail me. Sorry I missed meeting you and your family at Bellevue this morning.


  4. Moving these from the previous thread...

    MOM4 said...
    You dear lady, are part of the problem - you see an individual you dislike and would rather vote against him than to vote for a practice that was thought out carefully by the SBC to prevent the lack of sexual and moral purity in our churches. Shame on you!

    And, since I have nothing to hide, it makes no difference to me if Homeland Security listens to my phone conversations or not - I will continue to provide all things honestly.

    AND prior to the SG leadership, we DID have meetings on Sunday night - and some on Wednesday night when necessary. Who are you trying to kid here?

    2:49 PM, March 25, 2007

    onlyamember said...
    mom4; glad to see your post. That is exactly how I saw it also. We knew going in there they would stop the procedures before they would allow us to vote on something not on their agenda; we just didn't know how.

    I just couldn't understand why I felt so alone voting to help the Seminary. I believe Dr. R. would have loved to help them do that.

    I also didn't understand why they wouldnt switch to secret ballots. I know that would have prolonged the meeting; but I believe more people would have voted their hearts/convictions and not be afraid. It is much harder to stand up against the majority with tv cameras scanning you than it is to vote as everyone else!

    2:53 PM, March 25, 2007

    Lwood said...
    truth rules said...
    charlie fox, then you agree with mom4 that the BBC will be left with "vindictive and spiteful people" as being the truth. Hopefully you guys will be a blessing to another church and have freedom away from us "vindictive and spiteful people". May God bless you in your new churches....signed Vindictive & Spiteful et al

    2:35 PM, March 25, 2007

    Oh how Sad.....The Tears must be flowing in Heaven this afternoon. How much hate can be spewed from the member Truth Rules whoever they are. God have mercy on you this day.

    2:54 PM, March 25, 2007

  5. Satan is indeed rejoicing this day!

  6. Only,

    Make no mistake about it, Bob Barker is the very immature Cary Sidham. That's why he sounds like an 8 y/o.

  7. Mom4,

    Are you the lady that was on her cell phone during the invitation?

  8. onlyamember wrote: "I also didn't understand why they wouldn't switch to secret ballots. I know that would have prolonged the meeting; but I believe more people would have voted their hearts/convictions and not be afraid. It is much harder to stand up against the majority with tv cameras scanning you than it is to vote as everyone else!"

    If you truly believe in something and are not willing to make a stand in public then what does that say about your integrity. Some have been vocal in attacking the leadership at Bellevue who have taken a stand in support of our church. But at least they took a stand and the attacked that came with it. Yes let's have secret ballot and then the naysayers will suspect that as well.

  9. If practice follows pattern there will be a called business meeting prior to the SBC convention June 10. Messengers will need approval from the membership.

    Heads up.

  10. overflowinggrace said...

    Are you the lady that was on her cell phone during the invitation?

    3:04 PM, March 25, 2007

    No, I was in the balcony where Mrs Rogers was seated, and my cell phone was off.

    I guess the person you are referring to was just tired of listening to the dog and pony show that was presented as a "celebration".

  11. Why does it matter where Mrs. Rogers was?

  12. tr,
    The staff is not free to vote their heart unless they are willing to loose their job - that was the reason the secret ballot was called for...

  13. The fact that the First Lady of Bellevue is having to sit in the balcony when she should have a place front and center out of honor and respect for her 32+ years of service and sacrifice is a disgrace.

    That is why it matters.

  14. If 100% of the staff voted against the majority it would not have made a difference. Face said you had 1000's and it wasnt important enough to show up. We had several votes and you lost everyone. Give me a break. You even made a motion to turn the cameras off. MOVE ON!!!!

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  17. No one is making her sit in the balcony and she is not the First Lady of bellevue. We are the bride of Christ and the body.

  18. I second the motion to turn the cameras off. They keep watching me, why are they watching me.

  19. overflowing...
    I may move on to a more holy congregation, but it will be you that suffers. Not from the lack of my presence, but from the ignorance you so hatefully embrace.

  20. ARe children allowed to post on this blog?

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  23. I am so very sorry, guys. But not surprised.

    I take it the vote was taken by a show of hands?

    Did anybody tape this leadership celebration?

    So...what is the general concensus now that this is over? Do you all plan to stay and continue this fight? Or, do you plan to move on and worship in another building?

    How do you feel God is leading you at this point?


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  27. sotl,
    They have been on here a while, Mickey and Donald must not be on TV this afernoon. I wonder where their mommies are? LOL

    Sorry, I just couldn't help myself! Ok, I apologize kids, please forgive me IF I offended your delicate egos..

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Oh Mom4 you cant hurt my feelings. We are all childish...hey turn that camera off, quit watching me.

  30. Ima,
    We stood to cast our votes, and yes they taped the entire thing, including the voting.

    I m anxiously awaiting my "your membership has been revoked" letter next week...

  31. Those of you that voted to adjourn the meeting so that you would not have to vote on allowing sexually immoral pastors to be on staff at BBC will be sorry one day.

    Don't come crying to us when it's YOUR child that has been molested by someone on staff...

    You just condoned it today.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. You boys don't think I would use my real name do you??

  34. James 4:16
    Now you boast in your Arrogance.All such Boasting is EVIL.
    Isa. 10:12 I will punish the fruit of the arrogant heart....
    Yes just as it says in the Holy Word of God...Judgement is coming!

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. sotl,

    Who hired the chile molester?

  37. Are children allowed to post? Even if they are 20, but have the maturity of an 8y/o?

  38. onlyamember said...

    I also didn't understand why they wouldnt switch to secret ballots. I know that would have prolonged the meeting; but I believe more people would have voted their hearts/convictions and not be afraid. It is much harder to stand up against the majority with tv cameras scanning you than it is to vote as everyone else!

    2:53 PM, March 25, 2007

    Just a thought ... but I believe the specific wording of the motion to vote by secret ballot was awkward at best, and was what "sunk" it. The motion, as read, was to allow ballot vote on all motions presented at the meeting today by all members of Bellevue, those present, and those not present.

    Had it been simply a motion to make all voting in today's meeting a secret ballot vote (instead of standing), it probably would have passed. But the way it was worded, it made it sound as though no business would be conducted at all -- just motions presented, then ballots mailed to all members after the fact before decisions could be made. Did anyone else "hear" it this way?

  39. Please turn those cameras off...I think they put something in my coffee.

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  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. so now, basically, we have a don't ask, don't tell policy on sexual immorality for pastors within BBC.

  43. "We are the bride of Christ and the body. "

    You can't possibly be. The Body does not ignore scripture and does not support false teachers or wolves in their midst.

    BBC will grow bigger and bigger. It will be 20 miles wide and 2 inches deep. And why not? The world will love it there...repentless Christianity. Cheap Grace and Easy believism. There is a big market for that now.

    Only problem is that they won't know the dire truth of Matthew 7.

    Those that fear God and love His Word will not be able to stay.

    You can give more tithe dollars to pay high salaries for the staff and pastor to teach you falsly and who obviously love strategies of self preservation more than the truth of the Word.

    The scriptures are very clear if you care to prayerfully study. You may want to because your pastor sure does not.

    You should not be celebrating. You should be trembling. But, I know you do not understand that. I pray you will soon.

  44. Well folks. There you have it.

    Originally, I had not planned on even logging on and even reading those gloating over "victory". However, there are things that I was satisfied about with this meeting.

    Brian Miller was genuine in maintaining order and keeping things from degenerating into a hooping and hollering contest. For that I am grateful.

    I was able to take my stand to disapprove of both the proposed budget and the committee selection. Whether I stood in the majority or not was irrelevant. The ability to vote my convictions was of far greater importance.

    The motion for adjournment was not handled properly and there was a call for parlamentary procedure that was either ignored or not heard. I was not satisfied that the vote for adjournment had passed. It appeared from my vantage point to be nearly equally divided decsion and required a more accurate detailed count.

  45. Bob- I think you mean "case in point." "Case and point" doesn't make any sense. I believe SOTL is disappointed in the abrupt end to the meeting this morning. Why would we rush to defeat a motion affirming a resolution our denomination has adopted for almost five years? Surely it would have only taken no more than thirty seconds more of our time. BTW, the motion is still on the table and should be dealt with during the next business meeting in March 08.

  46. Seems to me that people are awfully giddy about not passing a resolution against sexual immorality within BBC.

    Makes you wonder.

  47. ok, ya got me little Bobbie Barker - go tell your mom you have been online again and trying to hack into an old lady's email account....

  48. NASS,

    Take out BB brain and Overflowingtoilet.

  49. Good points Lin...

    And I would like an answer to this question:

    Why was this conquest today called "Celebration 2006"? J

  50. "Seems to me that people are awfully giddy about not passing a resolution against sexual immorality within BBC."

    makes one wonder, doesn't it.

  51. tim,
    We were in the balcony and furiously counting, it did indeed appear to be very close to 50/50. Many were standing near me. I received 2 calls this afternoon from leadershp supporters that also stated that they thought the count was too close to call from Brian's vantage point - but of course, we could have voted on the motion on the floor in the time it took to count heads, so I guess they figured why not just go ahead and take the opportunity at hand rather than do it right.

  52. Psalm 43:3 said...
    Bob- I think you mean "case in point." "Case and point" doesn't make any sense. I believe SOTL is disappointed in the abrupt end to the meeting this morning. Why would we rush to defeat a motion affirming a resolution our denomination has adopted for almost five years? Surely it would have only taken no more than thirty seconds more of our time. BTW, the motion is still on the table and should be dealt with during the next business meeting in March 08.

    3:29 PM, March 25, 2007

    Sadly, I wonder how many more sexual deviants will continue in their sin how many immoral acts will ocurr while we wait on the leadership to fine tune yet another "meeting".

  53. mom4,

    "Sadly, I wonder how many more sexual deviants will continue in their sin how many immoral acts will ocurr while we wait on the leadership to fine tune yet another "meeting"."

    You are right, I am sure if we had voted on it that would have stopped those sexual predators in their tracks.

  54. mom4 says:

    Sadly, I wonder how many more sexual deviants will continue in their sin how many immoral acts will ocurr while we wait on the leadership to fine tune yet another "meeting".

    3:38 PM, March 25, 2007

    SOTL says:

    BBC: The new meeting place for sexual perverts. They have been welcomed with open arms.

  55. bepatient,

    you have mail, too.


  56. Lin- yes, it does seem unbelievable that church members would rush to stop approval of motion affirming the resolution of the sexual integrity of ministers. BTW, the resolution we refused to affirm is as follows:

    Resolution No. 3

    WHEREAS, Roman Catholics are seeking to address the scandal of sexual abuse by members of their clergy; and

    WHEREAS, We acknowledge our own fallenness and the need to prevent such appalling sins from happening within our own ranks; and

    WHEREAS, The Bible calls ministers of the gospel—whether they are pastors, counselors, educators, missionaries, chaplains, or others—to be above reproach morally, both within the body of Christ and in the larger community (1 Timothy 3:1-13); and

    WHEREAS, Believers are the salt of the earth and the light of the world so that our actions will glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:13-14); and

    WHEREAS, The holiness of our triune God and the gospel of Jesus Christ require the highest levels of integrity in personal, family, ministerial, and business relations; and

    WHEREAS, Ministers serve as trusted members of the community, in public ministry, in personal and family counseling contexts, and as private citizens; and

    WHEREAS, The erosion of moral fidelity has reached crisis proportions; and

    WHEREAS, Sexual infidelity and other violations of ministerial integrity always have tragic consequences for those who are victimized and for others indirectly impacted by those transgressions; now, therefore, be it

    RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 11-12, 2002, call one another to build and maintain relationships and practices of integrity and fidelity to God and others; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we urge all our spiritual leaders to hold one another accountable to the highest standards of Christian moral practice; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we urge our seminaries and other related educational institutions to make ministerial integrity a major emphasis in the training of pastors, missionaries, educators, and other ministers; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we encourage those religious bodies dealing with the tragedy of clergy abuse in their efforts to rid their ranks of predatory ministers; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we call on civil authorities to punish to the fullest extent of the law sexual abuse among clergy and counselors; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we call on our churches to discipline those guilty of any sexual abuse in obedience to Matthew 18:6-17 as well as to cooperate with civil authorities in the prosecution of those cases; and be it finally

    RESOLVED, That we pray for those who have been harmed as a result of sexual abuse and urge our churches to offer support, compassion, and biblical counseling to them and their families.

  57. The motions that were brought before the church were not in accordance with what had originally been decided and I am disappointed that they were changed. It will be another year before the opportunity to present a motion of any consequence arrives.

    The first motion should have been to have Brian Miller remove himself from moderation of the meeting because of the offices that he holds as a deacon and on committees. The next in line to moderate would have been Ted Minor and probably would have resulted in a much more objective view of the motion to adjurne.

  58. "You are right, I am sure if we had voted on it that would have stopped those sexual predators in their tracks."

    Actually, your pastor has already made it known that he does not think pedophilia is something to be shamed over in a minister.

    And this motion being ignored kind of makes sexual sin not that shameful at BBC. A message was sent.

  59. Tim, thats why we needed to vote on these motions via ballot. While the vote to adjourn wouldn't be something that could be done via ballot, what if some of the other votes were really close like that? An accurate count of for or against is needed.

    And Bob my dear friend Happy Gilmore once said...."The Price is WRONG Bob!"

  60. I have lurked on this blog since December but I have not posted because I have family that serves in the lay ministry and I did not want my actions to affect their ability to be a part of the ministry. I have been so disturbed by what has happened to Bellevue in this last year. After the meeting to today I can no longer be silent.
    I was shocked that the cameras were paning during the vote. I had not sat in my reserved seat so I would not wrongfully draw attention to myself and the way I chose to vote. I guess I shouldn't have bothered.
    As mentioned by others there was a motion to allow members to vote by ballot. What was not mentioned was that the motion also said that members not present would be allowed to vote. Although this was not restated by the gentleman on stage this may be why so many people were in opposition. For what it's worth, a ballot would have made it easier for people who where on staff or part of the lay ministry to vote without fear of reprisal.
    I am sorry to the person who said people in front of her where rude but that is not a reflection of the entire group of people who have questions about this leadership. I had to sit in front of a young couple who made fun of me when I bowed my head to pray for those speaking at the mic. They made rude commits through the whole business meeting about people who did not vote like them. I know they were just not in the right spirit of God. I in no way assumed their behavior was representative of the other members who agreed with their postion.
    The child care issue was used an excuse to wrongly end the meeting. I was told we were to pick up our children before the meeting started so childcare should have been a non issue.
    I am so thankful for those of you who are fighting for truth. Thank you for indulging me.

  61. koragg,

    If only Happy Gilmore were here today. I believe that Happy could put ole Bob in his place.

  62. psalm, thanks for posting that. They will probably do some rewording and pass something less potent in the future for show. They have to leave room for cheap grace and repentless Christianity. We can't have anything deep enough for someone to lose their job and position over.

    these people are really about 'show'.

    20 miles wide. 2 inches deep

  63. New Poster for BBC on I-40:



  64. lin said, And this motion being ignored kind of makes sexual sin not that shameful at BBC. A message was sent.

    And another message, goodbye SBC.

  65. Be Still: I am so sorry for your pain and the rudeness of those behind you. I think it is so disheartening that you actually thought about where you sat so as not to hurt family members in lay positions. Church should not be like that.

  66. OC: Good point......not that I'm so thrilled with the SBC right now, BBC did just completely thumb their noses at a 2002 Resolution aimed at accountability within the leadership.

  67. ofg, bepatient, mjm, bob barker, et al,
    Why you continue to come to this blog is beyond me. You have what you want...what's your purpose? taunt those you oppose? For months you've all just wanted the dissenters to move on (away from BBC), you've accused everyone here of having a
    "wrong spirit", and yet here you are, displaying the same things you've accused everyone else on here of. A large number have already left....many more are on their again I ask..what's your purpose? thumb your noses? Enjoy it while you may. But don't pretend you stand on some higher're own actions and attitudes betray it.

    To those who stood and presented your motions this morning...well represented yourselves well. I counted it a privilege to stand and vote with you.

  68. AOG -- I don't understand why the attack on me? I was simply trying to explain my opinion of why the motion to use ballot voting failed. Now I don't have a right to an OPINION? Why? What gives? I'm not gloating and never said anything to give you that indication. Regardless of how anyone voted today about anything, you all are my church family. Period.

  69. mom 4 said: Satan is indeed rejoicing this day!

    REPLY: Do you and others really believe this stuff you are posting??

  70. Did anyone notice when the space ship landed inside BBC. I'm SURE it's there, I just can't see it.

  71. 45,

    And do you realize what message you sent about sexual impurity for the staff at BBC?

    No, i'm sure you don't.

    Sadly, you will understand one day, but by then, it's going to be too late.

  72. SOTL.

    It's good you can't see it. You would be involved in their hallucination.

  73. Why turn the cameras off? Why secret ballot? Why why why? PLEASE explain. Do you have serious issues and convictions or not? If so, have some guts and stand up for what you believe in. You SCREAM for a meeting and then complain the entire time. You SCREAM for a meeting and bring nothing.

  74. 45,

    Please quit screaming.


  75. 4545: Business was brought. I so wish I could understand you.....or....maybe not.

  76. The numbers PROVED that there are MANY MANY MANY... more that are for Brother Steve and everything else that is going on at Bellevue than not. Not even close.

  77. ONLY,

    Are you going to continue at BBC?

    I see nothing left. I would feel out of place with people who welcome sexual perverts into their midst.

  78. 45

    You say that like the numbers mean that you are right.

    Did the majority vote to crucify Jesus? I do believe they did.

  79. 4545,

    Speaking of guts, where is the evidence I have been asking for since yesterday? You ran,you hid, now you show up prancing like a school girl at the prom. Give me the evidence. STILL waiting.

  80. RIGHT IS RIGHT if no one is doing it and WRONG is still WRONG if everyone is doing it.

    I would have stood alone today.

    It appears that SOME FOLKS on here can only go with the crowd. They do not have the integrity to vote the truth.

  81. All of you are WRONG in your comments, berating of one another, continuing to call people names, etc. Every one of you should be ashamed.

    Bob Barker and others who would come on here just to gloat and make fun--you are wrong.

    SOTL with her "billboard"--you are wrong!

    To those who spout off Scripture after Scripture and talk so much about those in leadership who have not followed Scripture--you yourselves are not following it either by your words and lack of action in some instances (see posts about the Zodic sign in the profile).

    There is a place for righteous anger and even for expressing opposing views, but not for tearing others down

  82. "The numbers PROVED that there are MANY MANY MANY... more that are for Brother Steve and everything else that is going on at Bellevue than not. Not even close."

    The numbers proved that many many many ...more are for Adolph Hitler and everything else that is going on in Germany than not. Not even close.

  83. Concernedsbcer,
    Thank you for kindness. I will try to learn from your example.
    Your 3:25 post was a very accurate discription of the motion on secrets ballots.

  84. ONLY:

    Bob barker aka cary sidham is 20 going on 8.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I hope all you just read the PURE HATE that lin just spewed. It is unreal the hate that exists on this "Christian" blog. And many of you are so deceived that you actually defend this kind of stuff.

  87. Tim: The facts are the votes were not even close. They were light years apart. Regarding the vote to end the meeting, yes it was closer. I would have rather continued all day, so that hopefully more of you would see we LIKE Bellevue and Brother Steve and the direction we are going and move on.

  88. Concerning the motion for ballot voting, I fully support that motion. There are members of the church that were not able to attend at this particurlar service and there are others that are unable to attend because of personal illness. They should have the opportunity to vote as any other member, however.

  89. Steve Gaines said today in his sermon invitation that in order for a sinner to be saved he should acknowledge that God loves him.

    If the Bible says that we are dead in sins, how can a sinner be asked to acknowledge that God loves him?

    Ephesians 2:4-7
    4But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

    5Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

    6And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

    7That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

  90. 4545,

    Ok, we're deceived. Now, move along, head off to the Neverland ranch.

  91. Not trying to change the subject, but what about that Mollie Anderson? What a God-honoring and worshipful rendition of "How Great Thou Art!" Praise God for the gift of her voice, her sweet spirit and countenance, and that she is using her talents for HIM!

    I was blessed ... anyone else?

  92. To Riad Saba and others, I find it very sad that you do not realize what there was and is to celebrate. We should always celebate and rejoice in the Lord and what He is doing We should always praise Him. What we saw and heard is just a very small taste of what God has done this last year. THOSE things, souls, is where are focus should be.

  93. Could it be that the reason that the wolf and hirelings stopped a vote on a motion that would demand sexual purity among the ministers is because there are secret whoremongers hidden under "the cloth"?

    We know we have a "pastor" who has admitted having a problem with lust. He let his own daughter be a cheerleader while showing her body off to those attending ballgames yet he said in a sermon several months ago that HE has to look at his program when the cheerleaders are doing their thing when he is at a ballgame!!!

    Dr. Rogers sure wasn't so weak!!! He loved The LORD Jesus and his precious and beautiful and pure Joyce more than anything in this world and he sure let everyone know it!!!

    Maybe PW felt comfortable telling what he did to the wolf because PW knew what lust struggles went on behind the hidden scenes at BBC with it's "pastors". Today's rejection of entertaining the motion says so much about the administration at BBC and their own sexual problems as does the posts on this blog by those that would uphold them in it.

    Surely God had spoken that today would be as a circus at Bellevue and surely it was.

  94. Seems to me that Paul is saying that a sinner who is dead in sins must be "quickened" if he is going to be saved.

    I must be new to this emergent message. Does this mean that all the sinners that heard the altar invitation were "quickened" and all they had to do was come forward and acknowledge that God loved them?

  95. From the Lay Ministries Committees;

    "This number designates the year this member rotates off the committee. A person can serve up to three years on a committee before they must rotate off. They must wait at least one year before they can be asked to serve on the same committee again."

    Does this not apply to the Missions Committee? The chairman of that committee has been the same for the past 10 years.

    Also, the Deacon Nominating Committee is not listed that I could find. The chairman of that committee has been the same as well for the past 10 years.

    I believe that the Committee on Committees should correct this problem immediately in their next scheduled weekly meeting.

  96. OFG said

    Oh Mom4 you cant hurt my feelings. We are all childish...hey turn that camera off, quit watching me.

    Piglet says:

    Do you not GET it? There are people on staff who NEED their JOBS so they could not vote their conscience in this climate?

    Of course you get it. You just don't care.

  97. Just more hate from old OC. I guess you think you are glorifying Christ??

    And you point fingers at others? Spare me!

  98. Josh Manning:

    If you are reading this, brother, I am so proud of you!! You were very respectful and classy!!

    God Bless You!!

  99. Piglet: You could not be more wrong. Try talking to the staff instead of guessing and speading rumors.

  100. OFG said:

    Who hired the chile molester?

    Piglet says:

    Are you LISTENING to yourself?

    You would rather trash a man with integrity who is now with the Lord than acknowledge a man's fault in allowing this pedophile to remain a minister SIX MONTHS after he found out??????

    You KNOW Dr. Rogers did not know! I dare say you would not spew this garbage in front of dear Joyce!! No, you would smile sweetly...

    Is the new requirement for the Gaines club a trashing of our previous pastor?

  101. ONLY,

    Welcome to the new LIBERAL BBC.

  102. BB said

    bye bye kids, i have to go to bellevue to do stuff. see you all tonight.

    Piglet says:

    You won't be doing stuff around MY kids. We're looking for new role Josh, a brave young man with integrity!!!!!!

  103. The numbers PROVED that there are MANY MANY MANY... more that are for Brother Steve and everything else that is going on at Bellevue than not. Not even close."

    The numbers proved that many many many ...more are for Adolph Hitler and everything else that is going on in Germany than not. Not even close.

    4:35 PM, March 25, 2007

    No hate, sweetie...just showing how wrong and easily swayed majorities can be.

  104. 4545,

    I suppose that you are extremely proud of your humility. For months you have spoken about how informed you are. If you are not aware of the dissension among staff members then you should investigate this matter.

  105. come, Lord Jesus said: We know we have a "pastor" who has admitted having a problem with lust. He let his own daughter be a cheerleader while showing her body off to those attending ballgames yet he said in a sermon several months ago that HE has to look at his program when the cheerleaders are doing their thing when he is at a ballgame!!!

    REPLY: A problem with lust??? He said he has to look at his program, that is CALLED smart. I guess you are going to claim that he should just look at the cheerleaders and if is was a man of God, he should have no problem?? PLEASE!!! Every man on earth struggles with lust and their thought life to certain extent. ALL!!!

    Dr. Rogers sure wasn't so weak!!! He loved The LORD Jesus and his precious and beautiful and pure Joyce more than anything in this world and he sure let everyone know it!!!

    REPLY What does this have to do with the other junk above? Are you trying to claim that Dr. Rogers was perfect and never struggled with lustful thoughts etc?

  106. lin: Yes it was pure hate and "i am not your sweetie.

  107. SOTL writes: "Those of you that voted to adjourn the meeting so that you would not have to vote on allowing sexually immoral pastors to be on staff at BBC will be sorry one day.

    Don't come crying to us when it's YOUR child that has been molested by someone on staff...

    You just condoned it today."

    SOTL now that is just a sad post to say that members who voted to end the meeting have now condoned sexual immorality. I've read your posts for months and you have yet to add any substance to the discussion other than bitterness and hate. Never have I witnessed one who professes Christ as their Savior to be so mean spirited to fellow believers.

  108. piglet says:

    Piglet says:

    You won't be doing stuff around MY kids. We're looking for new role Josh, a brave young man with integrity!!!!!!

    5:03 PM, March 25, 2007

    sotl says:

    amen, sister!

    Keep that 20y/o, er, 8y/o away from my kid!!

  109. ONLY,

    BB loves to hang around with jr. high kids. You better go to choir with your kids today.

    I know that when I was 20 and in college, I just coudnt get enough of hanging out with jr. high kids.


  110. "Never have I witnessed one who professes Christ as their Savior to be so mean spirited to fellow believers."

    Sure you have...his name is Gaines. You just chose to overlook it. But, then he does the 'mean' unbiblical stuff with a smile on his face so that makes it ok.

  111. MANY of you are so deceived and controlled by this junk, you claimed there was nothing to celebrate in regards to what God has done in MANY lives this year.

  112. Tim said...
    From the Lay Ministries Committees;

    "This number designates the year this member rotates off the committee. A person can serve up to three years on a committee before they must rotate off. They must wait at least one year before they can be asked to serve on the same committee again."

    Does this not apply to the Missions Committee? The chairman of that committee has been the same for the past 10 years.

    Also, the Deacon Nominating Committee is not listed that I could find. The chairman of that committee has been the same as well for the past 10 years.

    I believe that the Committee on Committees should correct this problem immediately in their next scheduled weekly meeting.

    4:53 PM, March 25, 2007

  113. 4545 Just more hate from old OC. I guess you think you are glorifying Christ??

    Awww, deacon. Are you glorifying Christ? Of course, that's your whole purpose here. But you never did fulfill your promise of providing me evidence of this blog's folly. Instead you ran. Now you gloat. Glorifying?

    And no, mr. deacon, I don't hate you. I just want you to put up or shut up. Guess your just a little sensitive.

  114. Does the phrase "love worth finding" according to scripture imply that every sinner has been quickened and just needs to seek love?

    Is this an emergent message?

  115. OC: Don't even try to compare what I posted, with the pure hate others have spewed and continue to so.

  116. Also, another prayer request -- please pray for Barbara (sorry, forget their last name), wife of Alex, the choreographer for our church's various productions for the last ten years -- he died last night here in Memphis, after not feeling well during MPP rehearsal yesterday afternoon. He was a precious and Godly man who sought to honor Christ with his talents, as well. Praise God for his homegoing, but please remember his family during this difficult time.

  117. 4545 said

    To Riad Saba and others, I find it very sad that you do not realize what there was and is to celebrate. We should always celebate and rejoice in the Lord and what He is doing We should always praise Him. What we saw and heard is just a very small taste of what God has done this last year. THOSE things, souls, is where are focus should be

    Piglet says:

    I do not believe that pursuing holiness and winning the lost are mutually exclusive....

  118. At 5:09 PM, March 25, 2007
    truth rules said...
    "SOTL now that is just a sad post to say that members who voted to end the meeting have now condoned sexual immorality. I've read your posts for months and you have yet to add any substance to the discussion other than bitterness and hate. Never have I witnessed one who professes Christ as their Savior to be so mean spirited to fellow believers."

    junk99mail says...
    TR, I am going to restrain myself and try to say this as kindly as possible. I do not know what you expected to accomplish by those remarks (which a lot of people here would vehemently disagree with), but I am going to ask you kindly to back off that train of thought and conversation. Whatever your intent, you will accomplish no good, and are just likely to provoke fleshly reactions to what came across as a fleshly comment. So, please, find another topic and just remove yourself from this particular exhange with this particular person, ok?

  119. 4545 said...

    MANY of you are so deceived and controlled by this junk, you claimed there was nothing to celebrate in regards to what God has done in MANY lives this year.

    5:11 PM, March 25, 2007

    Right now is not exactly the time to be celebrating. Once ALL issues pertaining to the church is addressed in an honest, sincere manner, only then can we celebrate.

  120. WHY are all of us addressing the likes of 4545, Bob Barker, and like?

    It is OBVIOUS that they did NOT experience victory today (nor did the ones that sent them here to post!) or they would not be here on this blog. They would be celebrating instead.

    Let us resist the temptation to verbally war with them. To do so is to lower the bar of Christian integrity and step into our own flesh.

    It is NOT the ones left deceived at BBC that are the ones receiving God's grace for God OPENS eyes. Let us humbly thank The LORD Jesus for His mercy and favor and grace towards us.

  121. Iwas surprised that the children were used as a excuse to end the meeting. Weren't we about to vote on a motion to protect our children? This came across as staged. What could have more important? Did anyone hear a call for a vote count? It was to close to call unless you wanted to end the meeting very badly.

  122. 4545 said

    Piglet: You could not be more wrong. Try talking to the staff instead of guessing and speading rumors.

    Piglet says:

    Not guessing. Been here 25 years - know a few staff people.

    For you to infer otherwise is to spread a LIE.

  123. Koragg: Fine, but please do not refer to others "theology" etc then. Your view could not be more off.

  124. Reposted from previous thread:

    TR said:

    Josh has enjoyed his place in the limelight of this division at Bellevue. By his own admission he is not an actively involved member of our fellowship. He is away at college but he finds the time to come to our business meeting and make a motion. Talk about motive...hmmm..... walks, talks, quacks, it's a duck. And most of 'vindictive and spiteful people'

    Piglet says:

    Is it just POSSIBLE that Josh cares about the church he grew up in? Please tell me what is so DIVISIVE and hateful about asking for quarterly business meetings????

    Now, I might understand if he had said "I move that we get rid of this slimeball pastor.."

    4:35 PM, March 25, 2007

  125. Lin said...
    "I must be new to this emergent message. Does this mean that all the sinners that heard the altar invitation were "quickened" and all they had to do was come forward and acknowledge that God loved them? "

    I would not call it an emergent message. It is all over Christendom. It is almost as stupid as baptizing babies. You go forward, say a prayer and get baptized and wa la! You are pronounced saved. It is a lie from the pit of hell. And many are believing it.

    God proved His love with the Cross. When we see our sin and are totally repulsed by it we know we need a Savior. Being saved is a supernatural act. Only God can convict us of our sin to repent and be saved.

  126. 4545 said,

    OC: Don't even try to compare what I posted, with the pure hate others have spewed and continue to so.

    What? I wasn't comparing anybody. I was refering to you. Just you. And all I'm asking for is what you promised. So quit trying to deflect the responsibility.

  127. Reposted from a previous thread:

    be patient said

    Perhaps it is because we don't want to be pressured into how Josh's view of how the meetings should be held. Maybe we want them to be on the Wednesday or maybe we want them on Sunday mornings. And I won't be bullied into him deciding that for me just so that I can't be accused of not wanting to support the SBC's position on sexual immorality...

    Piglet says:

    Josh had to have details in his motion. Those details can be amended when up for discussion.

    Oops, there was no discussion allowed, now was there? So who was bullied here????

  128. watchinghisstory,
    Please tell me what you are hoping or expecting to accomplish by your posts here. I'm not the one to say you should or shouldn't be posting, and you of course have a right to your opinions and interpretations, but I suspect you'd get further with your agenda by making reasoned statements than by using questions clearly intended to make indirect comments. I made the mistake yesterday of attempting to stir you to consider your tone and implications via an indirect parody of some of your questions, but apparently my point was lost. I apologize for any offense from that attempt. I now ask you politely to please just directly say what you mean, and let your points stand or fall on their own merit. I don't think you are going to accomplish your intent via these questions or short statements that do not directly communicate your purposes.

  129. Reposted from previous thread:

    OFG said

    1)We have little respect for Josh Manning.
    2)He was trying to put two things together that are not related. We don't need to have business meetings any differently than we have for the last 30 years!!!

    Piglet says:

    I am proud of Josh and telling my sons to watch him! He is a brilliant young man with convictions and a backbone, which is more than I can say for most men in our church twice his age!!

    So why does Josh bother you? Because he EXPECTS truth and transparency from our "godly" christian leaders? Because he expects them to obey the law?

    How is he divisive? By informing people of facts that pertain to us all? What about asking for quarterly business meetings is divisive? What is threatening about wanting our ministers NOT to be involved in perversion?

    Was this a sneaky attempt to get quarterly business meetings? Maybe. Was it working within the system? Yes.

    How heinous to requst regular business meetings!!!

    As it stands, now we wait a full year to e heard again on church matters.

    Hopefully, we will have all forgotten by then......

    4:17 PM, March 25, 2007

  130. Let’s be serious and objective here:

    1. Allow all non-present members to vote = not realistic or valuable.

    2. Allow private balloting = reasonable and valuable.

    3. Not wanting to “stand” lacks integrity = totally invalid. Maybe valid in a dictator’s regime, but in a thoughtful democratic environment it is a minimal expectation to avoid intimidation and potential fallout from those not trusted who observe. To think otherwise would be to oppose motherhood of the American flag.

    4. The motion to affirm the SBC resolution = a quarterly business meeting…serious thinking individuals will not dispute this.

    5. This great step forward to enter into dialogue with the membership was short-lived and will definitely cause bruises as the rug was pulled out from under those who had hope.

    6. Bryan could have been more successful had he continued to allow motions, even if they were motivated wrongly (this does not suggest any were or were going to be), and let the chips fall where they may. It should have become obvious that his “side” was in control and “winning.” Perhaps he and his decided to quit while they were ahead.

    7. I hurt for those in ministry positions, full-time as well as laymen, who were silenced because this form of intimidation. Again, no serious thinker will attempt to dispute this.

  131. I should be working on a Critical Thinking paper for school, but I'm still so steamed from this morning I can't think! My brain has overloaded!

  132. junk99mail

    I believe that Bellevue is built upon the legacy of Dr Rogers charisma and leadership and has greatly distorted the gospel of grace message. This has done great damage to American fundamentalism.

    Dr. Gaines is a scapegoat for thoes who refuse to see the truth.

  133. 4545:lin: Yes it was pure hate and "i am not your sweetie. "

    Obviously, I have no control over what you want to believe. I was just showing how easily swayed majorities are. Don't forget, we elected Bill Clinton....TWICE

  134. The Emperor's New Clothes - Han Christian Anderson

    Many years ago there lived an emperor who was quite an average fairy tale ruler, with one exception: he cared much about his clothes. One day he heard from two swindlers named Guido and Luigi Farabutto that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.

    Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.

    The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. He was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.

    Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:

    "But he has nothing on!"

    This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and finished the procession.

    Bellevue should see the obvious truth.

  135. Friends...(that leaves some of you out),
    I am trying to catch up so may have skimmed by this but...
    Why has no one said anything about CW being left at the mike with NO acknowledgement???? How many times will the Gaines administration treat him with such cruelty????
    Could the happy members of BBC not come up with a better reason to end the meeting other than kids and hunger??
    The admin.has shown their fear and arrogance concerning consequences for sexual immorality....AGAIN.

    What is BM's hang up with the word HOMOSEXUAL???? JM did not say that word in his is not in the SBC document he asked to be adopted....yet BM called it that at least twice...very strange.

  136. Watchinghisstory,
    Bro. R is gone and his family is grieving. I am sorry for whatever hurt or disappointed you about Bro.R but he cannot defend himself and his family should not have to.
    SG has a long history of greed,arrogance and lack of prudence and honesty...he lies about his lies. He is alive and not accepting responsibility for the wrong he has done so can you please be respectful to the Rogers family.
    I am certain Bro. R would not have left CW standing at the mike today without acknowledging him.

  137. Hey Truthseekers,

    Wisely discern the purpose of the goon-like behavior from these sycophants; then decide if it is in your interest to engage them.

    Take Charlie's advice; or have some fun and give them no quarter (in love, of course).

    You know me--I love poaching hypocrites.

    Gaines puppies,

    A stated elsewhere, you're like four passenger-side airbags taking turns inflating one another.

    I know, I just a "hater."

  138. gmommylv

    I don't esteem one man above another neither Gaines nor Rogers.
    Can you say the same?

    Rogers is lovable and how could anyone not like him. Gaines is not like Rogers.

    Both men are sinners saved by grace as myself.

    I have no hurt or dissapointment about Bro R. I believe that I am speaking for the hurt and dissappointment God has in Bellevue.

    No, I will not be silent about Dr Rogers and you will not be silent about Dr Gaines. But we both understand that God will have the last word.

  139. BBC was in my thoughts and prayers all morning. My prayer was that you all would at least get some other meetings on the agenda.

    I have two questions:

    Was the money voted down for MABTS proposed by the budget committee and voted down by the congregation, or did someone try to ammend the budget with the donation to MABTA.

    Also, was there any discussion about Josh's motion before someone called to adjourn, and if so, what arguements were made against it.

  140. Truthruse

    You crack me up!!! LOL

    You are a silly little man with many personalities.

    Who is posting under this name today?

  141. Truthseekers,

    You won the day today.

    Just say'n.

    A gift:

    Your Love Broke Through
    Keith Green

    Like a foolish dreamer, trying to build a highway to the sky
    All my hopes would come tumbling down, and I never knew just why
    Until today, when you pulled away the clouds that hung like curtains on my eyes
    Well I've been blind all these wasted years and I though I was so wise
    But then you took me by surprise

    Like waking up from the longest dream, how real it seemed
    Until your love broke through
    I've been lost in a fantasy, that blinded me
    Until your love broke through

    All my life I've been searching for that crazy missing part
    And with one touch, you just rolled away the stone that held my heart
    And now I see that the answer was as easy, as just asking you in
    And I am so sure I could never doubt your gentle touch again
    It's like the power of the wind

    Like waking up from the longest dream, how real it seemed
    Until your love broke through
    I've been lost in a fantasy, that blinded me
    Until your love, until your love, broke through

  142. amy,
    the MABTS donation was brought as an amendment and voted down by the congregation.

    Josh Manning's motion was not discussed before the adjournment.

  143. cakes


    Until your love broke through
    I've been lost in a fantasy, that blinded me
    Until your love, until your love, broke through

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Am I to gather that the victim was not given the opportunity to address the meetimg, as well as Josh Manning?

    Pardon my ignorance, but who is Mr Manning and why would his opportunity to make a motion be thwarted?

    Did anyone wear an eye patch?

  146. Let's try that again.

  147. Truthseeker,

    Those people are lost. They have adapted the ways of the world. What you have is the NEW, IMPROVED, LIBERAL BBC.

  148. Watchinghisstory,
    Thank you for your honest response. My main concern is for Mrs. R. I personally can not put SG on the same level as Bro. R for MANY reasons but I am not into man/idol worshiping either.
    There are many who feel very violated right now. It just makes the pain more intense to have Bro r brought into the Gaines/ power brokers corruption.
    But you are absolutely right...God will have the last word...

  149. SOTL,
    why are you not responding about CW.

  150. Is there any provisions to have another business meeting soon?

    If not, then what they did was ILLEGAL, not in the laws, but against Roberts Rules.

    The priviledged status of the motion to adjourn is removed and the motion becomes a main motion if its effect, if adopted, is to dissolve the assembly without any provision for its meeting again.

    In that case, Josh Manning's motion should have been addressed first before the motion to adjourn.

    Here is a link to the order of precedence:

    I can't do links so here it is for you to copy and paste:

  151. gmommy

    Well, I heard that he was standing in line to speak, but I did not see him....

    If he was, in fact, standing there, it's just another cruel thing that BBC and co. have done to this young man.

    Can you imagine how much courage that took for him to go up there to speak?

    What a brave, courageous young man he is.

    I hope that God will bless him. That young man has suffred more horror in his short life than most people will suffer in a lifetime.

    But can you imagine how he felt when the motion to adjourn was presented so that we could not vote on the sexual purity of the clergy within the BBC?

    Bellevue members put the last nail in the coffin today.

  152. Bepatient,
    Thanks for the answers!

  153. Wonder what Mrs. R. had to say to the moonbats today?

    Are there any folks out there that are stupid enough to think that Mrs. R. supports SG and his band of thieves?

  154. Cakes,
    Josh made a 2 prong motion to have quarterly meetings and to adopt the procedures the SBC had taught and adopted in 02....the chair argued that it was 2 different motions....the document from SBC was read....was not titled about homosexuals but that is how the chair referred to it but BEFORE we could vote on the motion on the floor...a plant or some one not interested in the business of the church went to the mike and motioned to end..NOT RECESS...since people were hungry and as I am sure was planned... the chair said the meeting had gone on for 45 minutes so that was long enough.
    In the mean time ,CW was walking from the balcony to the mike...where the one was that had to eat lunch.....he stood there and was not acknowledged.
    I assume the plan was no mention of sexual purity or immorality but homosexual was OK....TWILIGHT ZONE.....

  155. gmommy,

    I"m gonna get hammered for this, BUT

    re: homosexuality...

    There was a conflict of interest concerning SOMEONE on the platform and his son.

    Just sayin

  156. p.s.

    If this ' son' did not want the world to know, he should not have put it on facebook.

  157. Quote from

    Before putting the motion to adjourn, the chair, in most organizations, should be sure that no important matters have been overlooked. If there are announcements to be made they should be attended to before taking the vote, or at least, before announcing it. If there is something requiring action before adjournment, the fact should be stated and the mover requested to withdraw his motion to adjourn. The fact that the motion to adjourn is undebatable does not prevent the assembly's being informed of business requiring attention before adjournment. Members should not leave their seats until the chair has declared the assembly adjourned.

  158. SOTL wrote: "Are there any folks out there that are stupid enough to think that Mrs. R. supports SG and his band of thieves?"

    SOTL, I know that I will be blasted for this. Due to your history people are very protective of you. BUT, you should not be allowed to slander people by calling them thieves. Those that know you should speak with you personally about this conduct. You have spent the better part of today bashing, slandering and flat out lying about Bellevue Baptist Church, our pastor, our leadership and yes the members who stood in affirmation for our church today. I am embarrassed for you and your behavior as it has been totally classless.

  159. truth rules,

    its not slander if its true. And the actions of Steve Gaines, David Coombs, and the rest of the leadership currently in place have brought Shame...SHAME to Bellevue and to Memphis. Steve Gaines should join the Fords and Willie Herenton and take a hike.

  160. Truth ruse:

    YOU crack me up!!! LOL

  161. Well, no pun intended, but that takes the cake. There's Bellevue's legacy.

    Did they happen to celebrate that 50 grand for legal fees was a pretty good bargain, considering the mess they've made?

    I hope y'all have peace. You made your best effort to reconcile the church to integrity and accountability, so I hope you see this day as a benefitial puctuation.

  162. Wonder if STeve's middle name is Ford?

  163. koragg, you do understand that this is the procedure followed today. The motion was new business so as it was not an agenda item (important business) then the majority had the right to vote to adjourn. Contact any license parliamentarian and you will find an agreement to what happened today. The gentleman who called for the adjournment was Jim Angle. He is a man of the utmost integrity and is very respected by all who know him.

  164. SOTL,
    That is what is breaking my heart.
    More than DC....who is certainly restoring "integrity" by scoffing that there are no conflicts of interests among the leaders...
    then the burden of proof should be on them to show us that....
    I know,...there is now a new definition of integrity along with repentance,forgiveness,
    congregational rule...all have new meanings.

    It took INCREDIBLE courage for CW to even be there so if he had something he needed to say then he should have been heard.

    There were a few other non girlie men who put alot of preparation into motions they intended to present. Problem is...DC,BM,WV and others knew so they made sure they weren't read.
    Why are these men so afraid of standards for sexual purity,
    openess about finances...and the leaders making money doing business with BBC,
    and having more than yearly meetings.
    My guess is that the resistors/truth seekers will all be gone next year so they just had to hold their ground a little longer.
    Let the followers have what they want.
    God WILL have the last word.

  165. Tim said...
    Concerning the motion for ballot voting, I fully support that motion. There are members of the church that were not able to attend at this particurlar service and there are others that are unable to attend because of personal illness. They should have the opportunity to vote as any other member, however.


    RRoO prevents absentee votes, unless the bylaws specify same.

  166. gmommy,

    And the church will be a haven and breeding ground for perverts and sexual deviants.

    All those little mama's who stood up today, holding their little babies in thier arms...did they have ANY idea what they just did to their children?

    I think not.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. SOTL, I am happy that I've made you laugh at least twice today. I do love you in Christ but would hope that you would notch it down some with the name calling. May you wake up in the morning with a smile, realizing that God is in control and you have an eternity to praise Him.

    BTW, I know that you were laughing at me...but the fact you laughed makes me happy.

  169. The word integrity has lost it's meaning.

  170. TR said

    The gentleman who called for the adjournment was Jim Angle. He is a man of the utmost integrity and is very respected by all who know him.

    Piglet says:

    Please tell us why this man with utmost integrity would move to shut down our ONE meeting for the year after 45 minutes when members have been begging for a meeting and not all business was handled.

  171. truth rules,

    That meeting was a farce. I've seen more believable actions on a WWE Wrestling match than that. If the Moonbats in power don't want to address the problems plaguing Bellevue, then its on them. Not those of us who have been fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way.

    Right now, Steve Gaines is on par with Willie "Dictator" Herenton for the biggest scumbag in the city.

  172. At 7:50 PM, March 25, 2007
    truth rules said...
    The gentleman who called for the adjournment was Jim Angle. He is a man of the utmost integrity and is very respected by all who know him.

    junk99mail says...
    I don't know him, so I have no dispute, but do you happen to know if he had any prior discussion with anyone regarding when and if to bring a motion to adjourn? Would that matter in any way?

  173. Blog friends,
    I realize my posts are long so skipped but please READ THIS

    CW was ignored at the mike today.

  174. tim said....
    The motion for adjournment was not handled properly and there was a call for parlamentary procedure that was either ignored or not heard. I was not satisfied that the vote for adjournment had passed. It appeared from my vantage point to be nearly equally divided decsion and required a more accurate detailed count.


    A motion to adjourn CANNOT be made while a seconded motion is on the floor. The correct procedure would have been for somebody to rise and loudly declare "POINT OF ORDER" and requested a ruling from the parlamentarian.

  175. Ah ha, they got you on a technicality.

    The victim is not "important business."

    NASS, please don't ban Toothless Ruse--we need the comedy relief.

  176. KING STEVIE ...dictator of BBC

  177. NASS,
    You've been awfully quiet today. Your thoughts?

  178. gmommylv said...
    "What is BM's hang up with the word HOMOSEXUAL???? JM did not say that word in his is not in the SBC document he asked to be adopted....yet BM called it that at least twice...very strange."

    I caught that as well - very strange indeed - please email me. The address is in my profile.

  179. gmommylv: I am finding it difficult to even respond to the idea that the victim was ignored AGAIN. Shock...disbelief....anger...I'm not sure which emotion is the strongest. No, wait, I think it is shame. Christian ARE the only group to shoot their wounded.

    We need to pray for him and his family. He certainly has not behaved like a victim; no, he has acted with class and resolve. However, he has repeatedly been treated with contempt by the leadership at BBC. I am appalled.

  180. Concernedsbcer,
    THANK YOU!!! It is so shameful.

  181. gmommylv

    I did not know that it was CW at the microphone this morning. I got madder when I found out later.

    I do know there were people in tears over how the meeting was ended so abruptly. And some notables were visibly upset but I won't throw names around....

  182. It was a strengthening experience today to stand up for my beliefs. I have been scorned and scoffed at before in my life, but never in the sanctuary of my church. Thank you Lord for giving me a glimpse of what lies ahead in this world. Pray that we stay true to His Word in the face of adversity.

    To those of you who presented motions, thank you. You each presented with a kind and respectful spirit and properly followed Robert's Rules.

    It has been my experience with Robert's Rules that you do not adjourn when an open Motion has not been discussed nor voted upon.

    It's uncanny that each time I typed Robert's Rules in this post, my fingers typed Robert's Fules.

    Good bye.

  183. At 5:28 PM, March 25, 2007
    bestill said...
    "Iwas surprised that the children were used as a excuse to end the meeting. Weren't we about to vote on a motion to protect our children? This came across as staged. What could have more important? Did anyone hear a call for a vote count? It was to close to call unless you wanted to end the meeting very badly."

    It did seem staged. Any use of
    children, either by reference or in actual attendance, seems to be
    a hallmark of this leadership's MO for stifling opposition. Perhaps
    a staff member could tell you why
    no one spoke up on the matter of the minister in question at a mandatory staff meeting after the new year. I guess it couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that the pastor's wife and daughter walked in and sat on the front row at just about the time there was a call for discussion?
    Funny, I didn't know they were on the staff.

  184. piglet, I don't have a clue but I will ask. Just for the record I did not vote to end the meeting. I was prepared to stay all day and let people make their motions. But the majority won and I support the democratic process.

  185. Koragg, why am I not surprised that you watch 'restling?

  186. Truth Rules

    For what it's worth, thank you for voting to continue the meeting. I think it would have made the leadership look a lot better. I did not see a majority vote to adjourn. It was too close. I think they will end up regretting that move because of the fall out.

  187. the bbc dictators KNEW the work and preparations some put into motions/resolutions....but when standards for sexual purity among the ministry was brought up for a motion.......we had to go to lunch
    leaving the VICTIM of the BBC minister/ predator standing at the mike not acknowledged
    How would the media spin this?????

  188. truth rules,

    thats used to watch wrestling :). I dislike Vince McMahon with a passion, but thats an arguement for another day.

  189. Speaking of King Stevie, what is up with the shrine to him that is in the hallway next to BBC's history? I saw it for the first time today and was shocked. His football jersey, his lunchbox and other "stuff" all in a big glass enclosed shrine with lots of pictures taken over the years of King Stevie and his wife. To use a truly southern phrase, "I have never!"

  190. "leaving the VICTIM of the BBC minister/ predator standing at the mike not acknowledged
    How would the media spin this?????"

    They wouldn't have to--it's bad enough stating the fact of it. Thanks to the carnival, it's pre-spun.

  191. lily wrote: "It has been my experience with Robert's Rules that you do not adjourn when an open Motion has not been discussed nor voted upon."

    Then you group has not followed the rules. If the privileged motion to adjourn was not in the rules an assemble could theoretically go on forever. Therefore the reason for the privileged motion.

  192. My long time BBC friend who ended her many years teaching SS TODAY....was in the back and had a good view
    it was very close and something else should have been done to confirm the count.
    BUT then they would have to deal with the elephant in the room.......and it's victim standing at the mike.

  193. Why I have never...ever...Ever...


    Sorry, couldn't resist.


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